
  • 网络processing with wine
  1. 方法:采用HPLC测定了酒制黄连等6种不同黄连炮制品样品,运用样品聚类与指纹图谱相似度评价方法分析其结果。

    Method : Seven different samples of processed RC were determined by HPLC and the results were analyzed by Hierarchical clustering and similarity evaluation system for chromatographic fingerprint of TCM .

  2. 目的:制备D-氨基半乳糖肝损伤小鼠模型,观察生黄芩、酒制黄芩干预后凋亡基因Bax、Bcl-2和Fas相关蛋白表达的变化及对肝细胞损伤的影响;

    Objective : By establishing the mices model of liver injuries by D-aminogalactose . To evaluate the expression of Bax 、 Bcl-2 and Fas proteins levels in response to the Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi .

  3. 特型酒制曲及酿造工艺浅析

    Discussion on Making Jiu Qu and Brewing Technology of special Type Wine

  4. 酒精浸醅蒸酒制备法。

    Application of the way of fermented grains soaked in alcohol for steaming .

  5. 酒制牛膝饮片对大鼠体外血栓形成作用影响的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Effects of Liquor-Processed Achyranthes Products on In-vitro Thrombosis in Rats

  6. 山茱萸发酵酒制备工艺条件优化研究

    Optimization of fermented wine production from Cornus officinalis

  7. 鲜枣贮藏及酒制过程中营养成份的变化

    Variations of Nutrient Components of Fresh Chinese Jujube during Storage and Strong Wine Treatment

  8. 水果或蔬菜磨碎机,工业用(不包括果汁萃取、葡萄酒或苹果酒制作用的机器)

    Industrial grater for fruits or vegetables ( excl. machines for fruit juice extraction , wine - or cider-making )

  9. 结果生首乌中含磷脂量最高为3.49%,炮制品中以豆制与酒制首乌含量较高分别为1.62%和182%。

    The content in the crude drug is 3.49 % and in the products processed with black soybean and millet wine 1.62 % and 1.82 % respectively .

  10. 选用酒制大黄和乳酸菌素组成乳黄片治疗HE,临床和前期动物实验均显示有很好的降氨作用,能明显改善HE症状与体征,提高存活率。

    Clinic and animal studies showed it had good effects on the treatment of HE . It could decline ammonia concentration , obviously ameliorative the symptoms and signs of HE , increase survive rate .

  11. 超滤膜在制酒原水制备中的应用

    Application of Ultra Filtration Membrane for Beer Making Water Preparation

  12. 糯米蜂蜜酒的制备黑糯米黄酒的研制

    Preparation of Glutinous Rice Mead Development of millet wine of black waxy corn

  13. 桑椹酒的制备过程为向含有一定糖度的桑椹汁中接种酵母菌液进行发酵。

    Mulberry fruit wine is fermented by yeast which is inoculated into the mulberry fruit juice that contains certain sugar degree .

  14. 结果表明,茅台酒生产中制曲与堆积两个过程对茅台酒的风味物质的形成具有重要的互补贡献。

    The results showed that starter-making process and stacking process were complementary to the formation of the flavoring substances of Maotai Liquor .

  15. 主要工艺为:①鲜刺梨经去刺、清洗、切片、烘干、蒸制等处理后与蒸馏酒混合浸泡制得刺梨原酒;

    The main technical points of the wine covered : ① fresh Rosa Roxburgii Tratt , cleaning , slicing and drying , heating , mixed and soaking with Distilled liquor ;

  16. 创新点1初步阐明盐炙、酒炙和炒制三种炮制方法对韭菜子温补肾阳作用的影响。

    Preliminary clarified the influence to Warmly Invigorate Kidney-Yang effect of CSAT by three kinds of processing method which are stir-baking with salt solution stir-baking with wine solution and stir-frying solution . 2 .

  17. 针对目前鹿血酒的研究及应用现状,本课题提出了一种新型的鹿血酒制备工艺,并对鹿血酒进行毒理学安全性及稳定性评价。

    In view of the current research and application of deer blood wine , this paper presented a new type of production process , the evaluation of safety toxicology and stability were also involved .

  18. 酒当归为伞形科植物当归AngelicaSinensis(Oliv.)Dlies的干燥根的酒制加工品。

    Alcohol Processed Radix Angelica Sinensis ( I ) is the processed product of the dried roots of Angelica sinensis ( Oliz . )

  19. 再次,抓好生产、勾调和储存等方面的工作,是提高白酒质量和酒中微量成分含量的基础,主要是提高基酒质量、调味酒质量、制曲工艺及串蒸工艺等;

    Thirdly , we should make great efforts to production , blending and storage which involve improvement of basic liquor quality , flavouring liquor quality , koji-making techniques and cross-steaming techniques because they are the prerequisite to improve liquor quality and trace components contents ;

  20. 不同乙醇浓度及不同浸泡时间的玉米须酒中总黄酮含量不同,以室温下50%的乙醇浸泡10d的玉米须酒中总黄量酮含量最高,并对玉米须酒的制备进行了初步探讨。

    Under different alcohol concentration and different . soaking time , the total flavonoid content in corn style alcohol is different . At room temperature , the total flavonoid content in corn style which was soaked in 50 % alcohol for 10 days is the highest .