
  • 网络avian leukosis;alv;Avian Leukosis,AL
  1. 7份血清样品中有4份抗原阳性和3份抗体阳性;RT-PCR扩增产物克隆测序结果显示与禽白血病病毒的核苷酸同源性高达90.1%~99.8%。

    4 / 7 serums were positive to detect antigen and 3 / 7 serums were positive to check antibody , the result of sequencing showed that the nucleotide homology were 90.1 % - 99.8 % compared with other ALV sequences after blasted in Genbank .

  2. 经田间应用发现,北京地区祖代和父母代鸡群禽白血病病毒抗原的阳性率为12.5%~81.0%。

    By using the kit , there was the infection rates 12 . 5 % - 81 . 0 % of ALV in some chicken flocks from Beijing region .

  3. 禽白血病-肉瘤病毒的RT-PCR检测

    Detection of Avian Leukosis Virus and Rous Sarcoma Virus by RT-PCR

  4. 贵州省禽白血病病毒J亚群感染的血清学检测与PCR鉴定

    Serological detection and PCR identification of avian leukosis virus subgroup J infection in Guizhou Province

  5. ELISA检测禽白血病病毒gs抗原的研究

    Studies on Detecting Group Specific Antigen of Avian Leukosis Virus with ELISA GS Mark

  6. 贵州省鸡群中禽白血病病毒J亚群感染的调查

    Investigation on Infection of Subgroup J Avian Leukosis Virus in Different Flocks of Guizhou Province

  7. 禽白血病病毒J亚群囊膜糖蛋白基因的生物学和生物化学特性

    The White Envelope Biological and Biochemical Characterization of Envelope Gene of Subgroup J Avian Leukosis Virus

  8. 禽白血病(avianleukosis,AL)是由禽白血病/肉瘤病毒群病毒(avianleukosis/sarcomavirus,AL/SV)引起的禽类多种肿瘤性疾病的总称。

    Avian Leukosis is a malignant neoplasitc disease caused by avian leucosis / sarcoma virus .

  9. 为我国J亚群禽白血病的血清监测和抗原诊断试剂盒的开发奠定了基础。

    The study provided the basis for serum monitoring of ALV-J and development of antigen diagnostic kits .

  10. J亚群禽白血病病毒与禽网状内皮增生症病毒共感染对肉鸡生长和免疫功能的抑制作用

    Immunosuppression Caused by Avian Leucosis Virus of Subgroup J and its Coinfection With ReticuloEndotheliosis Virus in Broilers

  11. 禽白血病病毒J亚群env基因产物的抗原性分析

    Antigen Analysis of Envelope Gene Products of Avian Leukosis Virus Subgroup J

  12. 这一结果提示突变型抑癌基因p53的表达参与蛋鸡J亚群禽白血病发生、发展过程。

    The result suggested that expression of tumor suppressor gene p53 was concerned with occurrence and development of avian leukosis subgroup J .

  13. J亚群禽白血病病毒属于反转录病毒禽白血病/肉瘤病毒群。该病毒是由英国Dr。

    Avian leucosis virus subgroup J ( ALV-J ) belonging to leucosis / sarcoma group of retrovirus was discovered in 1991 by Dr.

  14. 应用ELISA方法检测了贵州省7个鸡场的蛋清样本,禽白血病病毒抗原的阳性率为5.26~12.50%。

    Egg albumens collected from 7 poultry farms had been determined in Guizhou province . The ELISA identified 5.26 ~ 12.50 % samples were positive for virus antigens .

  15. J亚群禽白血病病毒(ALV-J)是一种主要感染肉用型鸡的反转录病毒。

    Avian leukosis virus subgroup J ( ALV-J ) is a retrovirus which infects meat-type chickens .

  16. 应用特异性抗J亚群禽白血病病毒(ALVJ)的单克隆抗体JE9建立了免疫荧光检测ALVJ抗原和抗体的方法。

    A procedure for detecting avian leukosis virus Subgroup J ( ALV_J ) by immunofluorescence assay ( IFA ) was developed .

