- 网络meltdown;Nuclear meltdown;melt down

Emergency cooling systems could fail and a reactor meltdown could occur .
The truly fearful event in a nuclear accident , then , isn 't fallout but meltdown , where the core burns through the floor and suffuses the water table .
There it causes agricultural mayhem and radioactive dust that you better not breathe .
Wild boars are reportedly thriving in the evacuated areas around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant , which experienced multiple meltdowns following an earthquake-triggered tsunami back in 2011 .
Here 's the truth about you and radiation : There 's no reason to worry about power-plant meltdowns or airport scanners , where the X-rays have been replaced by millimeter wave machines .
The six-reactor Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant was badly damaged after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems to reactors , leading to meltdowns and the release of radioactivity .
A four-year suspension of new approvals after the meltdown of a tsunami-hit reactor in Fukushima , Japan , in 2011 resulted in a 7 per cent dip in nuclear investment in China last year , to Rmb56.9bn ( $ 9.2bn ) .
Fires , explosions and a partial melting of cores have taken place at four of the six reactors at the Fukushima nuclear center .