
shū qínɡ sǎn wén
  • lyric prose
  1. 朱自清抒情散文的结构艺术

    The Art Composition of Lyric Prose Written by Zhu zi-qing

  2. 第二章中作者简述了散文及抒情散文的定义和特点。

    Chapter II introduces the definition and features in prose and lyric prose .

  3. 中国现代抒情散文的艺术构成及其发展(一)&现代抒情散文的抒情方式辨类

    Artistic Forms and Development of Chinese Modern Lyric Prose

  4. 现代抒情散文的审美特征及其历史渊源(三)

    The Aesthetic Characteristics and Historical Origins of Contemporary Lyric Prose ( Part Three )

  5. 多么好的一篇抒情散文啊!文笔细腻,写出了春意浓浓的气氛。

    How good expresses feelings the prose ! The style was exquisite , has .

  6. 《白杨礼赞》与中国现代抒情散文的转折

    " Praise and Admiration of Poplar Tree " and Lyrics Prose Transition of Chinese Modern Age

  7. 散文作为一种文学体裁,可分成议论散文、记叙散文、抒情散文和兼类散文四种亚型。

    As a literary genre , prose falls into four categories : argumentative , narrative , lyric and encompassing .

  8. 如果我写这篇文章,我会倾向于使用一个抒情散文的形式。

    If I were to write this essay , I would be inclined to use the form of a lyrical essay .

  9. 他为时代奉献了有独创性的抒情散文与诗歌,但其文学评论却明显具有双重性。

    He contributes to his times creative lyric poems and prose , but his criticism on other writers is obviously of duality .

  10. 抒情散文作为散文的一种,既有散文的共性,自然也有其独特性。

    Lyric prose is one type of literary prose , enjoying some common features of the whole as well as its own .

  11. 本部分将其散文分为议论散文、叙事散文、抒情散文三类,分别研究其散文内容。

    This part will be divided into argumentative essays , prose narrative prose , lyrical prose three class to study its prose content .

  12. 《白杨礼赞》开启了新的写作范式,同时也影响了现代抒情散文文脉的流延。

    " Praise and Admiration of Poplar Tree " had opened the new writing model , simultaneously also affected the modern age 's arrangement of lyrics prose .

  13. 茅盾的经典散文《白杨礼赞》呈现了新的写作姿态,进而标识了中国现代抒情散文的转折。

    Mao Duns classical prose " Praise and Admiration of Poplar Tree " had presented the new writing posture , then marked the lyrics prose transition of Chinese modern age .

  14. 以现代抒情散文的抒情方式为线索,综合考察其艺术发展进程,审视现代抒情散文在不同社会时期的艺术倾向和特点。

    Taking lyric style of Chinese modem lyric prose as the clues , this paper inspects comprehensively its artistic developmental course , looks closely at its artistic trend and characteristics during different social periods .

  15. 第四章是本文的主体部分,作者以韵味说为理论依据,从词汇转换的角度分析了所选取的刘译现代抒情散文。

    Chapter IV is the main part of this thesis , which analyzes the selected modern lyric prose from perspective of word conversion , based on the theory of " artistic flavor " in literary translation .

  16. 诗意是中国现代文人艺术精神的表现,是中国现代抒情散文做现代性解读的必由之路。

    " Poeticness " expresses the artistic spirit of the modern Chinese literati . It is a necessary way for the literary inner research to interpret the modern Chinese lyrical prose from the angle of " modernity " .

  17. 本文着重研究抗战时期大后方流亡题材的叙事抒情散文,试图探究这类散文的形成原因、基本内容、类型特征和价值意义。

    This article focuses on the rear during the Anti-Japanese War in exile subject narrative lyric prose , trying to explore the causes of such prose , the basic content of the types of features and value significance .

  18. 从现代抒情散文的抒情方式角度切入,考察、分析和归纳不同抒情方式及其抒情效果与艺术构成,概括研究其典型的艺术形态和艺术格局。

    From the lyric forms of modem lyric prose , this paper first investigates , analyzes and sums up different lyric styles as well as effects and artistic forms , then generalizes and studies its typical artistic patterns and formations .

  19. 他擅长写漂亮精致的抒情散文,如朴素动人的《背影》,明净淡雅的《荷塘月色》,委婉真挚的《儿女》等。

    He was adept in writing polished and exquisite lyric essays , such as the plain and moving A Glimpse of Father 's Back , the quietly elegant The Moon of the Lotus Pond , the mild and unaffected Children , etc.

  20. 具体论证思路为:1、鲁迅的《野草》标志着中国抒情散文的诗意境界开始从古典向现代转换,这是一部能确立中国散文现代性的作品。

    Grounds for argument include : 1 . Lu Xun 's Wild Grass , as a work indicating the establishment of " modernity " in Chinese prose , marks the turn of " poetic jingjie " from classical style to modern one in modern Chinese lyrical prose .

  21. 正文的最后一部分重点探讨旧体诗歌与抒情小说对郁达夫散文文体的影响。

    In the last section of the main text , it focuses on discussing the impacts of lyric novels and classical poetry to his prose writing .

  22. 论文论述了散文的抒情本性和抒情散文在当今散文创作格局中存在的合理合法性,并对90年代的学者散文(随笔)创作提出了自己的看法。

    The author of this paper attempts to expound the " lyricism " of prose and the rational existence of " lyric prose " in the present setup of prose writing and to air his personal views on " the scholar prose ( essay )" writing in the 1990s .

  23. 在现代,广义的散文包括除去诗歌、小说、戏剧、影视文学之外的一切记叙性、议论性、抒情性的文体,这样,就有了叙事散文和议论散文和抒情散文的分类。

    In modern time , the prose in broad sense includes all narrating 、 discussing and lyric style except poetry 、 novel 、 theater 、 movie and television literature .