
  • 网络SPRING WATER;Mountain spring water
  1. 在十九世纪八十年代兴起了一种穿可以携带用来装山泉水的瓶子的结实耐用的运动衣风潮。

    The1980s craze for sweating at the gym launched a durable fad for toting around bottles of mountain spring water .

  2. 一定是要无污染山泉水,这点很重要因为它含有的微量元素和矿物质是皮肤最需要的。

    Must be that clean mountain spring water , which is important because it contains trace elements and minerals the skin needs most .

  3. 全部使用山泉水,原汁原味无放任何调味料。

    Use water from mountain creeks , original taste and no spices .

  4. 山泉水生产过程中微藻污染的途径

    Microalgae Pollution in Production Process of Drinking Spring Water

  5. 碘量法测定遵义凤凰山山泉水的溶解氧

    Measurement of the Fenghuang Mountain Spring 's DO by Using Method of the Iodine Test

  6. 尽管必须接受全面的细菌学纯净度检测,但山泉水无须具备治疗功效。

    Although subject to full bacteriological purity tests , no therapeutic claims are made for spring water .

  7. 大部分乡村家庭以井水/山泉水居多,大部分城市地区都是以自来水为主。

    Most rural families are largely using well water or mountain spring , while most urban families are largely using tap water .

  8. 方法采集地表水、地下水、山泉水样本33份,进行微生物学检验及铁、锰等金属元素检测。

    Methods Sampling of33 specimens from surface water , groundwater and spring water , do microbiological and metal element ( iron , manganese ) tests .

  9. 以山泉水浇灌、传统方式耕作,其生育期达130天以上,是典型的、原生态的绿色有机大米。

    Dong saffron rice , watered by mountain spring water , raised by the traditional way of farming , has a growth period of130 days and is a typical green organic rice of original ecology .

  10. 和天然矿泉水一样,欧盟规定山泉水须取自地下水源,在严格操作条件下装瓶,无需处理即具备微生物安全性,但可能过滤掉一些物质,如铁和硫磺。

    Like natural mineral water , EU regulations require this to come from an underground source , be bottled under strictly regulated conditions , and be microbiologically safe without treatment , though some substances , such as iron and sulphur , may be filtered out .

  11. 饮料企业开始生产取自遥远山泉的瓶装水,现在人们在办公室整天都会不假思索地喝着瓶装水。

    Then beverage companies started bottling the production of far-off springs , and now office workers unthinkingly sip bottled water all day long .

  12. 法国人、意大利人、西班牙人、德国人和其他欧洲人,一直以来对水的认识和理解要远胜于英国人,他们能识别和分辨来自不同水源的山泉和矿泉水的味道和口感。

    The French , Italians , Spaniards , Germans and others , who historically have far greater knowledge and understanding of wines than Britons do , recognise and distinguish between the tastes and mouth-feel of spring and mineral waters from different sources .