
duī zhàn zhǐ zhēn
  • stack pointer
  1. 最后,移动堆栈指针来通过指令ai$sp,$sp,-FRAMESIZE保留所有所需的堆栈空间。

    Finally , the stack pointer is moved to reserve all the needed stack space using the instruction ai $ sp , $ sp , - FRAME_SIZE .

  2. 在Solaris,下面这段示例代码让您可以获取堆栈指针

    On Solaris , this sample code allows you to get the stack pointer

  3. 驻留于常规RAM(随机访问存储器)区域,但可通过它的堆栈指针获得处理的直接支持。

    This lives in the general RAM ( random-access memory ) area , but has direct support from the processor via its stack pointer .

  4. 因此,使用简化ABI的函数实际上可以通过从堆栈指针开始的负偏移量来保存、使用和恢复非易失性寄存器。

    Therefore , functions using the simplified ABI actually can save , use , and restore non-volatile registers by using negative offsets from the stack pointer .

  5. 这些说明所使用的假设存在一个堆栈指针,为此,R13类的。

    These instructions assume the existence of a stack pointer , for which R13 is used .

  6. 在Linux-x86平台上的堆栈指针可以实现为

    Getting the stack pointer on Linux-x86 can be implemented as

  7. 另外利用CPU及其指令系统特点,通过设计2个堆栈指针寄存器和任务帧,设计可并行堆栈,并提出双通道并行入/出栈法,同时,讨论了移植代码的优化。

    Moreover , a parallelizable stack and double-channel pushing & popping technique is invented by studying the architecture of the DSP CPU and defining a task frame and two stack pointers , at the same time , the optimization of transplant code for μ C / OS is discussed .

  8. 这会保存原来的堆栈指针,并自动分配堆栈内存。

    This will save the old stack pointer and allocate stack memory atomically .

  9. 堆栈指针给出的是当前堆栈框架的结束位置。

    The stack pointer tells you where the end of your current stack frame is .

  10. 堆栈指针根本不能这样使用,改变它的值是无意义的。

    The stack pointer is not used at all in the function and changing its value is meaningless .

  11. 堆栈指针若向下移,会创建新的内存;若向上移,则会释放那些内存。

    The stack pointer is moved down to create new memory and moved up to release that memory .

  12. 所以在这个指令中,$sp是堆栈指针(它是$1的别名)。

    So in this instruction , $ sp is the stack pointer ( it 's an alias for $ 1 ) .

  13. 函数可以自由使用288字节的内存,对于不调用其他函数的函数来说,这段内存物理上在堆栈指针之下。

    Functions are free to use the288 bytes that are physically below the stack pointer for functions that do not call other functions .

  14. 这对函数了解自己的活动记录在什么地方提供了方便&它们可以使用堆栈指针的形式简单地进行定义。

    This makes it easy for functions to know where their activation record is & they are simply defined in terms of the stack pointer .

  15. 如果一个函数正在执行,那么堆栈指针就会指向整个堆栈的顶部,这也是该函数活动记录的顶部。

    If a function is executing , then the stack pointer is pointing to the top of the whole stack , which is also the top of that function 's activation record .

  16. 在堆栈指针上加上双字变量的大小(即esp+12、esp+16等等),就可以访问所有后续参数。

    All subsequent arguments are accessed by adding the size of a dword variable to the stack pointer ( that is , esp + 12 , esp + 16 , and so on ) .

  17. 打开应用程序并单击链接,就会看到存储在浏览器cookie中的历史堆栈和指针。

    If you open the application and click around , you 'll see our history stack and pointer stored in the browser 's cookies .

  18. 接下来,当前堆栈框架指针会被存储为指向下一个堆栈框架的后向指针,虽然尚未建立堆栈框架(这是通过负的偏移量实现的)。

    Next , the current stack frame pointer is stored as the back pointer for the next stack frame , even though you haven 't established the stack frame yet ( this is done through negative offsets ) .

  19. 它使用这些信息来优化整个程序中的寄存器使用、堆栈分配和指针。

    It uses this information to optimize register usage , stack allocations and pointers across the whole program .

  20. 当我们在应用程序中单击的时候,新的事件将被压入堆栈顶部,指针指向最后添加的元素。

    As we click around in the application , new events will be pushed onto the top of the stack , and the pointer will identify the last element added .

  21. 所以您只需通过使用ai$sp,$sp,FRAMESIZE将堆栈框架大小加到堆栈指针来移动堆栈指针即可。

    So you simply need to move the stack pointer by adding the stack frame size to the stack pointer using ai $ sp , $ sp , FRAME_SIZE .

  22. 单击应用程序的后退和前进按钮时,不会在堆栈中添加新的事件,而是移动堆栈的指针。

    When clicking the backward and forward buttons for the application , we won 't be adding new events to the stack but we will be moving the pointer within the stack .

  23. 每个堆栈框架都有一个指向前一个堆栈框架的指针(称为回链指针),还有一个当它调用其他函数时用于存放返回地址的空间。

    Each stack frame holds a pointer to the previous stack frame ( called the back chain pointer ), as well as a space for return addresses for when it calls other functions .

  24. 堆栈帧中的最后一个条目是一个指向前一堆栈帧的指针,通常被称为后向指针(backpointer)。

    The final item in the stack frame is a pointer to the previous stack frame , often called the back pointer .