首页 / 词典 / good

  • block;hinder;obstruct
  • barrier;block;obstacle
  • 阻隔,遮挡:~蔽。~翳。~碍。故~。~眼法。一叶~目,不见泰山。

  • 中国秦、汉两代边塞上作防御用的城堡:“出五原塞数百里,远者千里,筑城~列亭,至庐朐”。

  • 用作遮蔽、防卫的东西:屏~。

  • 古同“幛”,画轴。


(阻隔; 遮挡) block; hinder; obstruct:

  • 障目

    cover one's eyes


(遮挡物) barrier; block; obstacle:

  • 屏障

    protective screen;

  • 路障

    barricade; roadblock

  1. 谜语的这两个基本部分被称作描述和谜障,多数谜语沿袭了这一格式。

    These two basic parts of a true riddle are called the description and the block , and they may be observed in a great variety of texts .

  2. 通过连续5年的实地调查与观测,研究了10种流动沙地植物沙障治理模式的适用范围、植被恢复效果、沙丘移动距离及投入与产值情况。

    Through 5 years observation and investigation , the suitable range , plant recovery , sand dune moving distance , investment and production value of ten moving sand plant block models were studied .

  3. 嵌入式Linux下超声波避障系统设计

    Design of Ultrasonic Obstacle Avoidance System in Embedded Linux System

  4. 渗Al处理对低压等离子喷涂金属&氧化物扩散障作用的影响

    Effect of Aluminizing on LPPS metal-oxide diffusion barrier

  5. 基于FPGA的超声波避障系统设计

    The design of ultrasonic evadible system based on FPGA

  6. 某火箭破障武器电液伺服系统的模糊免疫PID控制的研究

    Study of Fuzzy Immune PID Controller for the Electric-hydraulic Servo System in Rocket Destroying Obstacles Weapon

  7. 基于UML的破障作战行动建模研究

    Research of Obviating Operation Modeling Based on UML

  8. Nd∶YAG激光治疗囊袋内人工晶体眼后发障术后眼压变化

    Intraocular pressure changes after Nd : YAG laser posterior capsulotomy in eyes with bag-fixated IOL

  9. 该3D数据能够有效地支持无人直升机在应用任务执行过程中的避障、路径规划和应用任务的适时控制。

    These 3D information can effectively supports the implementation of UAV tasks like : obstacle avoidance , path planning and flight control application .

  10. 基于LMS的AUV空间避障模拟方法研究

    A spacial obstacle avoidance simulation method for AUV based on LMS

  11. 多自由度实验台架的AUV避障模拟研究

    Obstacle avoidance simulation of multi-DOF test platform research for AUV

  12. 基于粒子GT算法的最短避障路径规划的研究

    Research on Shortest Obstacle Avoidance Path Planning Based on Granular GT Algorithm

  13. 基于多波束前视声纳的AUV实时避障方法研究

    A Real-time Obstacle Avoidance Method for AUV Using a Multibeam Forward Looking Sonar

  14. 传统的UPS旧障诊续的方式非依据己类积集的经验和数据,闭于拆备的旧障及其收铺变更入行诊续和估量。

    Traditional UPS Fault Diagnosis methods to diagnose and calculate the Diagnosis of equipments based on the accumulative experience and data .

  15. 综合分析认为PLA沙障具有很大的发展潜力及广阔的推广应用前景。

    So by integrated analyzation , PLA sand barrier has prodigious development potential and widely popularization and application foreground .

  16. 其中CCD摄像机提取图像实现移动载体的路径跟踪,超声传感器实现避障,无线通讯模块实现远程控制。

    The CCD sensor provides the video signal , ultrasonic sensors are used for collision avoidance , the wireless communication module charges for remote control .

  17. 基于GEP的最短避障路径问题的设计

    Plan on Short Path Avoiding Obstructions Based on Gene Expression Programming

  18. FDTD方法在等离子体反射面天线和飞行器返航通讯时的黑障问题的研究中也有应用。

    FDTD method is also effective in investigating the problems of Plasma mirror based radar antenna and Re-entry communication blackout .

