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  1. 他找到了那张记有姓名和电话号码的卡片,把它塞在电话机下面。

    He found the card with the name and number on it and tucked it under the phone .

  2. 随身带个记录本,别人没给名片的时候你可以记下姓名。

    Keep a small notepad handy to write down names in case there is someone from whom you cannot get a card .

  3. 鹰头狮低声回答:他们在记下姓名,怕在审判结束前忘掉。

    ' They 're putting down their names , ' the Gryphon whispered in reply , ' for fear they should forget them before the end of the trial . '

  4. 由在银行开户的出票人向该银行开出,或以支票上记有姓名的人或以来人为抬头。

    It is drawn on a bank by the drawer , who has an account with the bank , to the order of a specified person named on the check , or to the bearer .

  5. 他拿出笔来记下他的姓名和住址。

    He took out his pen and wrote down his name and address .

  6. 在箱子把上有一张记着我姓名地址的标签。

    There is a lable on the handle with my name and address on it .

  7. 我总是记不住姓名,因为我记性太差。

    I can never remember names because I 've got a head like a sieve .

  8. 我们一直都认为,一个人的姓名与他们的所作所为和其它的事情是毫无关系而言,或许,这就是记不住姓名的原因。

    Perhaps it 's because we get so used to the lack of association between a person 's name and what they do , or much else about them .

  9. 我记不起她的姓名,但是她的脸我很熟悉。

    I can 't remember her name but her face rings a bell .

  10. 且他们会仔细地记下你的姓名。

    And they 'll write down your name carefully .

  11. 若不能,也请记下我的姓名,因为我认为贵院药剂部是本地区最好的。

    If not , please keep my name on your file , because I consider your pharmacy the best in this region .