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  1. 试论赵壹的抒情小赋

    A Trial Comment on the Lyric Minor Prose Poems by Zhao Yi

  2. 抒情小赋的更生及其历史地位

    The Regeneration of Lyric Prose & Its Historical Status

  3. 第四部分探讨南北朝时期抒情小赋题材的新变。

    The fourth part probes into the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties .

  4. 然而,东汉后期,汉大赋所赖以生存的条件逐步消失,辞赋发生了转型,朝着抒情小赋的方向发展。

    But in the late of Eastern Han Dynasty , the conditions which big Fu in Han Dynasty depend on disappear gradually .

  5. 第一部分探讨汉代的抒情小赋,着重分析汉代赋家在抒情小赋题材方面的开拓。

    The first part explored lyrical and small Fu in Han dynasty , focused on the analysis of the lyric in Han dynasty gives small given subject progress .

  6. 摘要汉赋中宫怨题材并不多见,但对后世宫怨题材作品的创作和抒情小赋的发展都具有重要意义。

    Chinese palace blame subject matter isactually rare in composing , hut palace blame creation and lyrical little development that compose , subject matter of works significant to later age .

  7. 第四章系统全面地了解曹丕的赋作,从体制和内容两个方面入手,来说明其赋成为短小精悍的抒情小赋过程中,对前人赋结构上的突破。

    The fourth chapter systematically and comprehensively understand Cao Pi Fu , starting from two aspects : system and content , to illustrate its Fu become lyrical and small Fu process short , the previous Fu structure of the breakthrough .

  8. 同时,曹丕以其帝王身份所具有的号召力,影响着建安文人大量创作抒情小赋,并积极引领赋体变革与发展,使得赋这种文体积极地向前迈出了发展的一步。

    At the same time , Cao Pi to the emperors have appeal , affects the Jian ' an writers created a lot of lyric prose , and actively lead the reform and development of the Fu , Fu actively forward development step .

  9. 魏晋抒情小赋与汉大赋的文学价值比较

    The Literary Value Comparison between Lyrical Xiao FU in Wei-Jin Dynasty and Da Fu in Han Dynasty