
  • 网络Mineral element
  1. 结果表明:罗勒的矿物质元素含量丰富,还有适量的维生素C,蛋白质,脂肪以及果胶等营养成分。

    Results showed that the mineral element content was abundant in ocimum basilicum . Nutrient components were also including suitable vitamin C , protein , fat and pectin , etc.

  2. 本文对我国海南省的野生仙人掌(仙人掌科Haw仙人掌)中的蛋白质、氨基酸、糖类、维生素、黄酮以及矿物质元素和SOD活性等进行了测定。

    This study measured the protein , amino acid , saccharide , vitamin , flavone and mineral element content and SOD activity in a kind of wild cactus ( Haw cactus , belong to the cactus family ) in Hainan Province .

  3. 它们给不同的小组服用不同的维生素和矿物质元素组合,其中包括维生素B、维生素C、维生素E、矿物元素硒,还有的小组仅仅服用安慰剂。

    Each group got different combinations of vitamins B , C , E , and the mineral selenium , or a placebo .

  4. 采用化学分析、电子能谱(EDS)、X射线衍射(XRD)和X光电子能谱(XPS)等方法,研究了高炉入炉焦和风口焦中矿物质元素种类、含量、化学形态及物种。

    The chemical states and species of mineral in cokes from different blast furnaces were studied by chemical analysis , EDS , XRD and XPS .

  5. 动物矿物质元素补充试验:放牧试验结束时,血液铜(Cu)和硒(Se)的含量低于正常水平的动物接受矿物质元素补充。被选的20头牦牛随机分为4组。

    In the supplementing mineral experiment , 20 yaks with the contents of Cu , Se , or both Cu and Se lower than normal were obtained from the fertilized pastures .

  6. 不同季节土壤、牧草和畜体中矿物质元素的含量不同,从三季的整体水平来看,土壤中S、Cu、Mn、Zn、Se处于临界缺乏状态,其它元素处于正常水平。

    The contents of minerals in soil , grass and animal varied in different season , from the general level , the soil is lack of S , Cu , Mn , Zn , Se critically and other minerals is normal .

  7. 甜荞矿物质元素含量丰富,锰含量为10.14,锌为21.2.铁为21.3,铬为2.5,钼为2.04,锗为3.8,铜为4.1,钙为172(单位均为ppm);

    The content of Fe is 21.3 , Mn is 10.14 , Zn is 21.2 , Gr is 2.5 , Mo is 2.04 , Ge is 3.8 , Cu is 4.1 and Ca is 172 ppm .

  8. 运用主成分分析法,结合SPSS统计软件,对青海省牦牛骨主要矿物质元素进行定量定性综合评价,开拓了科学地进行综合评价的新领域。

    By applying the principal component analysis method and the statistic software SPSS , this paper singles out principal component in Comprehensive Evaluation of mineral elements in Qinghai Yak 's Bone , and open a new area in comprehensive evaluation scientifically .

  9. 目的探讨矿物质元素钙、镁、锌、铁、铬和维生素A、B1、B2、C、D、E对膳食诱导肥胖大鼠代谢影响。

    Objective To explore dietary mineral nutrients ( calcium , magnesium , zinc , ferric , chromium ) and vitamins ( vitamin A , B 1 , B 2 , C , D , E ) on the effect of metabolic disordor of Wistar rat fed with high fat diet .

  10. 常德市郊波杂山羊矿物质元素含量的测定

    Determination on Mineral Elements of Hybrid Goats in Changde City Suburb

  11. 原子吸收光谱法测定啤酒花中的矿物质元素

    Determination of mineral elements in hops by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

  12. 矿物质元素在银杏中的分布及其研究

    The Distribution of Mineral Elements in Gingko and the Research of Use

  13. 青海牦牛骨主要矿物质元素的主成分分析

    The Principal Component Analysis of Mineral Elements in Qinghai Yak 's Bone

  14. 稻草中主要矿物质元素特性的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Characteristic of Main Mineral Elements in Rice Straw

  15. 微波消解技术测定苹果中的矿物质元素

    Determination of Mineral Elements in Apples with Microwave Digestion

  16. 蜜蜂花粉中矿物质元素形态研究

    Study on the element speciation analysis in honeybee pollen

  17. 矿物质元素对乳牛生产性能影响的研究

    Study influence of mineral element to productivity of cow

  18. 肉牛血液中矿物质元素的含量与变化研究

    Studies of mineral element contents in the blood of beef cattle and their variations

  19. 牦牛皮胶氨基酸矿物质元素分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Amino Acids and Mineral Composition in Skin Glue of Yak

  20. 不同品种和品质粳米中矿物质元素含量研究

    Research on Mineral Element Content in Relation to Species and Qualities of Japonica Rice

  21. 食用菌类中矿物质元素的研究

    Study on Mineral Elements in Comestible Fungus

  22. 豆类萌发期矿物质元素和糖类含量变化的研究

    Studies on the changement of mineral elements and total sugar in legumens during sprouting period

  23. 对桑叶蛋白质中的17种氨基酸含量及8种矿物质元素进行了分析。

    The analysis of the nutations of mulberry such as amino and mineral was made .

  24. 壳寡糖对肉仔鸡生产性能、小肠组织结构和肌组织矿物质元素含量的影响

    Effect of Oligo-chitosan on Broiler Performance , Small Intestine Structure and Muscle Mineral Element Concentration

  25. 矿物质元素对肉品质量的影响

    Influence of Mineral Element on Meat Quality

  26. 引入澳大利亚黑白花奶牛矿物质元素补饲模式的研究

    The Different Models of Mineral Element Supplemented to Black and White Cows Imported from Australia

  27. 目的旨在对比成熟种子采收前和采收后矿物质元素的变化。

    Objective To compare the change of the mineral elements during the seed matured ago and later .

  28. 硼锰钼配施对紫花苜蓿草产量和矿物质元素吸收的影响

    Effect of B , Mn and Mo Combined Application on Grass Yield and Mineral Element Absorption of Alfalfa

  29. 甘肃省8个地区牛羊被毛的主要矿物质元素含量

    Major Mineral Elements in Hair Coats of Cattle , Sheep and Goats in Eight Prefectures of Gansu Province

  30. BALB/c裸小鼠心、肝、肺脏8种矿物质元素含量的研究

    Content of 8 Mineral Elements in the Heart , Liver and Lungs of SPF BALB / c Nude Mice