
  • 网络blood parasites;haematozoic parasite
  1. 考虑到有关疟原虫、巴比西虫、锥虫和鞭毛虫的寄生虫检测,血液寄生虫的检测应服从于血涂片的显微镜检结果。

    The microscopic examination of blood films submitted for detection of blood parasites allows for detection of parasites responsible for malaria , babesiosis , trypanosomiasis and filariasis .

  2. 方法将CAP发放的厚膜血片和薄膜血片于10个工作日内按常规血液寄生虫检查方法进行检查并通过网络将结果直接提交给CAP。

    Methods The samples from CAP were examined within 10 working days in the same way as clinical specimens . Then , all the results were feedback to CAP by internet .

  3. 蚊子可从受感染病人的血液获得该寄生虫。

    A mosquito picks up the parasite via infected human blood .

  4. 在血液中寻找寄生虫可诊断疟疾。奎宁久被用来消退发热。

    Malaria is diagnosed by detecting the parasites in Blood . Quinine was long used to alleviate the fevers .

  5. 是当时他血液里的寄生虫品系特殊、人遗传或免疫组成、是他的营养状态?

    Was it the particular strain of parasite in his blood that day , his individual genetic or immunological makeup , his nutritional state ?

  6. 来自美国和新加坡的一个科学家小组开发出一种检测病人血液里疟疾寄生虫的新方法。

    A team of scientists from the US and Singapore has developed a new way to detect the malaria parasite in a patient 's blood .