
qín shòu
  • birds and beasts;beasts;impudent and wicked people
禽兽 [qín shòu]
  • (1) [birds and beasts] 鸟类和兽类的统称,古代也专指兽类。

  • (2) 泛指飞禽走兽

  • 人民少而禽兽众。--《韩非子.五蠹》

  • 禽兽虫蛇。

  • (3) [beasts]偏义复词,指走兽

  • 禽兽之皮。--《韩非子.五蠹》

  • 君子之于禽兽。--《孟子.梁惠王上》

  • 恩足以及禽兽。

  • 禽兽之变。--《聊斋志异.狼三则》

  • (4) [impudent and wicked people]比喻行为卑鄙恶劣、卑劣无耻的人

  • 衣冠禽兽

  • 禽兽不如

禽兽[qín shòu]
  1. 他是一个禽兽!他应当被关起来。

    He 's an animal ! He should be put away

  2. 这些人是禽兽,他们所做的一切都是不可原谅的。

    These people are animals and what they did was unforgivable

  3. 可是尘世间我们丝毫不必畏惧人类或禽兽的那份冷漠。

    But on earth indifference is the least We have to dread from man or beast .

  4. 汉水以南各国知道后,都说:“商汤对禽兽也这样恩赐,这样宽恕,真是个仁慈的人。”

    When the people of the states south of the Han River heard of it , they all said : " King Tang of Shang bestows6 favour even upon birds and animals . He is so lenient7 that he is truly a benevolent8 man . "

  5. 你是不是杀死我父亲的禽兽之一?

    Are you one of the monsters who kiiied my father ?

  6. 音乐可以收服野蛮的禽兽&或动物。

    Music can soothe the savage beast - man or animal .

  7. 伯纳德希金波坦真是个禽兽,竟叫她这么辛苦。

    Bernard Higginbotham was a brute to work her so hard .

  8. 男人都是禽兽,万兽之间只有一些比较合适当宠物。

    All men are animals , some just make better pets .

  9. 少了一个禽兽,而且女孩已经被解救。

    One less fatso , and the girl has been saved .

  10. 在禽兽与圣人之间&略论孟子的主体定位观

    Between Beast and Sage & On Mencius ' Idea of Subject Orientation

  11. 这个不知哪里来的士兵,禽兽,野蛮人。

    This brute , this barbarian from who knows where .

  12. 你是个禽兽是啊,那你呢?

    You 're an animal . - Yeah ? What are you ?

  13. 我想让你保护我,不受那个禽兽伤害

    I wanted you to protect me from that animal .

  14. 如果他只是只禽兽,我们就可以杀他。

    LF it is a beast , then it can be slain .

  15. 身为禽兽,要超越自己其实有很多方法。

    Being an animal , there are numerous ways of surpassing ourself .

  16. 人无理智,即是当春的禽兽。

    A man without reason is a beast in season .

  17. 他们跟禽兽相差不远。

    They are not many degrees removed from the brute .

  18. 他的禽兽行为令人发指。执行级行政人员专业发展组

    His bestiality made people bristle with anger . EAS Professional Development Unit

  19. 没有文明,人就无异于禽兽。

    When civilization is gone , men are no better than beasts .

  20. 没有这些,我们和禽兽无异。

    Without this , we are no more than beasts .

  21. 作为一只禽兽,我深感压力很大。

    As a beast , I am under immense pressure .

  22. 做领导比做禽兽难多了。

    There 's more to being a leader than being a jerk .

  23. 其实,人应该说是禽兽向上帝的过渡。

    Actually man is in transit between brute and God .

  24. 看看这些禽兽,你一定要学会仇恨!

    Look at the animals ! Y Ou must learn to hate !

  25. 没有他们,社会将土崩瓦解,人将沦为禽兽

    " Without them , society either disintegrates or else become an anthill "

  26. 他酒一喝多,就成了个禽兽。

    He becomes an animal when he 's had too much to drink .

  27. 禽兽,你和基文坐直升机去。

    You 're riding in the chopper with caiman .

  28. 人类或禽兽的那份冷峭。

    We have to dread from man or beast .

  29. 你们这些(禽兽),在野地里毫无约束地作祟,直到我们发现了你。

    Your kind , haunting the wilds unchecked , until we found you .

  30. 男人的血液里天生有着禽兽的因子。

    Men of blood are born with beast factor .