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  • Saka;hill slope
  • 山坡,斜坡:~上走丸(喻迅速)。


[书] (山坡; 斜坡) hill slope:

  • 如丸走坂

    rolling down the slope like a ball; speedy

  1. 日本首相菅义伟本月早些时候任命坂本哲志负责孤独和孤立相关的政府政策。坂本哲志原本就是负责日本少子化对策和地方创生的大臣。

    Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga appointed Tetsushi Sakamoto , who is already a minister in charge of dealing government policies to deal with loneliness and isolation , earlier this month .

  2. 建于19世纪的基督城大教堂(ChristChurchCathedral)在地震中夷为平地,2013年8月,日本建筑师坂茂带领人们用坚硬的纸卷撑起屋顶,建起一座壮丽的过渡期教堂。

    To replace the badly damaged 19th-century ChristChurch Cathedral , a magnificent transitional church by the Japanese architect Shigeru Ban openedin August with sturdy cardboard tubes for the roof .

  3. 他们一般喜欢购买公认是最时尚街区周边的房产,像青山(Aoyama)、赤坂、麻布(Azabu)和六本木(Roppongi),当地人称之为“三A一R”。

    They tend to prefer properties in the neighborhoods considered the most fashionable : Aoyama , Akasaka , Azabu and Roppongi , referred to locally as ' 3As and an R. '

  4. 奥托经常同其他人合作进行设计,他与坂茂(ShigeruBan)合作,设计了2000年德国汉诺威世界博览会上的日本馆,与罗尔夫·古特布罗德(RolfGutbrod)合作设计了1967年蒙特利尔世界博览会上的西德馆。

    Mr. Otto often designed in collaboration with others , collaborating with Shigeru Ban on Japan 's pavilion for the 2000 Hannover Expo in Germany and with Rolf Gutbrod on the West German pavilion at the Montreal Expo of 1967 .

  5. 乳粉中坂崎肠杆菌的快速检验原粉和B.t。

    Fast detection of Enterobacter sakazakii in milk powder formulation , B.t.

  6. 达坂山导线覆冰与气象条件的关系

    Relationship Between Daban Mountain Transmission Line Ice Cover Phenomenon and Meteorologic Condition

  7. 日本的戏剧的基础上圭坂本的生活和事业。

    The japanese drama based on Kyu Sakamoto 's life and career .

  8. 《我妹妹不可能这么可爱》的高坂桐乃。

    Kirino from my little sister cant be this cute .

  9. 福州(后坂)汽车客运南站建筑设计探讨

    The Architectural Design of Fuzhou South ( Houban ) Automobile Center of Passenger Transport

  10. 东昆仑布喀达坂峰地区发现二叠纪冷温动物群

    Discovery of a cold-water fauna in the Mount Buka Daban area , East Kunlun

  11. 同时经过分析比较,推荐了下坂地水库的正常蓄水位和死水位。

    The normal and dead water level are recommended based on the comparison and analysis .

  12. 新型原料奶生产组织形式奶联社的经营模式探讨目的:检测进口原料奶粉中是否污染坂崎肠杆菌。

    Objective : To examine the contamination of E. sakazakii in imported raw milk powders .

  13. 由过渡而始从坂茂的纸管校舍到过渡性建筑的探讨

    Start from Transition From Paper-tube School-building by Shigeru Ban to the Issue of Transitional Architecture

  14. 下坂地水库参数的优选。

    The select of Xiabanxi reservoir parameter .

  15. 天山乌鲁木齐河源冰达坂多年冻土温度监测

    Permafrost Temperature in the Ice Pass at the Source of the Urumqi River , Tianshan Mountains

  16. “你脸上长了个茄子呢,坂本家的闺女。”

    " You 've got an eggplant on your face , little daughter of sakamoto . "

  17. 分析了青海达坂山地区16种高山植物重金属元素含量。

    The content of heavy metal element of 16 species periglacial plant in Qinghai Daban mountain area was analyzed .

  18. 在赶往瑟卡珀斯四号行星参加会议途中,卢克和莱娅坠机在丛林星球明坂。

    En route to a conference on Circarpous IV , Luke and Leia crash-landed on the jungle planet Mimban .

  19. 但是我恨坂本,并预感到他肯定会领着咱们去见祖先。

    But I hated Sakamoto , and I had a feeling he 'd surely lead us both to our ancestors .

  20. “我认识你,”他终于开口道。“你是老坂本的小女儿嘛。”

    " I know you ," he said at last . " you 're old sakamoto 's little girl . "

  21. 占地33000平方英尺的场馆由日本建筑师坂茂设计,旨在展现爬山体验。

    The 33000-square-foot space , designed by the Japanese architect Shigeru Ban , is meant to reflect the mountain experience .

  22. 冰达坂韧性剪切带内均匀应变富林图解为收缩应变(长椭球),以水平剪切-伸长型应变为特点;

    The homogeneous strain Fullin map of Bingdaban DSZ shows a contracted strain ( long ellipsoid ), feathering horizontal shear-elongation pattern ;

  23. 体现新疆地域特色的小城镇绿地系统规划&以新疆达坂城镇区为例

    Planning of Green Space System in Small Town Embodying the Regional Characteristics of Xinjiang & A Case of Dabancheng , Xinjiang

  24. 坂上表示,上班族也可以将它放在办公桌上,在进行电话营销时得到些许鼓励。

    Sakanoue said workers could also set the toy on their desks for encouragement as they make a sales pitch by telephone .

  25. 冰达坂韧性剪切带空间上为一条带状展布的强应变带,宏观上表现为一系列糜棱岩带和强片理化带变形带。

    Bingdaban DSZ is a banded distribution competent strain belt in space , macro-characteristics exhibit a series mylonite zone and competent schistositilization deformation zone .

  26. 《坂上之云》在构图、蒙太奇、有声语言、音乐和音响等方面的巧妙安排,丰富了该剧的叙事语言。

    A clever arrangement in composition , montage , sound language , music and sound has achieved a detail reading of the play narrative language .

  27. 但是这个篱墙我是要把它建筑在一个坡上,不是一个峻坂,而是一道很平易的斜坡,高约6英尺,遍栽花草。

    But this hedge I intend to be raised upon a bank , not steep , but gently slope , of some six foot , set all with flowers .

  28. 这一算法简单,易于在线实时控制,并且消除了美坂佳肋所给前馈最优算法所产生的稳态误差。

    It is simple for calculation , easy to be implemented for on line control , and free from steady state error produced by the algorithm given by Yoshisuke Misa-ka .

  29. 这个金额只支付给西武狮队,松坂现在的东家。这就是指在其他竞标松坂大辅的竞争者之间,纽约洋基队。

    And this bid only pays the Seibu Lions , Matsuzaka 's current employers , for his rights . Among the other bidders in the Matsuzaka sweepstakes were the New York Yankees .

  30. 中国已知的宝石级钠柱石矿床仅有一处,位于新疆阿克陶县苏巴什达坂北其依达克附近。

    The sole gem marialite deposit in China is located at the western foot of Mount Muztagh , Akto County , Xinjiang , which is tectonically belongs to the Central Famirs fold belt .