
rén zhǒnɡ xué
  • ethnology
  1. 组建调研小组,从人种学的角度对IPTV的用户和潜在用户进行了入户调查。

    We have built an investigation team , and conducted home investigations on users and potential users of IPTV from the perspective of ethnology .

  2. 试论教育研究中的人种学研究

    A Preliminary Study of Ethnology in Education Research

  3. Faurie和Raymond通过实地考察和研究人种学文献,研究了几个凶杀率不同的、尚未工业化的社区。

    Faurie and Raymond studied several unindustrialised societies with varying rates of homicide , using their own fieldwork and ethnographic literature .

  4. 科罗拉多亚当斯州立学院的NathanPipitone带领完成了这项研究,研究结果发表在《人种学》杂志上,他指出,在其它灵长类动物中,往往很容易辨认出雌性发情期。

    Again , thirty-four percent of the time they chose the so-called menstrual voice . Nathan Pipitone of Adams State College in Colorado led the study , published in the journal Ethology . He points out that in other , it is often easy to recognize when females are most fertile .

  5. 人种学的起源可以追溯到达尔文。

    The origins of ethology can be traced back to Darwin .

  6. 国际传播人种学研究的新视野

    The New Eyeshot of International Study of Communication Ethnography

  7. 新疆哈密地区青铜&早期铁器时代居民人种学研究

    Human Biological Variation and Population Affinity during Bronze-Iron Age in Xinjiang Hami Region

  8. 教育人种学研究

    A Preliminary Study of Ethnographic Research of Education

  9. 全球化背景下移民传媒的文化建构作用与生存空间&基于传播人种学的角度

    Culture Construction and Survival Space of the Immigrant Press in the age of Globalization

  10. 新疆拜城克孜尔墓地人骨的人种学研究

    Racial Type of Ancient Human Skulls from Kizil Cemetery , Baicheng County , Xinjiang

  11. 课堂话语的分析方法:谈话分析和交际人种学

    A Study of Approaches to Classroom Discourse : Conversation Analysis and Ethnography of Communication

  12. 人种学调查的基本方法简单直观,并且不需要什么高科技。

    The basic methods of ethnographic interviewing are simple , straightforward , and very low tech.

  13. 人种学调查:用户访谈和用户观察

    Ethnographic Interviews : Interviewing and Observing Users

  14. 专心于文学或学术的人。研究人种学或人类文化学的人类学家。

    A man devoted to literary or scholarly activities . an anthropologist who studies ethnology .

  15. 在人类学中,人种学研究人员在其所研究和记录的文化中花数年的时间进行浸入式的生活。

    In anthropology , ethnographic researchers spend years living immersed in the cultures they study and record .

  16. 本文对山西省大同市南郊北魏墓群出土的颅骨进行人种学研究。

    This article is a research on crania from tombs of BeiWei period in Datong , ShanXi Province .

  17. 人种学调查借用了这种研究类型的精髓,并将其应用在一个微观的层次。

    Ethnographic interviews take the spirit of this type of research and apply it on a micro level .

  18. 为人种学调查做准备

    Preparing for ethnographic interviews

  19. 下面是一些准备和引导人种学调查时的一般方法和技巧。

    The remainder of this chapter provides general methods and tips for preparing for and conducting ethnographic interviews .

  20. 在人种学和种族学上,该理论需要从移民与美国种族关系来认识;

    In race and ethnology , the understanding should be immigrant and the relationship of different races and ethnics .

  21. 马修斯的书是一以人种学的方式书写的,其准则就是详细地描绘个体生活。

    Mr Mathews 's book is an exercise in ethnography , the discipline of describing individual lives in detail .

  22. 一些读者无疑会批评我对盎格鲁-撒克逊这个词的使用有欠历史或人种学的精确。

    And some readers will doubtless criticise my less than historically or ethnically precise use of the term Anglo-Saxon .

  23. 河北宣化白庙墓地青铜时代居民的人种学研究

    Research on the Ethnology of Residents in the Bronze period of Baimiao Graveyard , Xuanhua County , Hebei Province

  24. 收藏动植物标本、鸟类学、爬虫类学及人种学。

    The collections of the museum includes the specimens of plant and animal , ornithology , herpetology , and ethnography .

  25. 本文对日本福冈县北九州市宗玄寺遗址出土的颅骨进行了人种学研究。

    The human skulls studied in this article are from the ancient tombs in Shugenji site of Kitakyusyu City in Japan .

  26. 结合了边缘人种学和多媒体艺术的卡夫卡国,以人种学描述,视觉表达,和行为表演来进行旅行探索。

    Wedding cutting-edge ethnography and multi-media arts Kafkanistan explores tourism in conflict zones as ethnographic description , visual representation and performance .

  27. 定性研究源于人种学和社会医学,引入医学评价领域只有十几年时间。

    Qualitative research originates from anthropology and social medicine , it has been introduced into medical field only for ten odd years .

  28. 世界范围内的人种学数据很明确:社会层级和等级越明显,性别隔离越严格,女性的地位就越低。

    The worldwide ethnographic data is clear : The more stratified and hierarchical the society , and the more sex segregated , the lower the status of women .

  29. 在开发过程的早期使用人种学调查允许你作为设计师真正理解你的用户&他们的需求和动机。

    Using ethnographic interviews at the beginning of the process allows you , as a designer , to truly understand your users , their needs , and their motivations .

  30. 专辑分为六个部分,其中《我们是蒙古人种》:从人种学的角度向我们阐释:大多数中国人及周边一些国家的人们都属于现代蒙古人种。

    From the angle of ethnic studies , we will explore issues relating to the Mongoloid race which includes most of the people in China and many people in surrounding countries .