
cuò wèi
  • dislocation;misplacement;malposition;disturb;in version
错位 [cuò wèi]
  • [in version] 身体器官偏离正常部位的状态,部分或全部内外倒置

  • 子宫错位

  • [disturb] 身体器官改变到不正常部位

  • 一根骨头没断,一个关节也没错位

错位[cuò wèi]
  1. 沟道应力的模拟方法则采用掩膜版边缘错位模型(mask-edgedislocationmodel),应力测量方面采用拉曼光谱法。

    Channel stress is simulated by using mask-edge dislocation model and actual stress is also measured by Raman spectroscopy .

  2. 设计了一种递次错位反馈控制(SDF)方法来实现混沌控制。

    The successive dislocation feedback ( SDF ) method is proposed to control chaos system .

  3. 热身时卡尔腰椎间盘不慎错位了。

    Carl slipped a disc in his back while warming up .

  4. 积木如果搭得中心错位就会倒塌。

    If the blocks are placed off-centre , they will fall down .

  5. 我有一个椎间盘错位了,疼得我动弹不得。

    I had slipped a disc and was frozen in a spasm of pain .

  6. 这是一个关于种族歧视、身份错位和期望落空的黑色喜剧。

    It 's a black comedy of racial prejudice , mistaken identity and thwarted expectations .

  7. 脑体倒挂的错位现象已大有改观。

    There 's been a great change in the misplacement of the income of intellectual workers falling short of that of manual workers .

  8. 乐观主义仍然是正确的出发点,但对工人来说,技术的错位效应可能会比其节奏更快地显现出来。

    Optimism remains the right starting-point , but for workers the dislocating effects of technology may make themselves evident faster than its rhythm .

  9. 年轻人在工作偏好和就业前景的错位令人惋惜

    Some unfortunate mismatches in young people ’ s job preferences and prospects

  10. 订书机上的铁砧安装错位

    The anvil onto which the staples are pressed was not assemble correctly .

  11. 随着时间的推移,也可能导致脊柱错位。

    It could also lead to a misalignment of your spine2 over time .

  12. CMOS图像传感器错位成像原理的研究

    The Research on Staggered Imaging Principle of CMOS Image Sensor

  13. 但是OFDM信号对系统时间同步误差(导致符号错位)和频率同步误差(导致子载波间干扰)很敏感。

    However , OFDM systems are always very sensitive to the errors of timing and frequency synchronization .

  14. [结果]HIV病毒载量检出率均在80%,且无样本错位;

    [ Results ] The detection rate for HIV viral load among the observed subjects were 80 % on average with no difference in duplication .

  15. 改变现有CCD外围电路,通过异步时钟控制曝光,即调整CCD曝光的先后次序和延迟时间,实现错位修正;

    An asynchronous clock can be used to control the exposures so that the sequence and delay of tri-CCD exposures can be adjusted to avoid color disorder .

  16. 本文首先给出了纤端光场分布的3D模型并针对单模光纤与激光器的对接分析了错位、角度偏差等对接效率影响因素。

    This paper first gives a 3-D profile of light intensity in fiber end-face and analyzes the consequences of initial offset and angular misalignment between a single-mode fiber and a laser diode coupling .

  17. 通过采用ANSYS对某超高层建筑向内错位变截面柱节点细化的计算分析,并与原设计计算结果进行比较。

    The calculation and analysis of variable cross-section pole misplaced-inward node thinning are fulfilled by ANSYS for some super highrise building ; its results are compared with former pattern ;

  18. 精密、超精密加工时PCD刀具后刀面错位熨压的理论模型及实验研究

    A Theoretical Model and Experimental Study on Overlapping Ironing of PCD Cutting Tool Flank in Precision and Ultraprecision Machining

  19. BCH码、RS码的译码问题主要归结为一个所谓关键方程的解决,也即是错位多项式的求法。

    Decoding codes such as BCH 、 RS codes consist essentially of solving the key equation , namely , finding error locator polynomial .

  20. 目的动态分析正常牙合者从肌位(MP)到牙尖交错位(ICP)咬合的变化过程。

    Objective To study the biting process from muscular position ( MP ) to intercus-pal position ( ICP ) dynamically in the normal occlusion subjects .

  21. 最近还有非线性同余法、取小数法、进位加和错位减法、广义反馈位移寄存器法和MT法等等。

    The recent nonlinear congruential method , decimal fraction method , add-with-carry and substract-with-borrow methods , generalized feedback shift register method and MT method , and so on .

  22. 结论x线鼻骨摄片只能诊断双侧鼻骨同时骨折,而单侧鼻骨骨折错位不严重者,上颌骨额突骨折,筛骨垂直板骨折CT扫描均能清楚显示。

    Conclusion X-ray film on nasal bone can only diagnose the double-side nose fracture happened at the same time . CT scan could show clearly for single-side nose fracture without severe dislocation , maxilla frontal process fracture and ethmoid vertical plate fracture .

  23. 通过生态位及SWOT分析法的分析,提出中医院必须重新进行经营定位,发展健康产业,与综合性医院错位经营的建议。

    To analys Niche and SWOT method , reveal that traditional Chinese medicine hospitals must set up manage-orientated system again , must develop health industry and move shifted management with comprehensive hospitals .

  24. 根据离散化方法制造模具型面毛坯的原理,结合CAE分析的结果,提出了一种新的顶杆错位布置方法。

    Based on the principle of discretization to manufacture rough mold surfaces , combined with the results of CAE analysis , a new stagger layout of pin - lifts is put forward .

  25. 蜂窝梁是将H型钢或工字型钢腹板沿折线或弧线切割后错位焊接,形成腹板带有矩形或六边形、圆形、椭圆形等孔洞的一种H形钢结构构件。

    Cellular beam is H-shaped steel or I-shaped steel web weld after cutting along the line or arc in dislocation , and then form the H-shaped steel structure components whose web have rectangle or hexagon , circular , oval and other type holes .

  26. 采用焊道错位叠加方法,再现了螺旋管双面埋弧焊制管过程中内、外焊焊接热影响区(HAZ)的焊接热循环。

    In this paper the HAZ weld thermal cycles of the welding by both sides submerged arc welded steel pipe were reproduced by the dislocation overlap weld method .

  27. 给出Bernoulli数和错位排列数的概率解释,利用概率论方法得到相应的递推公式。

    In this paper , the probabilistic interpretations of Bernoulli number and the number of derangements are given , and their recurrence relation formulae are obtained by using the probabilistic method .

  28. Potts说:“这儿有一个分子连接错位,但我们不知道专管发出味道的遗传基因的确切位置。”

    " That is one of the molecular missing links ," said Potts . " We don 't know exactly what the odorants are . "

  29. 牙尖交错位(IntercuspalPosition,ICP)是指上、下颌牙牙尖交错,达到最广泛、最紧密接触时的下颌位置,是下颌主要的功能位,也是颞下颌关节生理状态下最稳定的位置。

    Intercuspal position ( ICP ) is the mandibular position with the teeth in maximum intercuspation . It is the main functional position of the mandible and also the steadiest position of the TMJ in physiology .

  30. 政府职能的错位、越位、缺位;公众与政府信息不对称,地方政府信用问题成为我国加入WTO后面临的一个很严峻的挑战。

    Due to the lack of democracy and administrative conceptions , the dislocation , overstepping and omission of the government functions , and the asymmetry of information between the public and Government , the credit of the local governments met with a severe challenge after China 's entry into WTO .