  19. 团队CGA行进中的动态避障方法

    A Method for Team CGA Dynamic Collision Avoidance

  20. PLA沙障设置一年半以后,材料平均分子量有所下降,但降幅不大,纤维表面整体保持完好。

    After the barrier set 1.5 years later , the fiber average molecular weight has a small decline and its surface keep well .

  21. 利用模糊神经网络避障控制器融合CCD摄像机与超声波传感器探测到的环境信息,以实现机器人的安全避障。

    In order to avoid the obstacles successfully , detection results from CCD and ultrasonic sensors are fused by a fuzzy neural network , which acts as an avoidance controller .

  22. 为确定三维显示中视差障栅(PB)的最优参数,提出一种基于彩色叠栅条纹的PB参数设计方法。

    In order to confirm appropriate parameters of parallax barrier ( PB ), a parameter design of PB based on a color Moir é condition in autostereoscopic displays is proposed .

  23. 因此,本文将忆阻交叉阵列与Q学习算法相结合,设计了其系统结构,并将其应用于机器人避障实验中,得到了理想的效果。

    So this thesis combines cross array based on memristor with Q-learning algorithm . The system architecture of it is designed and then it is applied in the robot obstacle avoidance experiment .

  24. 该文提出一种基于多Agent的操作臂控制算法,借助于拟合度的概念,使操作臂末端点沿任一给定轨迹运行,进而可以实现避障功能。

    In this paper , a control algorithm for a manipulator based on multi-agent is presented . The manipulator end could run along the planned trajectory with the concept of fitness , and then the function of obstacle-avoiding was realized .

  25. 最后介绍了模糊控制、模糊神经网络,并利用模糊控制和模糊神经网络技术对室内机器人导航中的模糊控制避障和模糊神经网络路径跟踪作了MATLAB仿真研究,达到了预期的目的。

    Consequently , the basic principles of fuzzy control and fuzzy neural networks based on which MATLAB simulation on robotic navigation , avoiding obstacle and path tracking is made . At last , the conclusion is reached .

  26. 目的:轻度认知障功能障碍(Mildcognitiveimpairment,MCI)是指多种原因导致的认知功能轻微受损,达不到痴呆水平,总体认知水平和日常生活能力基本正常的一种综合征。

    Objective Mild cognitive impairment ( MCI ) is a syndrome with mild cognitive injuries not reaching dementia and normal total cognitive function and activity of daily life , caused by multiple reasons .

  27. 该方法采用典型局部避障算法Morphin和全局路径规划算法FieldD,将全局信息和局部信息进行有机结合加以利用。

    This approach combines the typical local obstacle avoidance algorithm Morphin with global path planning algorithm Field D , executing with the organic integration of global information and local information .

  28. 通过用Matlab仿真软件对模糊神经网络进行仿真,仿真结果证明所用模糊神经网络多传感器数据融合算法能够快速收敛,适合于汽车避障系统。

    I had simulated by this fuzzy neural network by software of Matlab , simulation results show that neural networks used by the fuzzy multi-sensor data fusion algorithm can fast convergence , and suitable for the automotive obstacle avoidance system .

  29. 本文从移动机器人避障的角度出发,采用基于Takagi-Sugeno(T-S)模型的模糊神经网络信息融合方法进行移动机器人的避障。

    This paper used the fuzzy neuron networks based on the Takagi-Sugeno ( T-S ) model in the avoiding obstacle of mobile robot .

  30. 针对未知环境下自治式水下机器人(AUV)的运动规划问题,提出了一种基于行为的避障和趋向目标方法。

    Aimed at the problems of motion planning for autonomous underwater vehicle ( AUV ) in unknown environment , a behavior-based approach of obstacle avoidance and goal approaching is raised .