
  • 网络aleutian disease;Aleutian disease of mink
  1. 水貂阿留申病概述

    Overview of Aleutian Disease of Mink

  2. 水貂阿留申病病毒的分离鉴定及特异性诊断方法的研究

    Isolation and identification of the virus of Aleutian disease of mink and investigation of its specific diagnosis

  3. 水貂阿留申病病毒CIEP抗原结合蛋白初探

    Preliminary Analysis of Aleutian Mink Disease Virus CIEP Antigen

  4. 养殖水貂阿留申病感染情况及分子流行病学的研究

    Infection Situation and Molecular Epidemiology of Aleutian Disease in Ranch-raised Minks

  5. 水貂阿留申病灭活疫苗免疫效果观察

    The Observation of Immune Effect of Aleutian Disease Vaccine in Mink

  6. 水貂阿留申病免疫防制初报

    A Preliminary Study of Immunization for Aleutian Disease in Mink

  7. 水貂阿留申病病毒分子生物学研究进展

    Advance in Molecular Biology of Aleutian mink disease virus

  8. 人工感染水貂阿留申病研究

    Study on artificial infection of mink Aleutian disease

  9. 水貂阿留申病发病机理的研究进展

    Research Progress on Pathogenesis of Mink aleutian disease

  10. 水貂阿留申病病理学研究初报

    Study on Pathology of Mink Aleution Disease

  11. 水貂阿留申病的直接电镜和免疫电镜检查

    Rapid diagnosis of mink Aleutisn ─ Inspection of direct electron microscope and immunity electron microscope

  12. 水貂阿留申病研究进展

    Advance of Mink Aleutian Disease

  13. 水貂阿留申病是阻碍养貂业发展的世界性攻关病害。

    Aleutian disease of mink ( ADM ) is worldwide known as one of the most serious disease to mink farming .

  14. 近年来,我国水貂养殖区阿留申病的流行情况在国内时有报道,高水平的AD感染一直是严重影响我国水貂养殖业高效、健康发展的一个非常重要的因素之一。

    For the past few years , the popular information was reported in Chinese mink cultivation . High level AD infection is one of the all-important effect factors for developing Chinese mink cultivation healthy .

  15. 经统计学处理,健康水貂与AD病貂血清OD值之间呈极显著差异(P<0.01),表明水貂阿留申病的病理过程与CTC有关。

    There was significant difference ( P < 0 . 01 ) between the OD values of healthy minks and those of AD minks by statistical comparison .