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chóng jìng
  • esteem;respect;revere;adore;veneration;intelligent view;honour;worship
崇敬 [chóng jìng]
  • [adore] 推崇敬仰

  • [veneration;intelligent view] 崇尚恭敬的礼节;尊敬

  • 以最深切的崇敬心情看待他们的老师和学校

崇敬[chóng jìng]
  1. 爱因斯坦的相对论赢得了全世界对他的崇敬。

    Einstein 's theory of relativity won for him universal esteem .

  2. 舟山渔民对龙王既有信仰崇敬,又有蔑视、轻慢的双重心理。

    Zhou Shan fishermen hold the dual mentality esteem yet contempt towards the Sea Dragon King .

  3. 这首诗表达了他对大自然的深深崇敬之情。

    The poem conveys his deep reverence for nature .

  4. 她对20世纪60年代的理想主义一直心怀崇敬。

    She never lost her respect for the idealism of the 1960s

  5. 我很崇敬这位老教授。

    I have great respect for the old professor .

  6. 即使最不谙世故的美国妇女也对用好衣着来表示社会地位之优越抱着虔诚的崇敬态度,这使他又一次大为震惊了。

    He was struck again by the religious reverence of even the most unworldly American women for the social advantages of dress .

  7. 波克怀着愉快的心情看着这只表,脸上慢慢显出十分崇敬的神色。

    Pork gazed at it reverently and slowly delight spread over his face .

  8. 爱因斯坦的名字仍然受到世界各地科学家的崇敬

    The name of Albert Einstein is still reverenced by the scientists all over the world .

  9. 崇敬她大多数的人不会放过每一篇报导她的八卦新闻,甚至在他们的房间中悬挂黛妃的画像,这些人并非都是傲慢成性。

    Most of the people who worshipped her , who read every tidbit about her in the gossip press and hung up pictures of her in their rooms , were not social snobs .

  10. 托斯卡尼尼非常崇敬博拉姆斯,但他的C小调交响曲的乐谱上画满了标记,以致只有大师本人才能看懂。

    Arturo Toscanini revered Brahms , but Toscanini 's score of the C-minor Symphony was so thoroughly marked up that no one but the maestro himself could read it .

  11. 我一直很崇敬的人之一——发明家托马斯•爱迪生(ThomasEdison)是一个在面试时不断发难的人。

    One of my all-time heroes , the inventor Thomas Edison , was a hard taskmaster at interview .

  12. FrankGrover带着所有的应有的崇敬之意,与德国方面联系协作测试他的偶然的设想,但似乎意义并不大。

    With all due respect , Frank Grover has the least meaningful contact with Germany to test his odd assumptions .

  13. holy:神圣的,值得崇敬的ChuckBass所珍视的一切,NateArchibald是你吗?

    that is holy to Chuck bass . - Baizen : Nate Archibald , is that you ? -

  14. 但是到了十七世纪的英国,教会把庆祝“莉雅”女神的节日改为表达对耶稣之母马利亚的崇敬,订四旬斋的第四个星期日为MotheringSunday。甚至后来人们加入教会的受洗仪式都订在母亲节这一天。

    During the 1600 's , England celebrated a day called " Mothering Sunday , " celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent .

  15. 另一家顶级奥运赞助商三星(Samsung)也表示,6名由其提供赞助的运动员将手持令人崇敬的象征,穿越印度首都拥挤的街道,该公司为此感到骄傲。

    Samsung , another top-tier Olympic backer , said it was proud six of its sponsored athletes would carry the revered symbol through the crowded streets of India 's capital city .

  16. 对于住在世界各地的墨西哥移民而言,CincodeMayo也是一个崇敬他们祖国和传统的日子。

    For Mexican emigrants living around the world , Cinco de Mayo is also a time to honor their home country and their heritage .

  17. 对顶级大厨奥古斯特•埃斯科菲耶(AugusteEscoffier)的崇敬并不是能够指导现代生活的原则。

    Homage to Escoffier is no principle for modern life .

  18. 封面和封底的角合适地用皮料装饰。书中赞美了色彩、英国崇拜以及布阿塔对约翰·福勒(JohnFowler)和帕里什-哈德利(Parish-Hadley)作品的崇敬。

    Between the covers , which are fittingly marbled with leather corners , is a world that celebrates color , Anglophilia and Buatta 's reverence for the work of John Fowler and Parish-Hadley .

  19. 母亲多恩(Dawn)和父亲柯林·凯夫(ColinCave)是同一所中学的图书管理员和英语教师,尼克后来也上了这个学校。父母很早就把对艺术的崇敬注入了孩子们心田。

    His mother and father , Dawn and Colin Cave the librarian and English teacher of the high school he would eventually attend instilled a reverence for the arts in their children from an early age .

  20. 当这群雅皮士在维恩图(Venndiagram)上出现重叠区域时,我们崇敬着其中那些领袖人物,犹如崇敬着一些电影明星(事实如此,他们常常被电影明星演绎——以史蒂夫·乔布斯为例,三年之中就有两次)。

    When the Venn diagram intersects , we revere their leaders almost like movie stars ( indeed , they are often portrayed by them - in the case of Steve Jobs , two times in three years ) .

  21. 海啸是位于Vellankanni有一所老教堂,各种信仰的人们对它都很崇敬,海啸是在这所教堂外发生的最严重的惨剧。

    One of the worst tragedies took place outside the old Church at Vellankanni , revered by people of all faiths .

  22. 中间的大道长度超过1.5英里,两侧都没有建筑——它像是现代版的亚壁古道(AppianWay),让突击步兵踏着正步,从阿尔布雷希特·丢勒(AlbrechtDürer)笔下的老纽伦堡,一直走向崇敬元首的集会。

    Great Street , more than one-and-a-half miles long , with no structures on either side - a modern Appian Way where the storm troopers strutted between the old Nuremberg of Albrecht D ü rer and the rallies idolizing the F ü hrer .

  23. 例如,齐柏林(Zeppelin)讲坛虽然日渐颓圮但是仍然宏伟。元首和他的左膀右臂曾站在那里,陶醉地看着下面的群众,整齐划一地表达崇敬。这是当今仅存的一座希特勒讲过话的讲台。

    For example , the crumbling but still imposing Zeppelin tribune , or grandstand , where the F ü hrer and his henchmen drank in the choreographed adoration from the masses assembled below , features the only surviving lectern where Hitler spoke .

  24. 对交警,我们永远怀着崇敬的心情!

    Always have great respect for the traffic cop ! Salute !

  25. (对上帝的)赞美和崇敬的喊声。

    A cry of praise or adoration ( to God ) .

  26. 她由於学识极其渊博而受到崇敬。

    She is admired for the great breadth of her learning .

  27. 战士们在战斗中的英雄行为增强了我对他们的崇敬。

    The soldier 's heroism in the fighting heightened my admiration .

  28. 我的人民崇敬这里的每一寸土地。

    Every part of this earth is sacred to my people .

  29. 尊敬,崇拜带着敬重、敬畏或诚挚的崇敬对待。

    To regard with respect , reverence , or heartfelt deference .

  30. 在日本民俗文化之中,女性占据着重要的位置,一方面对女性无上崇敬,但另一方面又对女性规定了种种的禁忌。

    Women occupy an important position in the Japanese folk culture .