
  • 网络disorders;obstacle
  1. 生活压力的加大使得大学生群体处于心理障碍和精神疾病的高风险状态,在多种人格障碍问题中,大学生群体中存在着罹患边缘性人格障碍的较高风险性。

    The increasing of life pressure makes students groups in high-risk state , especially in mental disorders or mental illness . Among multiple personality disorder problems , higher probability exists with higher risk of suffering from borderline personality disorder in the college students .

  2. 结论:女性抑郁症性功能减退患者有明显的性格缺陷和明显的心理障碍,对抑郁症性功能减退的治疗首先要解决心理障碍问题。

    CONCLUSION : Female depressive patients with sexual hypofunction have obvious personality defect and mental disorders , so the mental disorders problems should be solved firstly in the treatment of depressive patients with sexual hypofunction .

  3. 一般地说,理解阿富汗人的想法存在障碍问题。

    The problem of knowing what Afghans think is an obstacle more generally .

  4. 具有退化椭圆性的双障碍问题解梯度的Holder连续性

    Holder Continuity of the Gradient of Solutions to Double Obstacle Problems Involving Degenerate Elliptic Equations

  5. 根据联合国(UN)现有最新数据,视力影响研究院(VisionImpactInstitute)估计,全球有25亿人患有未矫正的视力障碍问题。

    From the latest UN data available , the Vision Impact Institute has estimated that there are 2.5bn people in the world who have poor vision , and no means of correcting it .

  6. 研究了求解双边障碍问题的AOR迭代算法。

    In this paper , AOR algorithm for solving two-sided obstacle problems is considered .

  7. 另外,在大棚蔬菜生长过程中CO2亏缺、土壤退化、土传病害、植物产量和品质的下降等连作障碍问题已成为影响大棚蔬菜产量和品质提高的关键因素。

    Besides , the deficiency of CO2 , soil degradation , soil-borne diseases and continuous cropping obstacles have become the important factors affecting the quality and yield of the vegetables in the greenhouse .

  8. 文章针对我国行政公开制度的发展障碍问题进行了分析,然后就非典带给我们的沉痛教训以及我国加入WTO后在行政公开制度方面怎样与世界接轨进行了讨论。

    The development obstacle of disclosing the system to the administration of our country has been analysed , lessons brought by SARS and how to integrate the system into the world after entering into the WTO are discussed .

  9. 基于B-S方程,我们分析了美式期权的定价问题,其本质是一个障碍问题。

    Based on this equation , we study the pricing model for American option which essentially is an obstacle problem .

  10. 本文中我们证明了二阶完全非线性抛物型方程障碍问题粘性解的存在性、唯一性和Cα,α/2正则性。

    In this paper , we proved the existence , uniqueness and C α,α / 2 regularity of the viscosity solution for the obstacle problems of the second order fully nonlinear parabolic equations . About the further regularities of the viscosity , we will give another paper .

  11. 在部门层次的EVA绩效评价和激励系统设计中,通过现金红利系数A值和B值的确定和调整,解决了现实中因部门资金成本难以确定导致的应用障碍问题。

    In the designing of the departmental performance evaluation and incentive system , the obstacle caused by the complicated calculation of the departmental capital cost is eliminated by the ascertainment and adjusting of the coefficient A and B of the cash dividend .

  12. ADHD儿童的视觉运动整合能力较正常儿童差,VMI更能反映ADHD亚型中的注意力障碍问题;各亚型之间计划能力、一般智力没有明显的差异。

    The visual motor integration ability of ADHD children is weaker than that of normal children , VMI can better reflect the problem of attention deficit in different subtypes of ADHD .

  13. NET的部队指挥信息集成的目的不是替换现有的异构平台、数据库、应用软件以及服务器,而是将他们从数据层开始有机地集成在一起,解决信息孤岛以及信息交互的障碍问题。

    NET Based Force Command information integration system is not to replace existing the platform , database , application software and server , but to integrate them together organically step by step from the data aspect , to solve " information island " and information interact problem .

  14. 本文研究求解一类双边障碍问题的EAOR迭代算法。

    The EAOR algorithm for solving the two-sided obstacle problems is studied .

  15. 接着,对四阶曲率障碍问题本文通过对逼近格式的修正,并引入新的估计技巧讨论了非协调Morley元逼近,得到了误差估计的新结果。

    Then , for the fourth order curvature obstacle problem , by using modified the approximate formulation and using the novel tricks , we discuss the nonconforming Morley 's finite element approximation and get a new error estimation .

  16. 本文对一类非线性算子的障碍问题提出了几个Schwarz算法,所得迭代序列为上解序列或下解序列,它们单调收敛于问题的准确解。

    In this paper , we propose several Schwarz algorithms for obstacle problems with a type of nolinear operators . Any iterative sequence generated by the algorithms is a super-solution or a lower-solution sequence , which converges monotonically to the problem .

  17. 对简支情形的曲率障碍问题,采用修正的离散格式给出了Morley非协调元逼近的一个新的误差估计,改善了已有的结果。

    Morley nonconforming finite element approximation with modified discretization form for a fourth order inequality problem with curvature obstacle is considered under simply support condition . New error estimate is obtained , which improves the results obtained in the previous literatures .

  18. 论跨文化沟通中的深层语言障碍问题

    On the Obstacles to the Implication of Language in Intercultural Communication

  19. 退化椭圆型障碍问题弱解的边界正则性

    Boundary regularity of weak solutions to Some Degenerate Elliptic Obstacle Problems

  20. 二阶障碍问题的一个非协调矩形元逼近

    A nonconforming rectangle element approxima tion for second order obstacle problem

  21. 肝移植凝血机理障碍问题的探讨

    An Approach to the Mechanism of Coagulopathy in Orthotopic Liver Transplantation

  22. 一类含自然增长条件的拟线性矢值障碍问题

    On Quasilinear Obstacle Problems of Vector-Valued Functions with Natural Growth Conditions

  23. 关于障碍问题的一个非内逼近方法

    On a non - internal approximation method of the obstacle problem

  24. 牵强搭配的认知研究学生翻译中表达障碍问题的认知分析

    Cognitive Studies of Expression Failures in College Students ' English-Chinese Translation

  25. 我国信息资源公共获取障碍问题研究

    Research on Barriers of Public Access to Information Resources in China

  26. 一类非线性单调型边界障碍问题的有限元逼近

    Finite element approximation of a boundary obstacle problem of nonlinear monotone type

  27. A-调和型障碍问题最优解的唯一性

    Uniqueness of Optimal Solutions to A-Harmonic Obstacle Optimal Control Problem

  28. 一类T单调算子障碍问题的块单调迭代法

    Block Monotone Iterative Methods for a Type of T-monotone Operators

  29. 四阶障碍问题的稳定化混合有限元方法

    Stabilized Mixed Finite Element Approximation for Fourth Order Obstacle Problem

  30. 蔬菜设施栽培可持续发展中的连作障碍问题

    Soil-sickness Problem in the sustainable Development for the Protected Production of Vegetables