  17. 对禽白血病毒(ALV)无交叉反应。

    None of the MDV-McAbs reacted with avain leukosis viruses ( ALV ) .

  18. J亚群禽白血病(AvianleucosisvirussubgroupJ,ALV-J)是一种病毒引起的禽类肿瘤性疾病,又称作骨髓细胞瘤病(Myelocytomatosis)。

    Avian leucosis virus subgroup J in chickens ( ALV-J ) is a tumor disease induced by virus , namely Myelocytomatosis .

  19. 选择J亚型禽白血病病毒(ALV-J)作为模式病毒。

    In many poultry retrovirus , we chose the J subtype avian leukosis virus ( ALV-J ) as a model virus .

  20. J亚群禽白血病Hrb-1分离株env基因克隆及gp85杆状病毒表达载体的构建

    The clone and construction of recombinant baculovirus vector of avian leukosis virus subgroup J Hrb-1 strain env gene

  21. 禽白血病病毒J亚群(ALV-J)的攻毒试验

    Experimental Inoculation of Avian Leukosis Virus Subgroup J ( ALV-J ) The SV and CO of the treatment group B increased in 5 minutes , which wa

  22. 应用RT-PCR对2株禽白血病病毒(ALV)和1株劳斯肉瘤病毒(RSV)进行了检测试验。

    Two strains of avian leukosis virus ( ALV ) and one strain of rous sarcoma virus ( RSV ) in primary chicken embryo fibroblasts ( CEFs ) were detected by RT-PCR .

  23. 而在胆汁Exosomes上发现的CCCH型锌指抗病毒蛋白为治疗禽白血病带来了希望。

    The zinc finger protein CCCH-type antiviral protein discovered in the biliary exosomes may be the hope for the treatment of avian leukosis .

  24. 用PCR方法从禽白血病病毒(avianleukosisvirus,ALV)亚群毒株RAV-1、RAV-2感染或未感染的SPF鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF)分别扩增出1.2kb基因片段。

    A 1.2 kb PCR fragment was obtained from SPF chicken embryo fibroblast cell ( CEF ), which was infected with avian leukosis virus ( ALV ) RAV 1 , RAV 2 or not with any ALV as control .

  25. ALV主要引起感染鸡的肿瘤发生和免疫抑制,本研究通过比较不同ALV分离株对不同品种鸡的致病性,对禽白血病的有效防制提供了重要的参考价值。

    ALV mainly cause tumor and immune suppression in infected chicken , this study compared pathogenicity of different ALV isolates on different chicken strains and provided an important reference value for the effective control of avian leukemia .

  26. 通过对山东某肉鸡养殖场发病的商品肉鸡组织病理学检查和将病料接种鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF),我们在国内首次从商品代肉鸡中分离到了J亚群禽白血病病毒(ALV-J)。

    Subgroup J of avian leukosis virus ( ALV J ) was firstly isolated from commercial broiler flocks with significant clinical symptoms in Jining city of Shandong province in China by inoculating chicken embryo fibroblast cells ( CEF ) and using pathologic diagnosis .

  27. 为此,设计了数十对针对不同原癌基因与J亚群禽白血病毒嵌合体分子的引物扩增到了gag基因与fps基因的嵌合体分子,并进一步扩增了辅助病毒和缺陷病毒的全基因组。

    To this end , the design of the dozens of pairs of amplification primers for different proto-oncogene J subsets of avian leukemia virus chimeric molecules to the gag gene and the fps gene chimera molecule , and further amplified by the helper virus and defective virus wholly genome .

  28. 我国禽白血病病毒生物学特点及其控制

    Biological Characterization of Avian Leukosis Virus and Its Control in China

  29. 禽白血病检测方法的建立和比较

    Establishment and comparison of methods used in the detection of avian leukosis

  30. 应用PCR/RFLP技术对广西禽白血病病毒的检测与分型研究

    Detection and sub-grouping of ALVs in Guangxi chickens by PCR / RFLP technique