
  • 网络porcine parvovirus;Ppv;Porcine parvovirus,PPV
  1. 对猪细小病毒DNA进行斑点杂交,两种探针均为阳性,而对照的猪瘟病毒、猪伪狂犬病毒、乙型脑炎病毒及PK-15细胞的核酸均为阴性。

    Dot blot hybridization with the two probes showed the positive result for PPV DNA , but negative for the nucleic acid samples obtained from Hog cholera virus , Pseudorabies virus , Japanese B Encephalitis virus and PK 15 cells .

  2. 间接Dot-ELISA检测猪细小病毒抗原的研究

    Studies on the Detection of PPV Antigen Using Indirect Dot-ELISA

  3. 精液中猪细小病毒DNA三种提取方法效果比较

    Comparison of three DNA extraction methods for the detection of Porcine Parvovirus in boar semen

  4. 猪细小病毒PCR检测与分离研究

    Detection for Porcine parvovirus Infection with PCR and Virus Isolation

  5. 目的建立原材料胰蛋白酶中猪细小病毒的PCR检测方法。

    Objective To establish PCR assay of Porcine Parvovirus detection in Trypsin .

  6. PCR法检测胰蛋白酶中的猪细小病毒

    Detection of Porcine Parvovirus in Trypsin by PCR Assay

  7. 多重PCR检测猪细小病毒和猪伪狂犬病病毒的研究

    Detection of porcine parvovirus and porcine pseudorabies virus by multiplex polymerase chain reaction

  8. 应用ELISA双抗体夹心法检测猪细小病毒抗原的研究

    Detection of Porcine Parvovirus Antigen with a Sandwich ELISA

  9. ST细胞感染猪细小病毒后差异转录基因的鉴定及定量分析

    Identification and Quantitative Analysis of Differential Genes in Porcine Parvovirus Infected ST Cells

  10. 猪瘟病毒猪细小病毒猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒猪伪狂犬病病毒多重PCR方法的建立以及初步应用

    Establishment and application of the multiplex PCR to the detection of CSF , PP , PRRS and AD viruses

  11. 利用Real-timePcR技术检测猪细小病毒在PK-15细胞增殖动态研究

    Study on the replication of porcine parvovirus virus in PK-15 cells using Real-time PCR technology

  12. 目的建立猪细小病毒(PPV)PCR检测方法。

    Objective To develop a PCR method for the determination of porcine parvovirus ( PPV ) .

  13. 猪细小病毒结构蛋白VP1和VP2的基因免疫研究

    Study on Gene Immunity of Porcine Parvovirus Structural Protein Genes VP_1 and VP_2

  14. 猪细小病毒VP2基因的克隆、测序与原核表达

    Study on Clone , Sequence Analysis and Expression of Porcine Parvovirus VP _2 Gene

  15. 猪细小病毒VP2蛋白在昆虫细胞中的表达及其特性

    The Expression of Porcine Parvovirus VP _2 Protein in Insect Cells and It 's Character

  16. IL-2与猪细小病毒VP2基因双表达载体的构建及免疫原性的研究

    Construction of the Eukaryotic Expression Vector with IL-2 Gene and VP_2 Gene of PPV and Research on Immunogenicity

  17. 猪细小病毒在PK细胞中的增殖过程

    The Replication of Porcine Parvovirus in PK-15 Cell Cultures

  18. 猪细小病毒N株是从广西初产母猪所产死胎脏器分离的自然弱毒株。

    The N strain of porcine parvovirus was a natural low virulent variant strain , which was isolated from the viscera of a stillborn fetus farrowed by a gilt in Guangxi .

  19. 表达猪细小病毒VP2基因的重组伪狂犬病毒的构建及其生物学特征研究

    The Development of Recombinant Pseudorabies Virus Expressing Porcine Parvovirus VP_2 Gene and the Study on Its Biological Characters

  20. 猪细小病毒(Porcineparvovirus,PPV)主要引起初产母猪的繁殖障碍。

    Porcine parvovirus ( Porcine parvovirus , PPV ) is the main cause of reproductive failure in gilts .

  21. 猪细小病毒(PPV)是引起母猪繁殖障碍的主要病原体之一。

    PPV is one of the most main pathogen that can cause failure in propagation of pigs .

  22. 多重PCR检测猪瘟病毒、猪细小病毒和猪伪狂犬病病毒的研究&猪瘟病毒、猪细小病毒和猪伪狂犬病病毒多重PCR引物设计

    Studies on the Detection of Classical swine fever , Porcine parvovirus infection and Porcine pseudorabies by Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction I Primer & Design of Multiple PCR Detection of CSFV , PPV 、 PRV

  23. 猪细小病毒(PPV)强毒,在1~5日龄仔猪肾原代细胞上传代,传至20代左右毒力下降。

    Porcine Parvovirus virulence was decreased when it was passed 20 generations in 1 ~ 5 day porcine kidney primary cell .

  24. 猪细小病毒(Porcineparvovirus,PPV)是一种DNA病毒,隶属于细小病毒科细小病毒属,是猪场比较常见疾病,以引起猪的繁殖障碍为特征。

    Porcine parvovirus infection , which is caused by Porcine parvovirus , a DNA virus belonging to the family Parvoviridae , genus Parvovirus , is characterized by reproductive failure in sows .

  25. 猪细小病毒在PK15细胞中增殖规律的研究

    Replication Dynamics of Porcine Parvovirus in PK15 Cell Culture

  26. 本论文旨在建立猪细小病毒(PPV)的分子生物学及血清学检测方法,并对相关生物材料进行检测。

    The purpose of this research work is to establish the method involved in the molecular biology and the serology to detect the PPV in the related biological products .

  27. 猪细小病毒(Porcineparvovirus,PPV)是引起猪繁殖障碍综合症的主要病原,可引起死产、木乃伊胎、胚胎的早期死亡及不孕不育等。

    Porcine parvovirus ( PPV ) is the major causative virus in a syndrome of reproductive failure in swine , which includes stillbirths , mummified fetuses , early embryonic death , and infertility .

  28. 猪细小病毒SR-1株全基因测序研究

    Sequencing of the Complete Nucleotide of Porcine Parvovirus SR-1 Strain

  29. 8批猪细小病毒病油乳剂灭活疫苗共免疫PPVHI抗体阴性猪23头,每批2~3头;免疫阴性豚鼠24只,每批3只。

    Eight groups of inactivated oil-emulsion Porcine Parvovirus Vaccine were used to inoculate 23 PPV HI antibody-negative swine and 24 PPV HI antibody-negative guinea pigs , each group being 2 ~ 3 swine and 3 guinea pigs and having control ones that were not inoculated .

  30. 可以批量生产基因工程诊断抗原来取代全病毒抗原,有望进一步研制针对NS1、VP2的单克隆抗体,为猪细小病毒病的诊断提供研究基础。

    The diagnostic antigen that is substitution of the whole viral antigen may be produced in batches . It is hopeful to develop the monoclonal antibody against NS1 、 VP2 protein further .