
  • 网络Chongyang;chongyang county
  1. 鄂南崇阳县经济发展的管理学思考

    The Administrative Thinking of the Development of the Economy of Chongyang County , South of Hubei Province

  2. 农村生态经济系统动态仿真分析&以湖北省崇阳县为例

    The dynamic emulation analysis of rural ecology-economy system & Taking Chongyang county in Hubei province as an example

  3. 鄂东南丘陵地区农村居民点整理研究&以湖北省崇阳县为例

    Study on Land Consolidation of Rural Residential in Hilly Regions of Southeastern Hubei Province

  4. 在湖北省崇阳县进行毛竹林丰产技术试验研究。

    A high-yield technique trial on Phyllostachys pubescens stands has been conducted in Chongyang County of Hebei province .

  5. 湖北省启动第二轮艾滋病综合防治示范区建设项目,咸宁崇阳县位列其中。

    Hubei Province to start the second round of AIDS comprehensive prevention and treatment demonstration area construction projects , Xianning Chongyang County start-ups .

  6. 2.5万土地类型图的编图程序和面积量算方法&以崇阳县华陂区为例

    A cartographical programme and area measuring method for land-type map scaled 1 : 25,000 with the map of Huapi District in Chongyang County as an example

  7. 本文对采自陕西省柞水县、湖北省崇阳县以及北京市房山区的三条岩溶洞穴次生化学沉积物&石笋进行了古地磁场方向和相对强度的长期变化研究。

    This paper describes the results of secular variation study of paleomagnetic direction and relative intensity using stalagmites-secondary concretions of limestone caves from Zhashui , Shanxi , Chongyang , Hubei and Fangshan , Beijing .

  8. 崇阳县位于湖北省东南区域,地处湘鄂赣三省交界处,属于低山丘陵地区,教育发展水平相对较低,其中,崇阳教育发展的问题主要集中在农村。

    Situated at the juncture of Hubei , Hunan and Jiangxi province , Chongyang is a county in Southeast Hubei . Being a hilly area , it is relatively low in education development with problems centering on countryside .

  9. 农村寄宿制学校的发展直接影响崇阳县基础教育改革的全局,如何办好寄宿制学校已成为崇阳县教育领域中急需要研究和解决的重大现实问题。

    The development of rural boarding schools will exert a direct influence on the reform of elementary education in Chongyang , so how to run good boarding schools becomes a significant practical issue in Chongyang education field demanding urgent research and prompt solution .

  10. 本文根据土地类型本质特征,在尚未有统一的专题制图规范可循情况下,设计了崇阳县华陂区1:2.5万土地类型图的编图程序,采用了求积仪配合方格网量算面积的方法。

    According to the essential features of land types and under the circumstance with no unified standards to follow , the cartographical programme and area measuring method for land-type map scaled 1 : 25,000 are devised with the help of planimeter and checking net-work .