
qín lóng
  • iguanodon
禽龙[qín lóng]
  1. 但是禽龙的确没有角。

    But an iguanodon didn 't have a horn .

  2. 发现第一只禽龙时,只发现一只拇指骨。

    When the first iguanodon was discovered , only one thumbone was found .

  3. 是的,他是一只禽龙。

    Yes , he is an Iguanodon .

  4. 牧草草食动物作为食物吃的草或其它植物适用于动物食用的牧草。禽龙是草食动物。其它食肉恐龙会捕食禽龙。

    Iguanodon was a plant eater . Other meat eating dinosaurs would kill the Iguanodon to eat it .

  5. 禽龙属于侏罗纪和白垩纪的禽龙属中的任意一种大型恐龙。

    Any of various large dinosaurs of the genus iguanodon , of the Jurassic period and Cretaceous period .

  6. 异特龙是肉食动物。它捕食剑龙,迷惑龙和禽龙,有时候也吃其它动物杀死的恐龙。

    The Allosaurus was a meat eater . They would kill and ate Stegosaurus , Apatosaurus and Iguanodon . It would also eat dead dinosaurs killed by others .

  7. 禽龙是草食动物。其它食肉恐龙会捕食禽龙。每一个绿色植物在遗传上对一些食草动物都具有抗性。

    Iguanodon was a plant eater . Other meat eating dinosaurs would kill the Iguanodon to eat it . Every green plant is inherently resistant to some herbivores .

  8. 食肉猛兽[禽](如虎、鹰)禽龙是草食动物。其它食肉恐龙会捕食禽龙。

    A beast / bird of prey ( eg a tiger , an eagle ) Iguanodon was a plant eater . Other meat eating dinosaurs would kill the Iguanodon to eat it .