
  • 网络Species
  1. 本文采用样地法对唐山不同植被恢复模式下铁尾矿物种多样性、土壤养分和土壤生物因子进行了调查。

    The species diversity , soil chemical factors and biological factors of different vegetation restoration patterns in Tangshan iron tailings were studied in the paper .

  2. 具有相同结构格架的沸石中空间群对称和有序&无序关系的差异一般不作为建立独立矿物种的根据。

    Differences in space group symmetry and in order disorder relationship in zeolites having the same topologically distinctive framework do not in general provide adequate grounds for recognition of separate species .

  3. 不同植被恢复模式下铁尾矿物种多样性、土壤养分及生物因子研究

    Study of Various Vegetative Restoration Patterns on Species Diversity and Soil Nutrients and Creature Factors in Iron Tailings

  4. 针对钙镁硅酸盐系列结晶釉,研究配方中钙、镁氧化物含量及CaO/MgO比值发生变化时,对釉烧温度及析晶体矿物种属、析晶集合体形态的影响;

    CaO / MgO crystalline glazes and the influence of CaO / MgO ratio on firing temperature of glazes of Ca-Mg silicates were studied .

  5. 结果表明:九华山有药用植物约810种包括种级以下单位、药用动物约90种、药用矿物5种。

    In Jiuhua Mountain , there are about 810 species medicinal plants , 90 species medicinal animals and 5 kinds of mineral ones .

  6. 矿物一种自然生成的同类无机固体,具有确定的化学成分和独特的晶体结构、颜色和硬度。

    A naturally occurring , homogeneous inorganic solid substance having a definite chemical composition and characteristic crystalline structure , color , and hardness .

  7. 重矿物37种,以磁铁矿、角闪石、绿帘石、褐铁矿等为主。

    37 Kinds of heavy minerals , magnetite , amphibole , epidote , limonite and so account for 81 % and have their presence in all stations .

  8. 迄今为止有报道发现的Tl矿物有53种,其中多数为Tl的硫化物矿物和硫盐矿物,在表生地球化学作用下Tl很容易被释放出来,而成为一种潜在的环境危害。

    There are a total of 54 Tl-bearing minerals already identified in the world , and most of them are Tl-sulfide minerals and Tl-sulfosalt minerals . Thallium is easy to release in the process of supergene geochemistry and would become a potential damage to the environment .

  9. 热分析是研究粘土矿物的一种特效方法。

    Heat analysis is an effective method of studying clay minerals .

  10. 一种黄色的放射性矿物;一种由铀、镭、钒混合而成的矿石。

    A yellow radioactive mineral ; an ore of uranium and radium and vanadium .

  11. 富铁自生矿物的矿物种与基质孔隙的局部地球化学条件密切相关。

    The species of iron-rich authigenic minerals are closely related to the local geochemical conditions within the matrix pores .

  12. 蛭石是天然粘土矿物的一种。

    Vermiculite is one of the natural clay minerals , which is relatively cheap and easily available in China .

  13. 地壳浅部导电性矿物的一种新的压溶机制&应力原电池过程

    A new mechanism for pressure solution of electrically-conductive minerals in shallow crust : a process of stress galvanic cell

  14. 试验对比分析了木质素纤维、腈纶纤维、聚酯类纤维和矿物纤维四种常见的沥青混凝土路用纤维的性能。

    This experiment analyzed the road function properties of four familiar types of fibers in bituminous concrete , which are lignin fibers , acrylic fibers , polyester fibers and mineral fibers .

  15. 矿物中药中12种微量元素的ICP-MS快速测定法

    ICP-MS Rapid Determination of 12 Trace Elements in Mineralized Traditional Chinese Medicine

  16. 对大pv值枢轴宝石轴承在8种矿物油及3种合成润滑油作用下的摩擦学性能进行试验研究。

    The tribological properties of lager pv pivot jewel bearing were investigated with a Falex test rig under various oil lubricants .

  17. 因此,增钙飞灰属CaO-SiO2-Al2O3三无系统玻璃体,含有潜在水硬性矿物,是一种应用于建筑材料方面较好的硅酸盐材料。

    Therefore adding Calcium fly ash belongs to three & component system CaO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3 with potential hydration ability , hence is a better silicate material as building materials .

  18. 果肉中含有24种矿物元素,17种氨基酸,人体所需要的8种必须氨基酸全部具备,还含有VA、VC、VE和VB2等对人有益的成分。

    The fruit pulp contains 24 kinds of mineral elements , 16 kinds of amino acids . It possesses 8 kinds of must amino acids that are needed in human . It also includes VA , VC , VE , VB2 and so on which are beneficial to people .

  19. 泡沫浮选是广泛应用于矿物分离的一种方法。

    Flotation is a widely used method for separating mineral particles .

  20. 阿舍勒铜矿床中的金、银类矿物共有13种。

    There are 13 kinds of gold and solver minerals .

  21. 一种由钨酸钙组成的矿物,是一种钨矿石。

    A mineral consisting of calcium tungstate ; an ore of tungsten .

  22. 岩棉是矿物棉的一种。

    Rock wool is a kind of mineral wool .

  23. 结果表明,碎屑矿物共有52种,其中轻矿物15种,重矿物37种;

    The results show that there are52 minerals of which15are light and37 are heavy minerals .

  24. 矿物油是一种混合物,由长短不一的碳链和几个碳氢化合物混合而成。

    The mineral oils are a mix of several hydrocarbons with different length of carbon chain .

  25. 目的探讨矿物中药中12种微量元素的测定方法。

    [ Objective ] To explore a method for the determination of 12 trace elements in mineralized traditional Chinese medicine .

  26. (矿物提取)一种表面活性化学物质,用于浮选过程以增加对某种矿物的捕收力。

    ( mineral extraction ) a surface-active chemical used in flotation process to increase the attraction to a specific mineral .

  27. 我们能根据其所表现出来的特征,识别几千种矿物,因为每种矿物都有它自己独有的一系列特征。

    From the characteristics shown , we can distinguish several thousand minerals , each defined By its unique set of properties .

  28. “这些矿物粉包含一种天然的防晒层,因为它们不堆积在皮肤上,你可以在一天中不断地添加保护,”科兰驰菲尔德说。

    " These powders contain a natural sunscreen , and since they generally don 't build up on the skin you can keep adding protection all day long ," says Crutchfield .

  29. 扶余油层中的粘土矿物主要有4种类型,即伊利石、高岭石、绿泥石以及少量混层粘土矿物,蒙皂石极少见。

    The evidences show that there are four types of clay mineral in Fuyu reservoir : illite , kaolinite , chlorite and a little mixed layer clay mineral , smectite is very rare .

  30. 蚀变岩是成矿带具有特殊空间结构和矿物成分的一种地质单元,在遥感图像上构成了空间识别信息和光谱识别信息。

    Altered rock is a kind of rock unit in metallogenic belt , which has specially spatial structure and mineral component . In remote sensing image , the spatial structure forms spatial recognizing information , the mineral component forms spectral recognizing information .