
  1. 你正错过你面前的一些东西。

    You are missing something right in front of your face .

  2. 宝贝,你要错过你的班机了。

    Uh-huh . Baby , you are gonna miss that plane .

  3. 不会是想错过你的独生子的婚礼吧?

    You wouldn 't miss your only SORs wedding now would you ?

  4. 我怎么能错过你开学的第一天呢

    Well , I couldn 't miss your first day at school .

  5. 你不是说我会错过你伯伯比尔博的生日吧?

    You didn 't think I 'd miss your Uncle Bilbo birthday ?

  6. 我可不能错过你一百多岁的生日派对

    I couldn 't miss your hundredth and whatever birthday .

  7. 不要错过你爱的人。

    Don 't lose the people that you love .

  8. 嗨,辛迪。我以为我错过你了。

    Hans : Hi , Cindy . I thought I 'd missed you .

  9. 我不想再错过你的毕业典礼了。

    I wouldn 't miss your graduation for anything .

  10. 放心,不会害你错过你的开球时间。

    Yeah , I wouldn 't want you to miss your tee time .

  11. 更何况我怎能错过你第一次开会

    Besides , I can 't miss your first one , can I ?

  12. 我不想错过你一个甜美的吻。

    I don 't wanna miss one kiss .

  13. 问:费尔南多,我猜嘲弄也不会错过你。

    Q : Fernando , I guess the irony is not lost on you .

  14. 我对错过你的来访感到遗憾。

    I feel bad about missing you visit .

  15. 不要错过你的机会,利用这一市场优势了。

    Don 't miss out on your chance to take advantage of this market .

  16. 我也不想错过你。请你原谅我!

    I don 't want to miss you , too ! Please forgive me !

  17. 我怎么能错过你的开学第一天呢?

    Damon : Well , I couldn 't miss your first day at school .

  18. 你会错过你的班机的!不,不会的!

    You 're gonna miss your flight . I won 't , I won 't !

  19. 你害不害怕因为你在火车上睡着了,而错过你要到的车站?

    Are you afraid that you will miss your station because you sleep on the train ?

  20. 我想你,在我错过你之后。

    I miss therefore you exist .

  21. 我肯定错过你的电话了,尽管我一整天都没离开过半步。

    I must 've missed your call , even though I didn 't leave the flat all day .

  22. 我没有错过你的生日吧。我记得我们半个月前刚过过。

    Did I miss your birthday , honey ? I believe we have spent it half a month ago .

  23. 你能不能温柔提醒我虽然心太急更害怕错过你!

    Would you remind me softly ? Though I 'm too impulsive ; don 't want to lose even more !

  24. 如果你运气好,弄出的恶作剧没造成什么问题,那你务必要留下来看看大家的反应,否则,你将会错过你的“回报”。

    With any luck , your prank will go off without a hitch , making it important that you 're there for the reaction , otherwise , you 'll be missing your reward .

  25. 因此,当她们的孩子问:“你看到我得分了吗?”她们就能回答:“当然,我怎么会错过你的比赛啊。”事实确实是这样。

    So that when their kids asked , " Did you see my goal ? " They could say , " Of course , wouldn 't have missed it for the world , " and mean it .

  26. 千万不要错过提高你英语水平的机会。

    Never chuck away a chance to improve your english .

  27. 可不能错过教育你的大好时机。

    We 're not missing the chance to begin your education .

  28. 我想你,但是,我已经错过了你。

    I miss you , but , I missed you .

  29. 我没有烂在牢房里错过了你的成功

    I wasn 't rotting away in some cell missing your accomplishments .

  30. 不好意思,我错过了你的信,比利。

    I 'm sorry I missed your letter , billy .