
jiǔ lánɡ
  • Lounge;restaurant
  1. 绿苑酒廊(TavernonTheGreen)在长达四年的停业后,于去年四月重新开张。

    Tavern on The Green reopened last April , after a four-year-long closure .

  2. 为了更好地观赏中央公园的全景,以及周边的都市景观,不妨到文华东方酒店(MandarinOrientalhotel)的大堂酒廊里喝一杯。

    For a great panoramic view of Central Park and the surrounding skyscrapers , head to the Mandarin Oriental hotel 's Lobby Lounge for an evening drink .

  3. 离开柯克沃尔,我们驶过呼啸的山间和泥泞的田野,来到奥弗尔以及“伯爵酒廊”(Earl'sBu)考古遗址。

    After Kirkwall , we drove across windswept hills and muddy farmlands , before arriving at Orphir and the archaeological remains of Earl 's Bu .

  4. 就在Treasury即将推出一些最昂贵的葡萄酒用于送礼时,该公司也希望通过开设酒廊或餐馆来鼓励中国消费者真正体会葡萄酒的芬芳。

    And while Treasury is rolling out some of its priciest wines to be used as gifts , the company hopes that with wine bars or restaurants it will encourage actual consumption of the wine .

  5. 这家葡萄酒厂商的首席执行长迪尔里(DavidDearie)说,公司打算在未来三到五年时间里推出自己的酒廊。

    The winemaker intends to unveil its own wine outlets in the next three to five years , said David Dearie , Treasury 's chief executive .

  6. 澳大利亚葡萄酒厂商TreasuryWineEstatesLtd.目前打算在中国开酒廊或餐馆及休闲场所,试图借此让该国的消费者们开始自己享用高端葡萄酒,而不只是把这些葡萄酒当做礼物送给别人。

    Australia 's Treasury Wine Estates Ltd. is planning to open wine bars or restaurant and entertainment outlets in China in a bid to get the country 's consumers drinking luxury wines & not just giving them as gifts .

  7. 据中世纪的《奥克尼伯爵萨迦》(Orkneyingasaga)记载,这个有将近一千年历史的遗址,不仅包括马格努斯的那个残暴的堂兄弟哈孔(Hakon)所建的一座圆形教堂,还有一座宏伟的酒廊,也就是bu。

    According to the medieval Orkneyinga saga , the nearly 1000-year-old site was home not only to a round church built by Magnus 's murderous cousin Hakon , but also to a grand drinking hall , or bu .

  8. 在打架闹事后,他被酒廊逐出来。

    After starting a fight , he is bounced from the pub .

  9. 以拥有当地最富盛名的餐厅或酒廊为特色。

    Features a celebrity-status restaurant or bar in every Tangla Grand Place .

  10. 免费在商务中心或行政酒廊使用宽频上网。

    Free use of broad band in the Business Center and the Lounge .

  11. 会所拥有个性化的商务会议设施,包括商务酒廊和多功能会议室。

    Business and meeting facilities include a Business Lounge and flexible Conference Room .

  12. 这里不是空中酒廊,而且这也没有酒。

    This isn 't a sky lounge , and there 's no wine .

  13. 关闭公共餐厅,酒廊和商店。

    Close public restaurants , lounges and shops .

  14. 融汇了红酒文化与羽毛球文化的特色酒廊。

    A special gallery which merge the cultures of red wine and badminton together .

  15. 客人可以使用俱乐部酒廊及其优待。

    Guests enjoy club lounge access and benefits .

  16. 餐厅分为两部分组成:室内酒廊和露台啤酒花园。

    The restaurant divided into two sections , indoor lounge and terrace beer garden .

  17. 泰勒瓦连锁店分为零售商品区,专业测酒区及酒廊区。

    Terroir chain stores comprise of retail zone , professional wine testing zone and lounge area .

  18. 酒酒廊和酒吧里提供的酒水和开胃菜都会减价。

    Of the wine and the food in the pubs and bars will make a discount .

  19. 餐饮设施包括中餐厅、啡厅和大堂酒廊和欧式酒吧。

    Food and Beverage outlets include a Chinese restaurant , coffee shop , lobby lounge and Euro-bar .

  20. 行政酒廊,用餐的人,必不会大嚼狂饮,狼吞虎咽,举止需得体,言行要优雅。

    People don 't gobble at executive lounges ; they behave in the polite and elegant way .

  21. 更值得一提的是25层行政酒廊与咖啡厅。

    The exclusive Yayi Cafe and Mayflower Lounge ( 25 / F ) deserves a few lines .

  22. 服务和设施包括六个餐厅和酒廊,供应中式、意大利式、日式和西式菜肴;

    Services and facilities include six restaurants and lounges serving Chinese , Italian , Japanese and Western favorites .

  23. 酒店拥有三百间舒适典雅的客房与豪华套房,四间特色餐厅与酒廊。

    The hotel has300 comfortable and elegant guestrooms and suites , as well as four distinct restaurants and lounge .

  24. 酒廊落地窗的设计让你在结束一天繁重工作后,临窗而坐,窗外美景尽收眼底。

    Sit by the French windows of the lounge after work , appreciating the beautiful scene outside the window .

  25. 舒适宜人的水疗中心,器械齐全的健身中心及尊贵的行政酒廊使这原已心动的膳宿体验增添异彩。

    A lavish Spa , well-equipped Health Club and exclusive Executive Lounge add color to the already inspiring experience .

  26. 此外,大堂倒影酒廊和甜品网吧是您享受下午茶时光的最佳选择。

    Come and enjoy the leisure afternoon tea at our Reflections Lobby Bar and Rendezvous Internet Bar and Caf é .

  27. 华贵的木护墙板,舒适的座椅,商务酒廊绝对是各种小型非正式会议的完美选择。

    The Business Lounge , with its stately wood paneling and comfortable seating is ideal for small or informal meetings .

  28. 宽敞舒适的行政楼层酒廊提供多种超值优惠和小礼品,随时恭候商务旅客的光临。

    The spacious and cozy club lounge offers a lot more value added benefits with our compliments to the business travelers .

  29. 带落地窗并可俯瞻公园美景的“大堂酒廊”则供应各式特色小吃及饮料。

    Lobby Lounge , with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the park , serves a wide selection of refreshing light snacks and drinks .

  30. 客人还可以在酒廊或酒吧游泳池清凉的饮料。

    Guests can relax at the cafe with snacks and beverages as well as sip on various drinks at the cosy bar .