
  • 网络Martian life;Life on Mars
  1. 很显然,寻找火星生命无论是古代生命还是现今的生命不会是一帆风顺,也不可能马上成功。

    Clearly , the search for life on Mars past or present will be neither straightforward nor swift .

  2. 很显然,寻找火星生命——无论是古代生命还是现今的生命——不会是一帆风顺,也不可能马上成功。

    Clearly , the search for life on Mars - past or present - will be neither straightforward nor swift .

  3. 私营太空公司spacex的创始人、首席执行官亿万富翁艾龙马斯克已经宣布了他对火星生命的宏图。

    Elon Musk , the billionaire founder and CEO of the private spaceflight company SpaceX , has announced his vision for life on the red planet .

  4. 表面上对84001陨石生物学假说的反驳使火星生命问题扑朔迷离。

    The apparent refutation of the biological hypothesis for the ALH84001 meteorite leaves the question of Martian life unresolved .

  5. 因此,搜寻火星生命就需要深深地挖掘地表下岩层,或者探测几十亿年前的微生物遗迹。

    So searching for possible Martian life involves digging deep below the surface or detecting microbial remains billions of years old .

  6. 现在,没有人会对火星生命仅仅付之一笑了,这种认识的转变将会影响下一代火星探测器的设计。

    Nowadays nobody is laughing off the idea of Martian life , and that change in perception could affect the design of future Mars probes .

  7. 因为有水就有可能会有生命,所以如果要找火星生命的化石,这些千层榚结构就是很好的起点。

    Because of their possible association with water , a prime location for future searches for fossil remains of martian life would be within these layers of Mars .

  8. 英国探寻火星生命计划遭遇第二次失败,太空探测器再次没能发出成功登陆的确认信号。

    A British mission trying to find life on Mars suffered a second setback when its space probe again failed to send a signal to confirm it had landed .

  9. 有关火星存在生命体的争论主要集中在这块陨星中所发现的磁性晶体上。

    The debate centres on magnetite crystals found in the meteorite .

  10. 他是在火星探索生命的关键。

    He 's the key to discovering life on mars .

  11. 这说明火星拥有生命的所有必需成分。

    Well , it tells us that Mars has all the ingredients necessary for life .

  12. 这些纹路的发现加大了火星有生命所需关键物质的猜测。

    The finding adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that ancient Mars had key ingredients for life .

  13. 地造的基础在于早期的火星有生命,近年来生命才绝迹这一理念。

    The basis of terraforming is the notion that early in Mars ' history it had life and it 's recently dead .

  14. 来自火星的生命也可能真的在地球上觅得安身立命之所,只是科学家尚未认出它们。

    It is also conceivable that Martian life did find a suitable niche on Earth but that scientists have simply not identified it yet .

  15. 这些纹路的发现加大了火星有生命所需关键物质的猜测。就在上个星期,好奇号在沙和泥岩的样本中发现了氮的有用于生命形成的一种存在形式。

    The finding adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that ancient Mars had key ingredients for life . Just last week , Curiosity discovered a biologically useful form of nitrogen in samples of sand and mudstone .

  16. 火星上有生命吗?

    Does life exist on Mars ?

  17. 火星上有生命吗?

    Was there life on Mars ?

  18. 当Anu人到达你们太阳系时,火星上的生命仍然存在,但完全从行星表面撤离。

    At the time that the Anu arrived in your solar system , life inside of Mars was still present but had retracted in full from the surface of the planet .

  19. 大明:宇航员有没有发现火星上有生命?

    Daming : And have the astronauts discovered life on Mars ?

  20. 有些科学家认为火星上没有生命。

    Some scientists assume that there is no life on Mars .

  21. 欧航局正在研究,试图发现火星曾存在生命的迹象。

    In Mars we search for signs of past life .

  22. 这幅图片向我们表明了火星上没有生命。

    The photo shows us that there is no life on Mars .

  23. 不伦不载人的探测器能否在火星上发现生命迹象。

    Whether or not unmanned probes find signs of life on Mars .

  24. 科学家们假定火星上没有生命存在。

    Scientists assume there is no animal life on Mars .

  25. 因此,在火星上寻找生命,水是很重要的一环。

    So water is important for the search for life on Mars .

  26. 现在,第二个可能性是,我们发现火星上的生命,

    Now that the second possibility is that we find life on Mars ,

  27. 火星上的生命面对的另一个困难是水的缺乏。

    Another difficulty that life must face on Mars is the scarcity of water .

  28. 我们已得出结论,火星上没有生命。

    We have come to the conclusion that there is no life on mars .

  29. 我认为火星上有生命,因为科学家已在那儿找到了水。

    I think that there 's life on Mars because scientists have found water there .

  30. 回首1964年,即使是一些权威科学家也认为火星存在原始生命

    Back in 1964 even some respected scientists thought Mars was home to primitive life ,