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  1. 对彩票没有兴趣的人责嘲笑他们。

    Many people who have no interest in Lottery make fun of them .

  2. 从theDGHarmony案看英美法下海上危险货物托运人归责原则之演进

    An analysis of the principle of imputation for the shipper in respect of dangerous goods shipped by sea in common law countries by way of the DG Harmony case

  3. 第一部分是对保险人免责条款明确说明义务的规定及其理论依据进行阐述。

    In the first part , it analyses the insurer explanation obligations and its theoretical basis .

  4. 我们必须开始对相关责任人问责,还应该对成功的人进行奖励。

    We 've got to start also holding people accountable , and we 've got to reward people who succeed .

  5. 同时,保险人免责条款制度的设计亦相应的减少了因道德风险引发的保险公司的损失。

    At the same time , the insurer Disclaimer design of the system is also a corresponding reduction of moral hazard caused by the loss of the insurance company .

  6. 论文第一部分引出我国现行《保险法》存在的问题:合同复效后保险人免责期间应否重新计算和被保险人故意犯罪情形下保险人免责要件过于宽泛。

    The first part leads to our current " insurance law " problems : reinstate the contract after the exemption period should be whether the insurer and the insured to re-calculate the case of an intentional crime elements of the insurer exemption is too broad .

  7. 自然人破产免责制度刍议

    Discussion on Responsibility Free System of Natural Person 's Bankruptcy

  8. 三是确定共同危险行为人的免责事由。

    Third , ascertain the grounds for exemption to the danger doer .

  9. 这种人最爱责人而不责己。

    Such a man is too ready to blame others to blame himself .

  10. 老板当着其他人的面斥责你时,那感觉就如同一个被欺凌的孩子。

    Being berated by your boss in front of others feels just like being bullied as a kid .

  11. 如果上述货物对船舶和(或)船上其它货物造成任何损害,托运人应负全责。

    The shipper shall be liable for all damage caused by such goods to the ship and / or cargo on buard .

  12. 随着新破产法草案适用主体范围的扩大,自然人的免责制度是不可缺少的规范内容。

    With the expansion of the body applied to of the draft , the system of free responsibility to a natural man is a necessary norm .

  13. 这些结果反映了高权位者确实具伪君子行为,他们违法时责人多过责己。

    These results , then , suggest that the powerful do indeed behave hypocritically , condemning the transgressions of others more than they condemn their own .

  14. 因此,在假按揭出现后相关责任人如何归责,以及利害关系人如何防范假按揭问题就显得尤其重要。

    Therefore , in " Fake mortgage " appears after the relevant responsible persons , and how imputation claimants how to prevent fake mortgage problem appears especially important .

  15. 破产人获得免责后,自愿对已免责债务予以清偿的,债权人所得的清偿利益,受法律保护。

    After being exempted , where the bankrupt person is willing to pay off debts already exempted , the liquidated interests obtained by the creditor shall be protected by law .

  16. 问责客体是作为法人主体的国有企业和由组织委派或任命的企业负责人,问责范围应涵盖国有企业社会责任的外延。

    All of them are accountability subjects of state-owned corporate social responsibility . Accountability objects are enterprise executives appointed by state-owned corporate and organizations which are legal persons . Accountability ranges should cover the extensions of state-owned corporate social responsibility .

  17. 恳请为我培养一个心地清明、目标高远的儿子,使他成为一个能责人之心责己的人,一个前事不忘后事之师的人。

    Build me a son whose heart will be clear , whose goal will be high ; a son who will master himself before he seeks to master other men ; one who will reach into the future , and never forget the past .

  18. 论述受害人具有初步的证明责任,重点论证对此类案件应实行因果关系推定原则和无过错责任原则,阐明加害人对免责事由的证明责任以及受害人与加害人证明责任之间的关系。

    This article elaborates the victim has the preliminary proof responsibility , proves the implement of the causal relation estimation principle and the non-mistake responsibility principle regarding this , and expounds injures ' proof responsibility as well as the relations between the victims and injures .

  19. 雇佣人的保姆之责&安全照顾义务

    The Nurserymaid Responsibility of Employer : the Obligation of Safe Attendance

  20. 是的,他们在亚洲杀了人都可以免责。

    Yes , in Asia they can get away with murder .

  21. 注册会计师对第三人侵权责任归责原则的选择

    On the Choice of Civil Tort Liability of Registered Accountants to Third Parties

  22. 论人身损害免责约定

    On Stipulation of Exemption of Personal Injury

  23. 为体现法律的公平性,还当设定出演人的合理免责事由。

    To embody the equality of law , we should set up the exemptions from the liability for the performer .

  24. 司法鉴定人责任的归责原则适用过错责任原则,但适用举证责任倒置。

    The principle of imputation of judicial experts ' should be applied to fault liability principle , but transfer of burden proof more .

  25. 若故意犯罪并非保险事故发生的直接原因,保险人不能当然免责。

    Thirdly , the insurer can 't certainly excuse non-compliance , if the intentional crime isn 't the direct reason of the insurance accident .

  26. 如果人们能在手机上找到谁在违法,那些给予(污染者)保护的人就能受到问责。

    If people can check on their cellphone who is in violation , those who gave protection [ to polluters ] can be held accountable .

  27. 业内人士对该通知持欢迎的态度,但是有一些人表示,问责制度与相关法律的建设和完善对阻止违法行为才是更重要的。

    Industry insiders are welcoming the circular , but some are suggesting that the set-up of an accountability system and laws are more important to stop the illegal behavior .

  28. 法律条款的冲突和矛盾,尤其是自杀条款和被保险人故意犯罪免责条款,如不加以规制极有可能成为保险人的技术性抗辩工具。

    Legal provisions of the conflicts and contradictions , especially the " suicide clause " and the insured Disclaimer intentional crime , if not to regulate the insurer is likely to be a technical defense tool .

  29. 接着,笔者按保险业务流程的四个不同阶段,依次分析了被保险人与第三人订立免责条款的行为对保险代位求偿权的影响。

    Then , it discusses the act of making liability-exempt clauses and its influence on the subrogation right according to the four phases in the insurance business process .

  30. 在人身保险制度上创制保险人免责条款,有效的解决了道德危险与人身可保性之间的矛盾。

    Life insurance system created in the exemption clause the insurer , effective solution to the " moral hazard " and " insurable person " of the conflict between .