
  • 网络Stacking fermentation;heap fermentation
  1. 黑茶渥堆(堆积发酵)过程中微生物种群的变化

    Variation of the Microorganism Groups During the Pile-fermentation of Dark Green Tea

  2. 酱香型白酒堆积发酵过程中腰线的形成机理

    Formation Mechanism of " Waist Line " during Stack Fermentation of Maotai-flavor Liquor

  3. 木屑堆积发酵料及其在栽培毛木耳上的应用

    Fermented sawdust and its application to cultivating Auricularia polytricha

  4. 浓香型大曲酒的堆积发酵研究

    Study on Luzhou-flavour Liquor by Piling Fermentation

  5. 堆积发酵在浓香型长酵糟恢复生产中的应用

    Application of the Technique - " Stacking Fermentation " in Resumption Production of Luzhou-flavour Long-fermented Grains

  6. 论述了酱香型白酒生产工艺中的堆积发酵的重要性及其作用。

    The importance and effect of the piling fermentation in the production of Maotai-flavour liquor was discussed .

  7. 用稻草、米糠、鸡粪和其它配料做栽培料,堆积发酵。

    The cultivated material mixing with straw , chaff , chicken excrement and other materials was piled up and fermented .

  8. 堆积发酵有利于酒醅发酵条件的改善和香味物质的形成;

    Stacking fermentation is helpful for improving the fermentation conditions of fermented grains and for the formation of flavoring components .

  9. 目前,贵州茅台酒股份有限公司技术中心微生物室已从茅台地域环境、制曲发酵、堆积发酵过程中分离并保藏微生物329种。

    Nowadays , there were 329 microorganisms having been separated from the local environment of maotai , the fermenting sorghum in pilling process , and the fermenting starter and conserved in maotai by Technical Centre of Kweichow Moutai Co.

  10. 实验表明茅台酒高温发酵工艺中酵母的应激反应机制是产生主要活性成份的机理之一,高温堆积发酵顶温控制在46~50℃具有很强的科学性。

    The results indicated that the stress response mechanism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under Moutai liquor high-temperature fermentation technology is one of the primary producing mechanisms of active ingredients . High temperature stacking fermentation of 46 to 50 ℃ is scientific .

  11. 对酱香型白酒冬季生产堆积发酵过程中易出现的异常现象&腰线进行了理化、生化指标分析检测。上装结构设计中腰节线的确定方法

    The easily occurred abnormal phenomenon - " waist line " during stack fermentation in Maotai-flavor liquor production in Winter was under investigation and its physiochemical indexes and biochemical indexes were measured . The method of defining waistline in garment construction design

  12. 在固液结合小烧白酒生产中添加生香酵母,通过3轮次的发酵试验,采用堆积发酵工艺,原料出酒率比原工艺降低1%~2%;

    Addition of aroma-producing yeast in the production of Xiaoqu liquors by solid-liquid combined fermentation underwent three times fermentation tests . If the technique of accumulative fermentation was applied , the liquor yield of raw materials dropped by1 % ~ 2 % in comparison with the one by original techniques .

  13. 最佳拌料方法为堆积通氧发酵法;

    The optimum method of mixing material is piling up and letting in oxygen zymotechnics ;

  14. 使成堆成堆或团,例如树叶堆积起来分解或发酵针对案例对决策树的产生进行了求解和分析。

    To be in a heap or pile , as leaves for decomposition or fermentation . With an example , the process of generating decision-making tree is illuminated .