
She had lank hair and sallow skin .
The traveller was a thickset , square-shouldered , yellow , wrinkled old man , with grey eyelashes overhanging gleaming eyes of an indefinite grey colour .
A honeysuckle hung forth from the hedge , in full bloom ; but there were so many girls like her , with long faces and sallow complexions .
With late stage cirrhosis , sufferers may experience jaundice , which is yellowing of the eyes , skin due to the buildup of bile , the fluid that the liver secretes to help with digestion of food .
The " yellow " in the name is explained by the jaundice that affects some patients , causing yellow eyes and yellow skin .
They were thin and poorly dressed , with cold , mean eyes and dry , yellow skin , and their faces showed only a frightening and murderous hate .
Have your skin and eyeballs turned yellow ?
The redness and yellowness of skin in white people may be linked to the number of servings of fruit and vegetables they eat daily , the study showed .
Yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes caused by an accumulation of bile pigment ( bilirubin ) in the blood ; can be a symptom of gallstones or liver infection or anemia .
Acute infection may occur with limited or no symptoms , or may include symptoms such as jaundice ( yellowing of the skin and eyes ), dark urine , extreme fatigue , nausea , vomiting and abdominal pain .