
rén lèi yí chuán xué
  • human genetics
  1. “人类遗传学警报”(HumanGeneticsAlert)等组织反对这项技术,将它和基因改造相提并论。

    Some groups opposed to the procedure , including Human Genetics Alert , had likened it to genetic modification .

  2. 结论:3个STR基因座在本地有较高的遗传多态性,在法医学及人类遗传学方面有较好的应用价值。

    It is valuable in the application of medical jurisprudence and human genetics .

  3. 结合人类遗传学的最新发现和对食物中数百种化合物的进一步了解,研究者已经开始解析人们的日常饮食和DNA之间更为复杂的相互作用。

    By combining the latest discoveries in human genetics with a deeper understanding of the hundreds of compounds found in food , investigators have begun to tease apart some of the more complex interactions between your diet and your DNA .

  4. 综述了DNA指纹技术现阶段在动物和植物中的研究现状,对DNA指纹技术产生以来在人类遗传学、医学以及动物遗传育种领域中的应用作了详细的介绍,展望了DNA指纹技术的发展前景。

    This paper summarizes the present research situation of DNA fingerprint technology in animals and plants , introduces its application in several domains of human being genetics , medicine and propagation breeding and inheritance and looks ahead its prospect of development .

  5. G6PD基因突变类型的研究,为该病的诊断和预防以及人类遗传学研究提供更多的资料和手段。

    Research of G6PD gene mutation types may provide some useful data for clinical diagnosis and prevention of G6PD deficiency , and for human genetic study .

  6. 研究人员在今天出版的《美国人类遗传学杂志》上报道:所有的CGHT患者都存在拷贝数变异现象,在相同的四个基因里都存在DNA缺失。

    All of the CGHT sufferers had a copy number variation in which DNA was deleted across the same four genes , the authors report today in the American Journal of Human Genetics .

  7. 结论地理环境影响α1-ACT的表型频率分布,α1-ACT有希望成为人类遗传学新的遗传标记。

    Conclusion Geographical factors may affect the distribution of the phenotype frequencies of α 1 - ACT , which is a promising genetic marker for the pursuit of human genetics .

  8. 目的:获得温州汉族Y-DNA位点:DYS385、DYS392、DYS448的基因频率,并能应用这些资料进行人类遗传学研究和法医学应用。

    Objective : To get the polymorphism data of Y-DNA STR : DYS385 、 DYS392 、 DYS448 in Wenzhou Han population and to apply these date to the human heredity research and forensic medicine .

  9. 这种工作被认为在研究人类遗传学方面是很重要的。

    Such work is considered essential in studying human genetics .

  10. 近年来体能与基因的关系又成为一个热点话题,人类遗传学的研究证实,人类体能的差异有遗传基础。

    Correlation study between Physical performance and gene has become a hot topic .

  11. 在非生物专业开设人类遗传学导论课的必要性

    The Necessity of Setting up the Course of Human Hereditism Introduction in Non-biological Majors

  12. 麦克库锡克博士在人类遗传学方面是世界上领先的专家之一。

    Dr McKusick is one of the world 's leading experts on human genetics .

  13. 基因选材的发展,不但不会否定选材的选育结合理论的指导作用,而且会在人类遗传学方面进一步使这种理论对选材的指导作用朝着更精细、更科学化的方向发展。

    With development of genetics , the new theory will guide sports talent selection scientifically .

  14. 美国人类遗传学协会的这次会议探讨了许多有关数据的问题,而另一个热门话题是公开平台怎样催生新的遗传学应用产业。

    There was lots of discussion about data and about how open platforms will spawn a new genetics application industry .

  15. 对近亲婚配及后代遗传效应的研究是人类遗传学和优生学的研究内容之一。

    Research on consanguineous mating and genetic effect on generation is one of the research contents of human genetics and eugenics .

  16. 由于培养目标的特殊性,在高等师范院校开设人类遗传学课程,具有必要性和可行性。

    Because of the special training aim , offering Human Genetics Course has necessity and feasibility in Teaching Colleges and Universities .

  17. 我们的目标在于将人类遗传学和发育遗传学相结合,从而在发育生物学的基础上理解病理性的和正常的基因的功能。

    Our goal is to combine Human Genetics and Developmental Genetics in order to understand pathology and normal gene function during development .

  18. 我认为这是一个基础研究的突破,它综合了人类遗传学、人类学及前沿的分子与细胞生物学内容。

    " I think this is a groundbreaking study which combines human genetics , human anthropology , and first-rate molecular and cell biology ," he says .

  19. .牛津大学人类遗传学威康信托中心瑟琳娜?林格伦教授发表了两篇研究,刊登在《自然遗传学》期刊上。

    Dr Cecilia Lindgren of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics at Oxford University , was involved in both papers , published in the journal Nature Genetics

  20. 牛津大学人类遗传学威康信托中心瑟琳娜?林格伦教授发表了两篇研究,刊登在《自然遗传学》期刊上。

    Dr Cecilia Lindgren of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics at Oxford University , was involved in both papers , published in the journal Nature Genetics .

  21. 从人类遗传学的角度看看这种特性会传播得多快个体会变成群体,而且他们有10%的遗传优势。

    Look at population genetics to see how fast a trait will spread that develops in one individual in a population and that confers a 10 percent reproductive advantage .

  22. 牛津大学人类遗传学教授布莱恩-赛克斯表示,女婴的出生真是“太不寻常”了。基因突变是的解释。

    Professor Bryan Sykes , head of Human Genetics at Oxford University , called the birth " extraordinary " . The expert said some unknown mutation was the most likely explanation .

  23. 对近年来遗传检测所取得的进展进行了粗略的回顾,这将帮助我们对人类遗传学和分子医学革命的新时代有更多的了解。

    This article has roughly reviewed the proceeding of genetic testing these years , which will help us learn more about the new coming era of human genetics and molecular medical revolutions .

  24. 从19世纪至20世纪上半叶,凭借体质人类学、人类遗传学和优生学的应用与滥用,种族主义成为一种系统的理论体系和行为方式。

    From the19th century to the early20th century and with the application and abuse of physical anthropology , genetics and eugenics , nationalism became a theoretical system and a way of behavior .

  25. 广西毛南族STR的人类群体遗传学调查

    Genetic investigation of STR in Maonan Nationality from Guangxi Huanjiang County

  26. 方法:染色体G显带后按人类细胞遗传学国际命名体制(ISCN)进行核型分析。

    Methods : Chromosomes were G banded and then karyotypes were analysed with an international system for human cytogenetic nomenclature ( ISCN ) .

  27. 同时,Alu家族是人类群体遗传学、法医学、肿瘤学等的重要研究手段。

    At the same time , Alu family is an important research method in human population genetics , forensic , and oncology , etc.

  28. 结论:D16S539、D7S820、D13S317基因座是进行人类群体遗传学和法医遗传学研究十分有用的遗传标记。

    Conclusion : D 16 S 539 , D 7S 820 and D 13 S 317 loci may be very useful genetic markers to study population genetics and forensic genetics .

  29. 新编人类群体遗传学实验一组

    A Group of New Experiments on Human Population Genetics

  30. 人类行为遗传学的伦理问题

    The Ethical Issues Raised by Behavioural Genetics in Humans