
  • 网络The air I breathe;The Air I Breath;The Air That I Breathe
  1. 它清凉而咸咸的味道,净化着我呼吸的空气;

    Its cool salt tang cleanses the air I breathe ;

  2. 晚上凉不好大开窗子,怕满屋烟味,唐小姐不爱闻。它清凉而咸咸的味道,净化着我呼吸的空气;

    The evening was too chilly for him to open the windows , yet he was afraid the odor of smoke might fill the room and offend Miss T'ang . Its cool salt tang cleanses the air I breathe ;

  3. 这主要是指给我呼吸的空气要好些。

    In the main , this means to give me better air to breathe .

  4. 摄影是我呼吸的空气,我喝的水,我走过的火,我所立足的岩石

    Photography is the air I breath , the water I drink , the fire I step through , the rock I 'm standing on

  5. 但是,电虽不供给我可以呼吸的空气,它可以发动强大的抽气机,把空气送人特殊的密封室。

    However , even though electricity doesn 't supply me with breathable air , it at least operates the powerful pumps that store it under pressure in special tanks .

  6. 我呼吸着芬芳的空气

    I let my lungs fill with the scented air .

  7. 在那儿我可以呼吸新鲜的空气,观赏标致的海边景色。

    There I can enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery of the sea .

  8. 我要呼吸美丽的空气,躺在美丽的太阳底下。

    I want to breathe the beautiful air and lie in the beautiful sun .

  9. 我这次旅行,同那位圣洁的使徒的会面,以及我所呼吸到的自由空气,对我大有好处,原先我闷在书斋里的时间太长了。

    My journey , and the sight of the holy Apostle yonder , and the free air which I have breathed , have done me good , after so long confinement in my study .