
  1. 对话与独白:《离骚》抒情方式的重新解读

    Dialogue & Soliloquy : Analysis on Lyrical Way of Li Sao

  2. 试析唐游侠诗的抒情方式

    Try to analyze the lyrical way of the Tang chivalrous poems

  3. 平铺直叙的抒情方式及其直率慷慨的美学风格。

    Secondly simple straightforward lyricism and frank impassioned aesthetic style .

  4. 最后,探讨徐夜诗歌的抒情方式。

    Finally , discusses a Xu Ye of poetry to express feelings the way .

  5. 第三章是唐末士人隐逸诗的艺术特色,主要从语句锤炼、意象使用、抒情方式三个方面来分析。

    Temper from the statement , imagery use , lyrical way the three aspects of analysis .

  6. 论华兹华斯诗歌的抒情方式

    On Wordsworth 's Lyrical Style

  7. 在情感的表现上,宣泄与倾诉式的直抒胸臆成为其最重要的抒情方式;

    In terms of expression of emotion , frank revelation is engaged as the most important method .

  8. 回环往复的抒情方式与低回要妙的美学风格并不肇始于《古诗十九首》。

    The roundabout , indirect lyricism and mild graceful aesthetic style are not begun with The19 Ancient Poetries .

  9. 在艺术上具有以悲情为主的艺术风格和楚调为主的抒情方式。

    In art , they mainly employed the artistic style of sorrow and the manner of Chu melody .

  10. 叙述视角相同、叙述结构相仿、抒情方式与叙述节奏相似;

    The similarities lie in narrative perspective , narrative structure , narrative rhythm and the way to express feelings .

  11. 在抒情方式和题写内容方面,题画词与其它题画文学体式一起并存于文学艺术的殿堂。

    Ci lyric in paintings coexists with other ci lyric literature styles in the expressing way and the content .

  12. 这种理论及文本实践主要体现于林庚诗歌的抒情方式之上,体现于抒情文法和情感控制的运用。

    The theory and practice of text mainly embody in lyrical ways , including lyrical grammar and the application of emotional control .

  13. 试论《古诗十九首》的抒情方式及其美学风格&兼与刘跃进先生商榷

    Discussion on the Lyric Patterns and Aesthetic Styles in The 19 Ancient Poetries & And to Be Discussed Further with Mr. Liu Yuejin

  14. 诗意现实主义作品以抒情方式描写自然景色和人物心理活动见长,善于将人的心理活动与自然巧妙结合起来。

    The poetic realism is good at describing the natural scenery and the person 's psychology with lyric emotion and combining them ingeniously .

  15. 主要从黄生诗歌的情感表达、艺术风格、抒情方式和语言特征四个方面加以论述。

    It is mainly discussed from the four aspects of Huang poetry emotion expression , artistic style , lyrical style and language features .

  16. 这种抒情方式的区别也反映了词体文学在发展进程中与诗体文学的对立与融合。

    Furthermore , such different modes also show the clash and blending of ci literature and poetic literature in the course of development .

  17. 本文将从微观和宏观两个方面来分析其诗歌的抒情方式,以及这种抒情方式给我们中国当代诗歌创作所带来的启示。

    On Lyric Piano Works This essay analyses lyric manner of the poems from microcosmic and macroscopic , and the revelation of Chinese poems of the period .

  18. 唐代咏侠诗在艺术表现上高度成熟,艺术形式多姿多彩,抒情方式多种多样。

    The poems on knight errant written in Tang are highly ripe in the artistic expression , rich in types of literature and varied in the emotional expression .

  19. 在抒情方式的诗意上,萧乾小说从文学观到抒情方式上,都同基督教文化有着一定的联系。

    In the poetic ways of expressing feelings , Xiao Qian 's works has much relation with Christian cultures , in literature concepts and ways of expressing feelings .

  20. 论文试从其诗歌的情节结构、话语的言说方式和抒情方式入手来分析其中的戏剧性因素。

    This paper discusses the dramatic factors from the next three aspects : the poem 's plot structure , the discuss pattern and the way of expressing emotions .

  21. 第四章对魏晋南北朝军戎诗抒情方式的转变以及其中实写与虚构两方面进行力求深入的研究。

    Chapter IV Wei Jun lyrical poetry and change the way in which reality and fiction writing , the actual situation and with the other two aspects of artistic expression and seek in-depth study .

  22. 阮籍之失志,则是弃志。失志原因的不同导致了他们在心境、安顿身心的方法和诗歌的抒情方式的差异。

    The different reasons for their respective loss of ambitions resulted in the difference in their mood , in the way they seeked settlement and consolation both physically and mentally , and in their poetic lyric styles .

  23. 第一节论述了《诗经》中爱情诗的抒情方式&委婉含蓄,以及造成这一风格的哲学原因,其哲学原因主要包括中国传统的物感说和礼乐文化两个方面。

    Section One discusses in The Book of Songs the love poems ' lyrical way & Euphemisticalness , and the two philosophical reasons that cause this style , namely , the traditional Chinese Sense of Material and the Rite-music Culture .

  24. 本文以魏晋时期的别诗为研究对象,通过追溯渊源、探讨流变、划分诗作类别、剖析代表作品、归纳抒情方式和离别意象等,试图对魏晋别诗进行全面系统的研究。

    By tracing the origins , the characteristics , dividing the poetry category , analyzing representative works , the lyrical method and parting image angle of the farewell poem , the author is trying to analyze poetry of Wei and Jin Dynasties systematically .

  25. 它以客观化的抒情方式传达精神信息,求得与主体世界的呼应平衡,表现了现实与理想错位情境下的时代焦灼感、阵痛感,具体凝结为爱、批判、希望三个主题意向;

    It expresses the spiritual messages objectively and emotionally to keep its balance with the world , which depicts the sense of anxiety and agony from the distortion of reality and ideal , and embodies the three themes : love , criticism and hope .

  26. 《诗经》是中国第一部诗歌总集,作为五经之一,是中国古典文学的发端,它在审美追求、抒情方式和诗体特点等方面为中国的诗歌奠定了基础。

    The Book of Songs , as one of the Five Classics , is the first poetry collection in China , and the originator of Chinese classical literature . It lays the foundation for the aesthetic pursuit , lyrical way and stylistic features of Chinese poetry .

  27. 以诗歌为代表,自然审美极大地影响了唐诗的内在结构和抒情方式,人与自然建立起全面、深入的内在精神联系是其根本原因。

    The natural aesthetics had a great effect on the inner structure and the lyric way of poetry of the Tang Dynasty taking poetry as representative , human being and nature had set up overall and deep inner spirit connection , which was its basis reason .

  28. 在《天问》错简难题的背后,存在着怎样理解其内在结构和抒情方式的问题,对这个问题的探讨已不仅属于艺术范围,它直接影响着对文本的正确理解和阐释。

    The probe into how the internal structure and lyrical way of expression underlying behind the complicated issue concerning the disordered bamboo slips of Challenge the Heaven are to be comprehended goes beyond the mere range of art , and directly influences the correct understanding and interpretation of its text .

  29. 理想主义文学是一种侧重以直接抒情的方式表现主观理想的文学形态。

    The values of idealism literature in the new period shows an essentially accordant trend with that of the social mainstream ideology .

  30. 同时她还借助事件化抒情的方式,将简单的故事情节引入诗歌中,增强了诗的表现力。

    Meanwhile , she introduced simple storylines in to her poems with the way of " narrative lyric ", which strengthened the expression force .