
zhàng yǎn fǎ
  • cover-up;smokescreen;camouflage;deceptive trick;put-up job;throw dust in people's eyes
障眼法 [zhàng yǎn fǎ]
  • [cover-up; deceptive trick] 遮蔽或转移别人视线的手法

障眼法[zhàng yǎn fǎ]
  1. 我是指,也许会一些障眼法。

    I mean , maybe he 's got some kind of optical camouflage .

  2. 那全是障眼法,借以转移对他真实目的的注意。

    It was all a ploy to distract attention from his real aims .

  3. 他指控麦格雷戈先生“使用障眼法”。

    He accused Mr MacGregor of ' sleight of hand ' .

  4. 全是障眼法,他们的手上沾满鲜血

    Smokescreens all of them . Blood on their hands .

  5. 2.计谋那纯粹是障眼法,用以分散人们对他真正意图的注意力。

    It is all a ploy to distract attention from his real aim .

  6. 因此,毕业论文中,“有史以来最佳障眼法奖”将颁发给凯特琳?凯莱赫。

    So all-time best head fake award goes to Caitlin Kelleher 's dissertation .

  7. 我看到你的障眼法招数了,那段视频

    I saw your red herring , the video .

  8. 我认为有史以来最善于使用障眼法的是凯特琳?凯莱赫。

    I think the best head fake of all time comes from Caitlin Kelleher .

  9. 答:我在看墙上,我也有障眼法的。

    Ans : I saw only walls , and I also have blinders up .

  10. 普遍认为他的演说是一种藉以掩饰真实情况的障眼法。

    His speech was widely viewed as a diversionary tactic to disguise the real situation .

  11. 病毒只是个障眼法

    Virus is a red herring .

  12. 他们会告诉你的!他们都知道各种钻空子办法,各种障眼法及各种狡诈办法。

    They 'd tell you ! They knew every loophole , every dodge and every back-alley .

  13. 即使有人偶作为障眼法,腹语表演者仍旧依赖灵媒长年所使用的技巧。

    Even with their dummy distractions , ventriloquists still rely on the age-old techniques of spiritual mediums .

  14. 如果总量管制和交易制度削弱我们制定强力法律的能力,那麽它就是种障眼法。

    If a cap and trade proposal weakens our ability to make strong laws , it 's a distraction .

  15. 例句与用法:那纯粹是障眼法,用以分散人们对他真正意图的注意力.儿童的注意力很不容易集中.

    It was all a ploy to distract attention from his real aims . Children are so easily distracted .

  16. 不过,事实上,这些绘画的意义远胜于仅仅吸引我们的眼球,远胜于跟我们的感知力玩障眼法。

    But in fact the pictures do much more than simply arrest our gaze , much more than play bait-and-switch with perceptions .

  17. 它也是一个警钟,表面上国际标准化的非道德目标,实际上只是某些私心集团寻求其自己利益的障眼法。

    It is also a warning , the seemingly amoral goal of international standardization is in fact a shield behind which less public-spirited interests may seek their own ends .

  18. 不过实话实说,得要很多障眼法才能拍出那么好的吻戏来,我们试试看好了。

    But to be perfectly honest with you , it takes a lot of smoke and mirrors to look that good kissing . We 'll give it a shot .

  19. 里约热内卢――本月里约奥运会的田径赛事将展现运动员卓越的体育才华,如果你仔细观察,也会看到颇具创意的障眼法。

    RIO DE JANEIRO - The track and field events at the Rio Olympics this month will showcase elite athletic talent and , if you look closely , creative subterfuge .

  20. 英国国会议员昨晚表示,英国广播公司在其最新的富豪榜上使用了障眼法,避免披露数十名高收入明星的薪水。

    The BBC has used ' smoke and mirrors ' to avoid disclosing the salaries of dozens of highly paid stars on its latest rich list today , MPs said last night .

  21. 这是个障眼法,意在掩盖真正的问题:国家的偿债能力、缺乏竞争力的教育、高成本且不公平的医疗体系、前后矛盾的能源和外交政策,以及腐朽、昂贵、不公正的法律体系。

    It was a smokescreen to avoid the real issues : national solvency , uncompetitive education , a very costly and uneven healthcare system , incoherent energy and foreign policies and a rancid , unaffordable and unjust legal system .