
  • 网络The Hog's Head;Hogs Head pub
  1. 猪头酒吧前,服务生在售卖黄油啤酒。

    A waitress serves butter beer at the Hogshead Pub .

  2. 在公猪头酒吧我们遇见几位朋友,便开始高谈阔论起来。

    In the Boar 's Head we met some friends and started talking .

  3. 猪头酒吧墙上的猪头。

    A hog 's head on the wall of the Hog 's Head pub .

  4. 我们回去吧,顺便到公猪头酒吧喝一杯。

    Let 's go and have a drink at the Boar 's Head on our way home .

  5. 一天我们在东切普塞德街的公猪头酒吧同理查·白贝芝喝酒。

    One day we were having a glass of beer with Richard Burbage at the Boar 's Head in Eastcheap .

  6. 一天,我、威尔、理查·白贝芝、亨利·康德尔、约翰·海明和奥古斯丁·菲利普六个人一起聚在公猪头酒吧讨论剧本。

    We all met one day in the Boar 's Head to talk about it.There were six of us - me and Will , Richard Burbage , Henry Condell , John Heminges , and Augustine Phillips .