
  • 网络Porcine Circovirus Disease;pcvd;PGVD;Porcine Circovirus Infection
  1. 江西省猪圆环病毒病流行病学调查及PCR法诊断

    The Epidemiological Investigation and Diagnosis by PCR of Porcine Circovirus Disease in Jiangxi Province

  2. 猪圆环病毒病(PCVD)是由猪圆环病毒2型引起的,继猪繁殖与呼吸综合症(PRRS)之后新发现的猪的一种重要传染病。

    Porcine Circovirus Disease ( PCVD ) caused by porcine circovirus type 2 ( PCV2 ) is an important pathogen of swine following porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome ( PRRS ) .

  3. 猪圆环病毒病流行病学调查及流行毒株基因序列测定分析

    Epidemiological Investigation of Porcine Circovirus Disease and Gene Sequencing of Epidemic Strains

  4. 猪圆环病毒病是近年来流行于世界各国的一种新的传染病。

    Porcine circovirus disease , the newly infectious disease , is spread all of the world .

  5. 猪圆环病毒病是一种危害猪群的免疫抑制性疾病。

    Porcine circovirus is one of immunosuppressive diseases which is greatly endangering swine in recent years in China .

  6. 眼附属器淋巴瘤组织病理学及免疫表型研究免疫组织化学方法诊断猪圆环病毒病

    Histopathology and immunophenotype of ocular adnexal lymphoma Study on the Porcine Circovirus Disease by the Diagnosis of Immunohistochemistry Assay

  7. 免疫组织化学方法诊断猪圆环病毒病我国猪瘟病毒分子流行病学研究进展

    Study on the Porcine Circovirus Disease by the Diagnosis of Immunohistochemistry Assay Progress on Molecular Epidemiology of Classical swine fever virus in China

  8. 猪繁殖与呼吸综合征和猪2型圆环病毒病二联核酸疫苗的构建及其免疫效力

    Construction and Immunogenicity of Associated DNA Vaccine of PRRS and PCV-2 Disease