
  • 网络compost product
  1. 研究发现,添加了PAAS的堆肥产品,其吸水倍率可达到5.97mL/g,远大于未添加PAAS普通堆肥。

    The study found that adding PAAS to compost product made the water absorbent reach 5.97mL / g , which was much larger than ordinary compost without adding PAAS .

  2. 第三部分以鸡粪+秸秆接种与不接种VT菌处理的堆肥产品进行大田作物玉米、蔬菜、花卉的生物肥效实验,分析VT菌对作物产量和品质的影响。

    The three part was studied the effects of the compost product which was designed two disposals of inoculation and without inoculation with straw and chicken manure appended with VT microbial inoculants on the yield and quality of mealie , rape and flower .

  3. 其次对VT菌堆肥产品进行肥效实验,确定VT菌剂的生产意义。

    The tests were conducted to study the effects of the compost appended with VT microbial inoculants on the yield and quality .

  4. 臭氧氧化处理中,土壤中的有机质会显著降低其去除PAHs的效率。(3)添加经驯化的活性污泥是另外一种能够进一步降低堆肥产品中PAHs含量的有效方法。

    The organic content in soil remarkably decreased the efficiency of removing PAHs by ozonation . ( 3 ) Composting with inoculation of acclimatized activated sludge was also an effective method for further decreasing PAHs in composting product .

  5. APDC-MIBK萃取火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定生活垃圾堆肥产品中铅、镉的研究

    Determination of Lead and Cadmium in the Composting Products of Domestic Waste by APDC-MIBK Extraction Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

  6. 14天反应周期结束时,物料含水率、水溶性有机碳和有机质含量显著降低,堆肥产品腐熟,卫生学指标达到了美国EPA污泥产品A类标准;

    The water content , water soluble organic carbon ( WSOC ) and organic matter reduced significantly during the composting process . In addition , the composing products in 14 days were almost mature , and could meet the class A hygienic standard of US EPA .

  7. 微生物腐熟菌剂对牛粪堆肥产品中低分子量有机物的影响

    Effect on low-molecular weight organic matters of cow dung composted production by micro-inoculants

  8. 因此必须保证堆肥产品的腐熟。

    The maturity of the compost must be guaranteed .

  9. 基于非线性径向基核函数支持向量机的堆肥产品近红外光谱分析研究

    Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Analysis of Compost Products Using Nonlinear Support Vector Machine With RBF Nucleus

  10. 堆肥产品含有生物活性的微生物,作物增产效果显著。

    There are many active microbes in the compost product and it could greatly increase crop yield .

  11. 加入生物活性水后的堆肥产品,对植物的生长具有明显的促进作用。

    The compost product , in which the Bacteria Mineral Water was added , can stimulate obviously growth of plants .

  12. 然后,混合物料经过一次发酵(发酵周期10天)和二次发酵(发酵周期20天左右)后可制得各项指标基本符合国家标准的堆肥产品;

    Then through main ferment ( 10 days ) and secondary ferment ( 20 days ) the mixture material is converted to composting product .

  13. 针对上海面临的污泥处理处置难,以及土地利用难以实施的现实,以程桥污水厂污泥为原料进行堆肥产品的研制。

    Due to the difficulty for disposing and application of sewage sludge , the sewage sludge from Chengqiao Sewerage Company was utilized as material compost .

  14. 目前,城市污泥堆肥产品主要存在一些问题如养分较低、重金属含量高,成为限制其农田利用的关键因素。

    Currently , the main disadvantages of sewage sludge composting are low nutrient content and high heavy metal content that become key restrict factor of its application in farmland .

  15. 各实验堆体发芽指数最终均超过了100%,将此堆肥产品作为营养土应用于种植园林植物,可能会促进植物的生长。

    Germination indexes of the experiment are ultimately more than 100 % . The compost used as a nutritive soil for plants , may be good for plants growth .

  16. 本实验选取的样品主要是蓝藻分解和蓝藻堆肥产品样,用于研究生物检测方法的灵敏性。

    In t - his experimental , select the mainly samples are the sample of decomposition of cy-anobacteria and the sample of cyanobacteria compost , used to study biological de-tection sensitivity .

