
  1. 我和我的丈夫喜欢旅游,并一起来到湖南省湘潭市一边做英语口语老师,一边满心期待开始了我们的新生活。

    As a traveling couple , my husband and I were anxious to begin a new life in Xiangtan , Hunan , China as foreign Oral English teachers .

  2. 我迫不及待要开始我们共同的新生活

    And I can 't wait to start the next step of our lives together .

  3. 我们在学校的新生活填补着我的空虚,但我与纳尔逊的家庭生活却在破裂。

    My new life at school is filling my emptiness , but my life at home with Nelson is falling apart .

  4. 但我们还会回来在这里开始我们的新生活“

    but , you know , we 're going to go back and build a new life for ourselves there . "