
  1. 接下来是《火星救援》获得七项提名,不过其导演雷利·斯科特(RidleyScott)未能入围最佳导演奖,显然受到冷遇。

    Next came " The Martian , " with seven nods , although its director , Ridley Scott , was prominently snubbed .

  2. 有人猜测它可能取自马特·达蒙(MattDamon)主演的影片《火星救援》(TheMartian),希望借上该片在中国大受欢迎的东风。

    Some speculated it might be trying to appeal to the popularity in China of the movie " The Martian , " starring Matt Damon .

  3. 顺便一提《火星救援》本周五上映。

    By the way the martian does hit theaters this Friday .

  4. 最佳影片(音乐/喜剧类):《火星救援》

    Best picture , comedy or musical : " The Martian "

  5. 《火星救援》获评喜剧/音乐类最佳影片。

    The Martian was named best comedy or musical motion picture .

  6. 因为《火星救援》是我的大爱。

    Because " The Martian " is one of my all-time favorites .

  7. 我特别喜欢《火星救援》的设定,特别棒。

    I love the whole premise of the Martian , I really do .

  8. 我估计在座很多人都看过“火星救援”这部电影。

    So many of you have probably seen the movie " The Martian . "

  9. 《火星救援》由雷德利·斯科特执导,

    The movie was directed by Ridley Scott .

  10. 近期他接受了娜塔莉的采访,他们聊了聊《火星救援》和其他精彩话题。

    He sat down recently with Natalie they talked about the film and much more .

  11. 从那以后,《阿凡达》、《盗梦空间》、《火星救援》、《地心引力》和《玩具总动员3》都获得了提名。

    Since then , Avatar , Inception , The Martian , Gravity and Toy Story 3 have all received nominations .

  12. 曾获奥斯卡奖的马特·达蒙在万众瞩目的新片《火星救援》中孤身一人待在火星。

    The Oscar winner Matt Damon finds himself all by himself on Mars in his highly anticipated new movie called the Martian .

  13. 《火星救援》上映后的成绩仅比2013年的《地心引力》10月首映记录(5579万美元)低了1%。

    The movie opened just 1 percent below the 55.79 million dollars debut of October record holder " Gravity " back in 2013 .

  14. 马特·达蒙凭借他在《火星救援》中扮演的被困宇航员一角而荣获喜剧类最佳男主角奖项。

    Matt Damon was named best actor in a comedy or musical motion picture for his role as a stranded astronaut in The Martian .

  15. 在雷德利·斯科特执导的科幻片《火星救援》中,马特·达蒙扮演的植物学家发现了怎样在火星上种植土豆。

    In Ridley Scott 's science fiction drama " The Martian , " Matt Damon plays a botanist who discovers how to grow potatoes on the Red Planet .

  16. 20世纪福克斯电影公司的太空影片《火星救援》近日正式与观众见面,并且在上映当周就引领了北美票房

    The 20th Century Fox 's space film " The Martian " opened to a stellar response from movie customers , and topped North American box office this weekend .

  17. 在各大制片公司中,20世纪福克斯公司迎来了一个不错的早晨,它的三部重要影片《荒野猎人》、《布鲁克林》和《火星救援》都获得最佳影片提名。

    Among studios , 20th Century Fox had a very good morning , with three films in its stable - " The Revenant , " " Brooklyn " and " The Martian " - receiving best picture nominations .

  18. 《火星救援》是由马特达蒙主演,这部电影也是他在《谍影重重》(6920万美元)之后创造的第二大开幕票房额,同时成功超过了《谍影重重2》(5250万美元)

    For " The Martian " star Matt Damon , this was his second largest opening ever behind " The Bourne Ultimatum " ( 69.2 million dollars ) and ahead of " The Bourne Supremacy " ( 52.5 million dollars ) .

  19. 在南极种蔬菜听起来可能和在火星种土豆一样疯狂,就像最近在电影《火星救援》中看到的一样。但中国的南极科考站的科研人员们已经做到了。

    Growing vegetables in the South Pole may sound as crazy as attempting to grow potatoes on Mars , as recently seen in " The Martian . " In one of China 's Antarctic research stations , however , researchers have done just that .