首页 / 词典 / good

  • high;lofty;sublime
  • esteem;worship;respect
  • 高:~山峻岭。~高。~论闳议(指高出一般人的讨论。亦作“崇论宏议”)。

  • 尊重,推重:~敬。~拜。~尚。推~。尊~。

  • 古同“终”,终了。

  • 充,充满:~酒于觞。

  • 增长:“今将~诸侯之奸”。

  • 姓。


(高) high; lofty; sublime:

  • 崇山峻岭

    high mountain ridges; high mountains and towering peaks


(重视; 尊敬) esteem; worship; respect:

  • 推崇

    hold in esteem; praise highly;

  • 尊崇

    worship; revere; venerate


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 崇大年

    Chong Danian

  1. 《韩国东崇美术馆•雕塑个展》&韩国首尔;

    ' Korea High East Art Museum Sculpture Exhibition'Seoul , Korea ;

  2. 在此,我谨代表学校向关心少年儿童成长的老师们、辅导员们表示崇高地敬意和诚挚地问候!

    On behalf of the school to caring for the growth of teachers , counsellors expressed lofty respect and sincere greetings to !

  3. 老女巫鬼鬼崇崇地走进来,冷冷一笑。

    The old sorceress slunk in with a sneering smile .

  4. 身体形象及健康专家卡蒂·洛维说:“比基尼桥是恐怖的‘崇瘦主义’的另一例证,对年轻女性的身形和自尊都有负面影响。”

    Body image and wellbeing expert Katie Lowe said : ' The bikini bridge is just another example of horrendous thinspiration that encourages young women to develop poor body image and self-esteem .

  5. 重庆康明斯和深圳崇发领导视察顺风公司的CCS认可船用发电机试验系统。

    CCEC and SCEC management inspect Shun Fung 's CCS recognized marine genset testing system .

  6. 记广西崇左硕豪猪(HystrixmagnaPei,1987)&头骨化石

    Note on a fossil skull of hystrix Magna pei , 1987 ( rodentia , mammalia ) from chongzuo , guangxi

  7. POSH的产生,来自一群令人追崇的网页设计师,他们希望能够写出简短、易记,能够使人一看就知道其意义的语义化HTML。

    The term POSH was coined because a group of highly respected web designers wanted to have a short mnemonic to easily capture the essence of the concept of Semantic HTML .

  8. 简崇诺2000年加入美林(MerrillLynch),出任高级银行家,年薪17.5万美元,在死前的三年内,他共拿到525万美元的提成和奖金。

    Mr Kissel , who joined Merrill Lynch as a senior banker in 2000 on an annual income of $ 175,000 , received $ 5.25m worth of commissions and bonuses in the three years before his death .

  9. 金融危机后,公司三位管理合伙人,一位是前德崇(DrexelBurnham)银行家,还有两位是前以色列伞兵,他们带着钱悄悄来到遭受重创的曼哈顿房地产市场。

    The firm 's three managing partners , a former Drexel Burnham banker and a pair of former Israeli paratroopers , quietly dropped in on Manhattan 's punch drunk post-financial crisis real estate market with money to spend .

  10. 目的提出崇东双曲拱桥加固设计方案。

    Research of evaluation and reinforcing skill on double-curve arch bridge ;

  11. 自柏拉图以来,西方文化传统一直追崇本原中心主义。

    Since Plato , traditional Western culture has been adoring arche-centrism .

  12. 神仙与诗人崇神拜仙资料研究。

    Second , God and the poet immortal worship information research .

  13. 柏克与康德崇高论比较

    A Comparison of the Sublime theory between Burke and Immanuel kant

  14. 崇美主义对美国及其传统习惯的忠诚。

    Allegiance to the United States and its customs and institutions .

  15. 崇圣堂设计格调高雅,具有南方建筑特色。

    Chong Sheng Hall designs elegant and possesses Southern architectural features .

  16. 中国崇狮习俗初探

    Brief Research on the Folk Custom of the Lion Worship of China

  17. 但崇佛的背后,实质为崇道。

    But behind the worship Buddhism , the essence is worshiping Taoism .

  18. 让我们尊崇祂,高举祂的名!

    Let us honor and lift his name up high !

  19. 我们要求把事情完全摆在桌面上,而不是鬼鬼崇崇。

    We wanted things to be completely above board and no hanky-panky .

  20. 中国崇凤习俗初探

    Brief Research on the Folk Custom of the Phoenix Worship of China

  21. 论老子尚柔、崇静的辩证法思想

    Analysis of Laozi 's Dialectical Thought on Gentleness and Quietness

  22. 他看到逾越节崇祀中一切动人心弦的仪式。

    He witnessed the impressive rites of the paschal service .

  23. 崇权文化与表演式课堂&文化冲突背景下的教师课堂教学研究

    Culture of Power Worship and the Performing Model of Teaching

  24. 姜炎崇羊文化与中华民族传统精神

    Jiang Yan 's goat-worshipping culture and the traditional Chinese spirit

  25. 因此,哈尼族的崇树习俗,与他们的生存密切相关。

    The custom of tree worship nearly relate with their survival circumstance .

  26. 天妃以前的海洋保护神&白鹤崇和大帝赵炳

    The Former Ocean God & Whire Crane Mountain and Emperor Zhao Bing

  27. 中国古代崇侠尚武的意识源远流长。

    Worship of the warrior in ancient China has a long history .

  28. 崇智文化根系与壮族的文化生态美&壮族文化生态美研究之二

    Zhuang Cultural Root of Advocating Wisdom and Cultural Ecological Beauty

  29. 其三,地方监察制度的完备和崇重。

    Third , the completeness of the local supervisory system ;

  30. 他从没有像这样把一个崇高的思想崇高地表达出来过。

    Never had he so loftily framed a lofty thought .