
xuè zhèng
  • Blood syndrome;blood trouble;evidence of murder, as blood stained clothes things
血证 [xuè zhèng]
  • [evidence of murder,as blood stained clothes things] 带有被害者血迹的,作为杀人证据的遗物

血证[xuè zhèng]
  1. 结论VD患者容易并发脾不统血证,应引起临床高度重视。

    Conclusion Clinician must concern about the splenic failure in controlling the blood is complicated with VD .

  2. 结果VD并发脾不统血证多见于老年患者,其发病隐匿,多种疾病并发。

    Results Splenic failure in controlling the blood complicated with VD was often developed in old-age patients , and it was much hidden , and many kinds of complications might be seen .

  3. 目的探讨血管性痴呆(VD)临床脾不统血证的特点,为辨证施治提供依据。

    Objective It is to study the clinical feature of splenic failure in controlling the blood complicated by vascular dementia ( VD ) so as to provide evidence for syndrome differentiation of TCM .

  4. 目的,观察益气止血中药对脾不统血证模型大鼠前阿黑皮素(POMC)基因表达的影响。

    Objective : To explore the effect of Chinese drugs for invigorating Qi and hemostasis on POMC mRNA expression in the model rats of failure of spleen to control the blood .

  5. 生存质量与证候之间关系示瘀血证、寒痹证对QOL的影响有统计意义(P<0.05),瘀血证除物质维度影响无统计意义外,其余各方面影响均有统计意义,且均呈负相关关系;

    The relationship between QOL and TCM syndromes showed that only blood-stasis and cold-arthralgia syndromes among all the syndromes influenced QOL with a statistical significance ( P < 0.05 ); the blood-stasis syndrome had a statistically-significant influence on all the dimensions except the substantial one , being negatively correlated ;

  6. 结论:6-K-PGF(1α)/TXB2比值升高可能是脾不统血证出血的机理之一。

    Conclusion : The ratio increase of 6 - K - PGF1 α / TXB2 is likely to be one of important mechanisms of hemorrhage in ' spleen fails to be in charge of blood ' syndrome .

  7. 麦冬治疗血证的应用与机理探讨

    Application and Mechanism of Treating Blood Disorder Syndrome with Radix Ophiopogonis

  8. 论蓄血证病因及病机特点

    Etiology and pathogenesis characteristics of syndrome of accumulation of stagnant blood

  9. 风药治疗血证源流

    The Origin of Treating Blood Symptom Complex with Wind drug

  10. 风药是治疗血证新的切入口

    A New Entrance to Treat Blood Troubles With Drugs for Wind Diseases

  11. 血管性痴呆并发脾不统血证的临床特点

    Clinical feature of splenic failure in controlling blood complicated with vascular dementia

  12. 《血证论》治瘀学术经验探讨

    Discussion on treatment of stagnated blood in a treatise on blood troubles

  13. 论干姜在血证中的运用

    Discussion on the Applying of Dried Ginger in Blood Troubles

  14. 而丘墟作为胆经的原穴,与血证的治疗并无直接关系。

    However Qiuxu has no directly related to treatment and blood evidence .

  15. 慢性重型肝炎营血证的鲜生地汁治疗

    Chronic fulminate hepatitis patients treated by fresh Rehmannia juice

  16. 论蓄血证及动物模型的制作

    Syndrome of Blood Retention and Its Animal Model Making

  17. 善用温法,尤其是温阳法在急、重出血证中的运用。

    Good at using assisting Yang method , especially warming Yang method in treating bleeding cases .

  18. 《血证论》中泻火与滋阴法的运用

    Application of Ways of Discharging Fire and Nourishing Yin Offered in Book Treatise on Blood Troubles

  19. ⑷脾不统血证:便血、经期延长、大便色黑、斑、呕血。

    ⑷ Spleen failing to control blood Syndrome : hematochezia , menostaxis , black stool , spot , hematemesis .

  20. 试探中医对眼科血证的病因病机、治则及遣方用药的认识。

    Try to explore the causa morbi and mechanism , also the description of ophthalmological blood symptoms in TCM .

  21. 本课题即以功血脾不统血证作为研究对象,从理论研究和动物实验研究两个方面,系统探讨与研究功血脾不统血证的病理生理基础。

    In the theoretical study , spleen failing to control blood syndrome , DUB , and metrorrhagia were mainly discussed .

  22. 肝不藏血之出血是血证的主要病型之一。

    That hemorrhage caused by which the liver can not store blood is one of the main pathological mechanism of blood syndrome .

  23. 通过对518例消化性溃疡、胃炎患者上消化道出血的诱因的分析,发现这类血证的发病具有受季节气候和月廓盈亏变化的特点。

    In this article , the predisposing cause of upper digestive tract hemorrhage was analysed in 518 cases of peptic ulcer or gastritis .

  24. 方法:检索出古代及现代医学书籍和期刊中对诸血证针灸处方的论述;

    Methods : Retrieved the discourses concerning acupuncture prescriptions for disorders of blood in the medical books and periodicals of antiquity and modern times .

  25. 前言:“火”、“热”虽为血证急性期的基本病机,但亦不能排除虚寒证。

    Although fire and heat are the basic pathogenesis of blood syndrome at its acute stage , deficiency and cold syndromes are not excluded .

  26. 流行性出血热卫气营血证甲皱微循环观察

    Observation on Microcirculation of the Nail Bed of Patients with Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever in the Stages & wei , Qi , Ying and Xue System

  27. 本文重点分析了《血证论》中应用泻火与滋阴两大方法治疗血证的经验。

    This article mainly analyses the experience concerning treating blood troubles with descharging fire and nourishing Yin applied in the book Treatise on Blood Troubles .

  28. 目的:探索脾不统血证发病机制与血小板聚集功能的关系。

    Objective : To explore the relationship between the pathogenesis of syndrome of failure of spleen to control circulating blood and the function of platelet aggregation .

  29. 结果:1.提出了内毒素血证病机假说、治疗方案,并进行了理论论证。

    Results : 1 . To advance a new kind of pathogenesis hypothesis of endotoxemia and therapeutic scheme , then put up theoretic demonstration . 2 .

  30. 复习朱丹溪有关医学文献,阐发其应用风药治疗血证的机制,主要有:风药直接止血;

    Reviewed Zhu Danxi 's medical literature , this paper explored the mechanism of drugs for evil-wind in treating blood troubles : drugs for evil-wind directly arrested blood ;