
  • 网络impedimenta;impedimento
  1. 许多报告都声称,可穿戴设备将在2014年成为主流。不过来自数字研究公司L2的最新报告证实了许多人正在默默为之努力的一件事:可穿戴设备仍然没有得到社会的广泛接受,要扩大销量依旧障碍重重。

    Some reports have named 2014 as the year when wearable devices will hit the mainstream , but a newer study from L2 , a digital research firm , confirms what many have been quietly fighting for : wearables are still not socially acceptable , creating a significant hurdle to further sales .

  2. 但政治的现实性使得这一伟大梦想障碍重重。

    But the reality of politics has obstructed that grand dream .

  3. 事实上,现在才正是障碍重重的时候。

    Actually , now it 's very much in the way .

  4. 尽管障碍重重,两方都仍热盼取得高额回报。

    And yet , despite these handicaps , both aspire to large returns .

  5. 这方面实在是障碍重重。

    There are simply too many obstacles .

  6. 安排日常检查像一个大肠镜检查更始障碍重重。

    That 's on top of the extra hurdles to arrange routine care , like a colonoscopy .

  7. 绝管障碍重重,他以不懈的努力为我国的现代化作出了永久性的贡献。

    Despite tremendous obstacles , he made lasting contributions to our country 's modernization with his unrelenting efforts .

  8. 这些不良现象对法律权威构成威胁和破坏,影响社会法治环境,严重制约法治进程。程序法运行障碍重重有其一般性、共同性原因。

    These phenomena threaten and breach the authority of law , hence seriously impede the construction of legal state .

  9. 经历了喧嚣的一年,汽车行业又重返正轨,但前方仍障碍重重。

    The auto industry is back on the road after a tumultuous year , but obstacles still lie ahead .

  10. 然而,商会在中国的发展可谓一波三折,障碍重重。

    However , the development path of Chinese Chamber of Commerce is curvous and meeting setback from time to time .

  11. 爱的缺席会让黑暗蔓延,造成疏离并最终导致事情障碍重重。

    The lack of Love allows the darkness to creep in , and causes separation and eventually the breakdown of matter .

  12. 约翰很幸运,尽管在他的道路上障碍重重但他总能化验为夷。

    John is very fortunate and always lands on his feet in spite of all the obostacles put in his way .

  13. 南部宅地法在实施过程中障碍重重,最终归于失败。

    There existed lots of obstacles in the process of enforcement of the Act , and it failed in the end .

  14. 对于相爱的人,摩登时代障碍重重,也许远远超过以前的任何时代。

    Modern times are difficult for lovers ( see my post here ) - perhaps more so than in most previous eras .

  15. 《红楼梦》称呼语的复杂性和汉英两种文化的差异使称呼语的翻译过程障碍重重。

    The complexity of address forms in Hong Lou Meng and differences between the two cultures set up a considerable barrier to translation .

  16. 但现行国内证券市场运作系统的法律机制却不适应这一潮流的发展,现行国际法律机制对证券市场国际化也是障碍重重。

    But the current domestic laws and regulations for the operation of stock market mechanism are not conformable to this trend of development .

  17. 跨文化新闻传播的障碍重重体现出来自不同文化的国家间的交流是异常艰难的。

    So many obstacles in cross-cultural news coverage have led to the fact that the exchange between countries from different cultures is exceptionally difficult .

  18. 另一方面,儒学必须对西方的强势有所回应,儒学的发展尽管障碍重重但它仍有转化重生的机缘。

    On the other hand , Confucianism must respond to the reign of the West , so as to get a lucky chance of renascence .

  19. 拨开障碍重重的中间人网络,揪出犯错误的人,不仅有难度,而且可能是在浪费时间。

    Unravelling the baffling web of middlemen to get to the person who made the mistake is not just difficult but also probably a waste of time .

  20. 理论界对于这一新兴的法律权利概念众说纷纭,从而导致其与司法实践的互动障碍重重。

    Theories field for this a newly arisen legal right concept profusion of different opinions , but cause its interactive obstacle that practice been layer after layer with judicatory .

  21. 我们理解他们的处境,他们也应该理解我们的处境,在解释凤凰卫视如何在政治障碍重重的市场上披荆斩棘时,刘长乐如此评说中国高层官员。

    We understand their situation , and they probably also understand our situation , he says about senior officials to explain how Phoenix navigates the political difficulties of this market .

  22. 成功之路总免不了有磕磕碰碰、障碍重重。提前规划并在处理重重障碍上采取积极主动的方法,同样很重要。

    There are always going to be bumps in the road and obstacles along the way . Its important to plan ahead and take a proactive approach in dealing with barriers .

  23. 许多学生们虽然能够通过一系列的英语等级考试,但是在与外国人交流时障碍重重,有些同学甚至还弄出了尴尬和笑话。

    Many students can pass a series of English level tests easily , but they have met a lot of obstacles while communicating with foreigners and some even makes silly mistakes .

  24. 由于意识到西欧选民不愿欧盟进一步东扩,欧盟有意让入盟之路变得漫长而障碍重重。

    Aware of the hostility of western European voters to further enlargement to the east , the EU had deliberately made the path to Brussels a long and intimidating obstacle course .

  25. 另一方面,由于农村经济发展水平较为落后以及人口居住较为分散等原因,使得农村民办学前教育发展也障碍重重。

    On the other hand , due to the backwardness of rural economic development and the dispersed layout of population and other reasons , the development of rural private pre-schools is hindered .

  26. 但是即使你足够坚强并能够在生活和工作的障碍重重的道路上挺进,有时候你也会遭遇逆境,它将会在背后给你狠狠一击。

    But even ifyou are strong enough to persist the obstacle course of life and work , sometimes you will encounter an adverse event that will completely knock you on your back .

  27. 然而,在翻译的过程中,人们发现由于中西文化的差异,汉英翻译,尤其是中国的文化负载词的翻译障碍重重。

    However , due to the distinction between Chinese culture and western culture , people have met immense difficulties in the process of translation , especially in the translation of Chinese culture-loaded words .

  28. 路基压实度和稳定性是保证路基稳定的关键,城市道路地下设施密布,沿线障碍重重,使路基压实难度加大。

    The compaction degree and stability of subgrade are key to guarantee the stability of subgrade . The compaction of urban road subgrade is very difficult because of the dense underground facilities and obstacles .

  29. 另外由于运动员选拔制度的缺失等,导致其参训之路障碍重重,运动员选拔具有较大的偶然性、被动性。

    In addition , there were many obstacles when they participated in the sport training as the lack of player selection system . Therefore , the selection of the athletes was accidental and passive .

  30. 然而,纵观我国税收法律体系及税收实务,税收法定原则并未能得到有效的贯彻执行,以致我国的法治建设道路障碍重重。

    However , looking through the tax legal system and tax practice in China , the implementing of the tax principle of legality is not effective enough , which results in many difficulties in legislative construction .