
  • 网络sogo;sogo department store
  1. 这里有室内购物商场,时代广场和楼高13层的日式百货公司崇光百货。

    It includes Times Square , and the thirteen story Japanese department store , SOGO .

  2. 广岛有一家崇光百货公司。

    There is a department store called sogo , in hiroshima .

  3. 我碰巧知道在太平洋崇光百货附近有家晚上可以出去玩的地方。

    I happen to know a very night spot near the Sogo Department Store .

  4. 崇光百货是一家中高档零售商,其旗舰店坐落于人气极高的香港铜锣湾商圈。

    SOGO is a mid - to upmarket retailer and its flagship store is located in the popular Causeway Bay shopping district .

  5. 在崇光百货店我们的货品周转率非常高,如今顾客要是不能马上找到合适的尺码,他就不会再回头来买了。

    Sogo is a place where we rotate merchandise very frequently and people right now are just not going to come back to a shop if they don 't find straightaway the right size .

  6. 与去年圣诞节相比,大部分店铺的销售额下降了大约10%,但在少数地方也出现了增长,他说,增长的地方包括在铜锣湾大型百货公司崇光百货的店铺。

    The sales drop in most stores compared to last Christmas was about 10 per cent , but we were actually up in a few places , he says , including in Sogo , a giant department store in Causeway Bay .