- 名Cumulate rock;sedimentary rock

Olivine-pyroxenites xenoliths belongs to ⅱ type of xenolith and the cumulate chunk maybe result from early crystallization differentiation of primary magma of the complex .
Leucite basalt was solidified by secondary magma , which was produced by fractional crystallization of a small amount ( 14 % ) of accumulative rock from primitive magma and assimilation of granite ( 28 % ).
Ore area petrochemistry analyse also prove : intraclast congeries silica rock in basin have higher Cu , Ag abundance than circumference pena . The prominence inhomogeneity of the Cu distribution indicates reconstruct of the late construction .
Analysis of Shear Strength of Interface Between Rock and Riverside Slumping Mass
There exist obduction-type granitoid rocks in the upper level of cumulate ;
In this paper , the authers suggest that the cumulative sequences are formed by liquid or magma accumulation and explain the mechanism of the liquid accumulation origin .
On the basis of the genetic type , the ultramafic bodies are part of ultramafic unit of ophiolite and the positions where the chromite enriched are mantle peridotite or bottom dunite of cumulate complex zone .
Neutrophil accumulation . the differences of grain size of quartz and bulk samples as an indicator of weathering intensity in the aeolian deposits