
tuī jìn
  • advance;promote;propulsion;propel;push on;carry forward;recommend;push ahead;give impetus to
推进 [tuī jìn]
  • (1) [recommend]∶举荐

  • 夫人性不妒忌,多所推进,故久见爱待。--《三国志》

  • (2) [push on;carry forward;advance;promote]∶推动前进

  • 推进工作

推进[tuī jìn]
  1. 他们认为委员会应该甘冒不受欢迎的风险来推进其立法项目。

    They argue that the commission should risk courting unpopularity and push on with its legislative programmes .

  2. 继续加强区域经济建设,积极推进工业化和城镇化进程。

    To build regional economy steadily and push on industrialization and urbanization .

  3. 我们担心接下来会马上向首都推进。

    We feared that an advance on the capital would soon follow .

  4. 战争已推进到敌方境内。

    The war was carried into enemy territory .

  5. 夜幕降临时,他们已推进了20英里。

    They had advanced 20 miles by nightfall .

  6. 武装叛乱分子向首都推进。

    Armed rebels advanced towards the capital .

  7. 她在25英尺处把球推进洞中。

    She holed out from 25 feet .

  8. 热带风暴“马可”正沿佛罗里达海岸向北推进。

    Tropical storm Marco is pushing northward up Florida 's coast .

  9. 他们没等德国人答复就接着往下推进。

    They went ahead without waiting for a reply from the Germans

  10. 现在英国广播公司的全球电视节目正靠自己的力量稳步推进。

    Now BBC World Television is forging ahead on its own .

  11. 他答应在推进改革这件事上不再迟疑不决。

    He promised there would be no more hesitations in pursuing reforms .

  12. 航空部对喷气推进的兴趣正在增加。

    Interest in jet propulsion was now growing at the Air Ministry .

  13. 来自乍得的报告显示叛军正向首都推进。

    Reports from Chad suggest that rebel forces are advancing on the capital

  14. 叛军继续向四面被围的首都推进。

    The rebels continue their push towards the beleaguered capital .

  15. 我们正在多个方面向前推进。

    We 're moving forward on a variety of fronts .

  16. 受教育并不一定只是要推进一个人的事业。

    Education needn 't only be about furthering your career .

  17. 他们继续向东朝该市的小机场推进。

    They were pressing on eastwards towards the city 's small airfield .

  18. 飓风正以每小时18英里的速度向西推进。

    The hurricane is moving to the west at about 18 miles per hour

  19. 重要的是推进这个国家的研究。

    The thing that matters is the furtherance of research in this country .

  20. 亚里士多德将该科学方法向前推进了一步。

    Aristotle took the scientific approach a step further .

  21. 伴随着城市化的推进,贫富间的对立情绪也加剧了。

    With urbanisation the antagonism between rich and poor sharpened

  22. 他把自行车推进了房子旁的小巷中。

    He wheeled his bike into the alley at the side of the house

  23. 埃德娜·斯温森把他推进了起居室。

    Edna Swinson nudged him into the sitting room

  24. 我们正在继续推进业务的发展。

    We are continuing to push the business forward

  25. 在扎伊尔,政治变革正在推进。

    In Zaire political change was on its way

  26. 他们把他推进了车里。

    They pushed him into the car .

  27. 当局极不情愿推进调查,因为其结果可能会让他接受审判。

    The government has been extremely reluctant to expedite investigations that might result in his trial

  28. 他们保证将推进本国与希腊两国间签证的互相发放。

    They gave assurances they would press for reciprocity with Greece in the issuing of visas .

  29. 双方都暗中向前推进。

    Both sides advanced by stealth .

  30. 我们对推进某些问题十分关注,很想就这些问题发表我们的意见。

    We were interested in pushing forward certain issues and getting up on our soapbox about them