  17. 受吉恩启发,一些团队一直在探索堆肥副产品作为可再生能源的广泛潜力。

    Taking their influence from Jean Pain 's innovations , a number of groups have been exploring the wider potential of compost 's by-products as a renewable energy source .

  18. 这样似乎就综合了两个世界的优点:用堆肥的副产品做饭,同时又不会有埋食物带来的不精确或异味。

    This seems to offer the best of both worlds : cooking from the by-products of your compost without the inaccuracy ( or residual smell ) that comes from burying your food in it .

  19. 园林有机废弃物堆肥处理技术及堆肥产品的应用

    The Composting Disposal of Organic Garden Waste and the Application of Compost Product

  20. 堆肥后所获得的堆肥产品氮、磷、钾含量均高于大多数的普通堆肥。

    And the contents of nitrogen , phosphors , and potassium were higher than that of most other conventional composts .

  21. 室内模拟堆肥试验结束时,堆肥产品未达到腐熟,对植物生长仍具有一定毒性。

    At the end of the indoor simulative compost experiment , the compost product did not completely maturate and it was still poisoned to the growth of plant .

  22. 评估堆肥腐熟度是确保堆肥产品质量必不可少的步骤,但常规的堆肥腐熟度评价指标存在耗时较长、费用昂贵的问题。

    Assessment of compost maturity is of utmost importance for achieving high quality compost to guarantee its marketability . However , traditional methods to assess compost maturity were time-consuming and high-costing .

  23. 含C高、质地疏松的绿色植物废弃物和含氮丰富、质地粘稠的污泥合理配比堆肥能弥补彼此不足之处,提高堆肥产品质量和土地利用价值。

    The appropriate proportion composting by greenery waste with high Carbon content and loose texture and sewage sludge with nitrogen-rich and viscous texture can make up the shortages for each others .

  24. 以好氧堆肥化工艺处理脱水污泥,采用干化的堆肥产品调整高水分脱水污泥时,返料比的设计和操作选择非常关键。

    Some factors for granulation , such as chemical property , recycle ratio , temperature , moisture of melt , distribution of recycle particle-size , residence time of material , etc.

  25. 研究发现,添加竹炭和竹炭+竹醋液不仅可促进堆肥反应快速升温,延长堆肥高温期,提高堆肥产品的脱水率和发芽指数,而且可丰富堆肥微生物群落多样性。

    The results indicated that the addition of BC and BC + BV could accelerate temperature rising , prolong thermophilic phase , increase dehydration rate and germination index , and also enrich microbial diversity compared to the control .

  26. 因此,接种VT菌剂可促进堆肥有机物质分解及利用,有效杀灭病原菌,加快堆肥腐熟,提高堆肥产品质量。

    It may be suggested that inoculating VT microbes in composting process be effective to decompose organic matter , raise temperature , shorten composting time , and increase composting quality .

  27. 结果表明,与简单定时控制相比,CTB堆肥自动测控系统可缩短堆肥时间28%,使有机物降解更加充分,堆肥产品质量得以提高。

    The result shows that the CTB control system can shorten the sludge composting period by 28 % and cause full degradation of organic matters , so that the quality of compost product can be improved .

  28. 在污泥堆肥处理的综述中进行了不同的堆肥反应器特点的比较、介绍了堆肥产品腐熟度评价标准。

    In the presentation of compost process , a further comparison was made between different reactors , and a series of evaluation standards for the maturity of compost product was reviewed .

  29. 国外堆肥技术发展于20世纪七八十年代,其原料主要采用源头分类的绿色垃圾,堆肥产品可还田或用于城市、家庭绿化。

    Foreign development of composting technology dates back to seventies and eighties in the last century . The green garbage from source separate collection is used as raw material , and compost products can be returned to field or used for cities or garden .

  30. 介绍了博罗垃圾堆肥处理示范工程的工艺及好氧发酵过程中一些工艺参数的控制,从而保证堆肥产品质量。

    Technology of Boluo waste composting treatment pilot engineering and technology charateristics of aerobic fermentation process were introduced , thus composting product quality can be guaranteed .