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tuī chóng
  • praise highly;hold in esteem
推崇 [tuī chóng]
  • [hold in esteem;praise highly] 尊崇,推重崇敬

推崇[tuī chóng]
  1. 有些教师是一味的推崇,而有些教师则一味的排斥。

    Some teachers hold in esteem blindly , while some others totally repel it .

  2. 明末清初以降,该书主要得益于传统学术的转型,而日益受到学界的推崇。

    Since late Ming dynasty and early Qing dynasty , LUOYANGQIELANJI was more and more hold in esteem due to the academic transformation .

  3. 她的演出使她在艺术节中备受推崇。

    The performance made her the toast of the festival .

  4. 博林格RD香槟是一种名贵的备受推崇的葡萄酒。

    Bollinger ' RD ' is a rare , highly prized wine .

  5. 今年人们推崇奢华,掀起了购买时尚生活产品的风潮。

    This year people are going for luxury and buying lifestyle products

  6. 他已被推崇为民族英雄。

    He has risen to gain the status of a national hero .

  7. 她那几个月里创作的画作备受推崇。

    The paintings she produced in those months won undivided admiration

  8. 他正迫使政府推崇一种现代主义。

    He was forcing the State to enthrone a particular brand of modernism .

  9. 她是巴黎最受推崇的人。

    She was the toast of Paris .

  10. 由于生性保守,孔子特别推崇“礼”

    Innately conservative , Confucius was fascinated by the last of these disciplines .

  11. 冒险精神似乎成了一种被整个社会推崇的品质。

    The spirit of adventure seems to have become something worshiped by the whole society .

  12. 这种方法近年来在欧美和日本得到推崇,但在中国尚未普及,更常见的是早产儿一出生就“住进了”保温箱中。

    KMC has been widely used in the US , Japan and Europe , yet in China premature infants are often put in incubators from birth .

  13. 如今,“清洁饮食”是一项主流运动,受到来自各行各业人士的推崇,他们希望吃下的东西对自己身体有益。

    Today , clean eating , or eating clean , is a major movement , spurred by people from all walks of life who want to feel good about what they 're putting in their bodies .

  14. NewStar的主要吸引力在于我所推崇的英国零售业务。

    The main attraction of New Star was its UK retail business which I admired .

  15. 无理性地推崇真理往往比合理的错误更有害。(托马斯H赫胥黎)。

    Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors ( Thomas H. Huxley ) .

  16. CASE工具通常推崇语法而不是开发人员之间的交流(换句话说,您的模型看起来很好,但不实用)

    CASE tools often promote syntax over communication between developers ( in other words , your model looks good but doesn 't necessarily work )

  17. 将旅行轨迹精准定位在地图上,回放美好旅程,是近年来在欧美被驴友和GPS玩家大力推崇的流行玩法。

    Positioning the trajectory precisely on the map and playback beautiful journey become more popular in Europe and the United States .

  18. 就其推崇的信条而言,WTO是一个强调公开自由竞争的市场经济组织;

    As for its credendum , the WTO is an organization of market economy which lays its emphasis on open and free competition ;

  19. 由于汤姆•彼得斯和罗伯特•沃特曼在他们的畅销名著《追求卓越》(InSearchofExcellence)中的推崇,走动式管理成了细致和个人化管理方式的代名词。

    After Tom Peters and Robert Waterman wrote about it in their 1982 blockbuster bestseller in search of excellence , MBWA became a buzzword for up-close-and-personal management .

  20. Rails配得上它所受到的赞美和推崇(现在仍然如此),但是它使Java开发人员面临困难的选择。

    Rails was ( and still is ) worthy of the accolades and adoration it has received , but it presents Java developers with difficult choices .

  21. 事实上,我还没有真正充分使用Leo,以完全理解它所推崇的开发风格。

    I have , in truth , not really used Leo enough to fully get the style of development it promotes .

  22. 纽约律师兼作者罗杰•柯比(RogerKirby)是又一位长袖推崇者。

    New York lawyer and author Roger Kirby is another advocate of the long sleeve .

  23. 2011年,飞利浦设计荣获了99项国际设计大奖,创下了公司的历史最高纪录,其中包括多个iF和红点(RedDot)等在业内极受推崇的产品设计奖项。

    In 2011 , Philips Design received 99 major international design awards , including multiple prestigious if and red dot prizes for product design & the most ever for the brand .

  24. 白板和Post-it笔记/索引卡片是大家最为推崇的两种工具。

    Whiteboard and Post-It Notes / index cards were the overwhelming responses .

  25. 伦敦大英博物馆(BritishMuseum)新近举办的美奂美仑、备受推崇的中国明朝珍宝展,赞助商就是这样一家大型能源公司,这或许并非偶然。

    Perhaps it is no coincidence then to find one of the majors sponsoring the brilliant and highly recommended new exhibition of treasures from the Ming Dynasty at the British Museum in London .

  26. 尽管还有不足,J2EE架构设计师已开始宣布带有原始JDBC调用的纯无状态会话bean是最安全和最受推崇的数据持久性机制。

    Despite the drawbacks , J2EE architects have begun to claim plain vanilla stateless session beans with raw JDBC calls as the safest and most commonly recommended data persistence mechanism .

  27. 但要做好CEO,要赢得长期的推崇,必须做很多短期内会让人们失望的事情,不符合天性的事情。

    Yet to be a good CEO , in order to be liked in the long run , you must do many things that will upset people in the short run .

  28. 我非常推崇RubyGems能够安装可执行文件的做法,这样用户就可以从命令行执行了(比如说”rails“和”rake“)。

    I quite like the way Ruby 's gems can install executables that you can use from the command-line ( common examples being " rails " and " rake ") .

  29. 3G公司最高管理层很推崇一部名为《利润倍增》的大作,该书中有一章名为当供应商说不,再三敲打他们。

    As it says in a chapter heading of a book called Double Your Profits , a tome favored by the top executives at 3G , When suppliers say no , hit them again and again .

  30. 奥巴马曾借上周末夏威夷亚太地区峰会之机,推崇《跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定》(TPP)。该贸易协定目前不包括中国。

    Mr Obama used a regional summit last weekend in Hawaii to promote the Trans-Pacific Partnership , a trade pact which at the moment does not include China .