
  • 网络memory system
  1. 一个基于SDM改进模型的手写体汉字联想记忆系统的实现

    An Implementation of Handwritten Chinese Character Associative Memory System based on an Improved SDM Model

  2. 在分析基于牛顿前向插值公式的联想记忆系统(NFI-AMS)的迭代过程的基础上,给出了该算法收敛的充分必要条件。

    Analyses the iterative process of the training algorithm based associative memory system via Newton interpolation formula , its convergence condition is given .

  3. 根据多重记忆系统说(multiplememorysystemsview),脑内存在着结构和功能不同的多个记忆系统,通过启动效应使得存在于这些记忆系统中的图示被激活。

    According to the " multiple memory systems view ", there are many brain memory systems with different structure and function . The initial graphical representation existing in the memory system is activated by the priming effect .

  4. GMSK就是利用了这种部分响应技术,它是一个有记忆系统,相对而言,MSK为全响应技术,或称零记忆系统。

    GMSK is to use this technology to respond , it is a memory system , relatively speaking , MSK response to the whole technology , or zero-memory system .

  5. Sparrow,Liu,&Wegner(2011)的研究表明,人-计算机系统成为了人类分布式记忆系统的一个重要组成部分。他们的研究结论被称为谷歌效应。

    The research from Sparrow , Liu , & Wegner ( 2011 ) showed that the human-computer system has become an important part of human distributed memory system , which was called the " google effect " .

  6. 在离散泰勒级数型联想记忆系统(DTS-AMS)的基础上,提出了一种模型参数在线估计方法,为DTS-AMS在智能控制和信号处理领域中的应用提供了新的途径。

    A novel method of the on-line model parameter estimation using the associative memory system via discrete Taylor series ( DTS-AMS ) is proposed . It makes a new access to applying the DTS-AMS to intelligent control and signal processing .

  7. 基于联想记忆系统的注水机组节能优化

    Energy saving optimization of water-driving motor based on associative memory system

  8. 基于牛顿前向插值公式的联想记忆系统

    A Novel Associative Memory System Based on Newton 's Forward Interpolation

  9. 利用掺杂铌酸锂作相位共轭镜的全光学联想记忆系统

    All-optical associative memory by using doped LiNbO_3 as phase-conjugate mirror

  10. 团队交互记忆系统对群体智力的影响

    Effects of team transactive memory systems on the swarm intelligence

  11. 神经科学家也已经找到了调控情绪学习的无意识记忆系统。

    Neuroscientists have also identified unconscious memory systems that mediate emotional learning .

  12. 基于新型联想记忆系统的机器人分布式智能控制

    Distributed intellectual control based on new typed associative memory system

  13. 它改变了城市的记忆系统与城镇文化。

    It also influenced and changed the urban culture of Republican China .

  14. 探明了交互记忆系统在现实中的具体存在。

    We verified the existence of a TMS in reality .

  15. 陈述性记忆系统和非陈述性记忆系统是记忆系统中的两个主要系统;

    Declarative and non declarative memory systems are two main memory systems .

  16. 一种用来估算非线性有记忆系统检测性能的微扰仿真方法

    A Micro-Interference Simulation Technique for Estimating Detected Performance of Nonlinear Memory System

  17. 一种基于联想记忆系统实现图像压缩的新方法

    Novel method of image compression based on associative memory system

  18. 社会和文化也只不过是个庞大的记忆系统。

    Society and culture are also nothing , but huge memory systems .

  19. 模糊联想记忆系统规则提取的新方法

    A new method for extracting the rules of the fuzzy associative memory system

  20. 基于联想记忆系统的模型参数估计

    Model Parameter Estimation Based on the Associative Memory System

  21. 它反映了个体对自己记忆系统的总体认识和控制。

    It reflects the individual overall understanding and control on own memory systems .

  22. 联想记忆系统学习算法的改进

    Improvement of Learning Algorithm for the Associative Memory System

  23. 高技术工作团队的交互记忆系统及其效果

    Transactive Memory System in Work Teams from High Technology Firms and Its Consequences

  24. 记忆系统中图形不同特征的提取

    The retrieval of different features of pictures from memory

  25. 中央执行功能是工作记忆系统中最重要却又研究最少的一个成分。

    Central executive is the most important but least specified component of working memory .

  26. 一种新的联想记忆系统的学习收敛性(Ⅱ)

    Convergence Analysis for the Associative Memory System (ⅱ)

  27. 双语库是翻译记忆系统最重要的组成部分之一。

    Bilingual corpus is one of the most important parts in translation memory system .

  28. 基于离散泰勒级数的新型联想记忆系统

    Associative memory system based on discrete taylor series

  29. 最后开发了智能家居服务机器人记忆系统。

    Finally , this paper develops a memory system for intelligent home service robot .

  30. 成员异质性与团队绩效:以交互记忆系统为中介变量

    Member diversity and team performance : The transactive memory system as a medium variable