
  1. 关于矿产资源开采顺序的经济分析与政策调控

    Economic Analysis of Extraction Order of Mineral Resources and Policy Regulation

  2. 关于建立矿产资源开采专项环境基金的研究

    Research on Establishing the Special Environmental Fund of Mining Mineral Resources

  3. 我国矿产资源开采中的损失贫化浅析

    Analysis of ore dissipation and dilution in mining mineral resources in China

  4. 介绍了矿产资源开采经济价值的相对性,开发的风险性与特点。

    Relative economic values , mining risk and characteristics of mineral resources are presented .

  5. 矿产资源开采时机选择的期权分析

    Option analysing of mineral resources exploiting chance

  6. 建立矿产资源开采的生态补偿保证金制度;

    Establish the performance bonds system ;

  7. 矿业城市是因矿产资源开采而兴起或发展起来的城市,其生存和发展与矿产资源的开发关系非常密切。

    The development of mining-based economies of certain cities are closely dependent on the exploition of mineral resources .

  8. 随着矿产资源开采的力度和规模的不断扩大,随之而来的安全问题也日益突出。

    With the growing of intensity and scale in resource exploitation , the security issues have become increasingly prominent .

  9. 大量的矿产资源开采,对生态破坏、环境污染十分严重,并形成了很多矿业废弃地。

    The exploitation of mineral resource results in ecological destruction and serious environment pollution , and produces much mining wasteland .

  10. 但是长年的矿产资源开采已使该区经济、社会发展与生态保护之间的矛盾日益尖锐。

    However , long-term exploitation of resources has led to the contradiction between the economic , social development and ecological protection .

  11. 随着矿产资源开采技术的日益完善,信息采集和处理已逐渐成为矿井管理中重要的技术环节。

    Along with the development of mine-exploiting technology , collecting and processing of information are becoming an important technology step for mining management .

  12. 随着21世纪我国矿产资源开采重点的西移,煤炭资源已经成为西部地区区域经济发展的重要支柱,因此,研究大倾角煤层开采对西部煤炭开采有及其重要的意义。

    Coal has become the economical pillar in western China , as the Chinese Government switches its focus from eastern areas to the west .

  13. 矿产资源开采中的损失与贫化问题直接关系到矿产资源的综合利用程度和可持续发展的问题。

    The problem of loss-lack in mineral resources mine relate to that the problem of synthesize exploitation degree of mineral resouces and sustainable development directly .

  14. 矿产资源开采是国民经济的基础性支柱产业之一。目前矿产资源的开采主要采用地下及露天开采两种方法。

    Exploitation of mineral resources , one of foundation properties of national economy , is classified into two basic mining methods , open pit and underground mining .

  15. 本罪的客体是国家对矿产资源开采的管理活动和国家对矿产资源的所有权;

    The object as related with the crime is the managerial activity of the country towards the mineral resources and the ownership of the mineral resources by the country .

  16. 本文从区域可持续发展角度,提出实现矿产资源开采与地下水资源保护的和谐规划理念。

    The paper put forward an idea of the harmonious planning about exploiting the mineral resources at the same time protecting the underground water from the area sustainable development .

  17. 矿产资源开采对国民经济发展具有不可替代作用,然而资源开采促进社会经济发展的同时,对矿区的生态环境造成破坏,威胁到矿区生态安全和社会的可持续发展。

    Mineral resources exploitation plays an irreplaceable role in national economic development , however it also causes severe damage to mine ecosystem and eco-environment threat to ecological security , economic development and social progress .

  18. 由于陆地资源日益枯竭,当今世界各国都在加紧对深海矿产资源开采技术进行研究,为海洋经济时代的到来做技术储备,我国也非常重视深海采矿技术的研究。

    Because of the resource scarcity on land , many developed countries are carrying research on deep-sea mining technology for the " ocean economy age " . China also attaches great importance to this subject .

  19. 如何减少和遏制矿产资源开采对环境的破坏,促进经济社会的可持续发展,成为我们亟待解决的重大问题。

    How to reduce the damage which taken by the exploitation of mineral resources and containment of environmental ? How to promote the sustainable development of the economy and society ? The problems must be solved .

  20. 地下矿山应用全面法、房柱法及留矿法等空场类方法进行矿产资源开采过程中,通常会形成大量的采空区。

    A large number of mined-out areas usually formed , in the process of mineral resources exploitation , Open-stope method including breasting mining method , room-and-pillar method and shrinkage mining method were adopted in underground mine .

  21. 本文介绍了本钢矿山企业在几十年的矿产资源开采中,合理的开发,有效地利用矿产资源的经验和方法,并提出有效利用矿产资源的建议。

    This thesis introduce the experience and methods of proper development and effective utilization in the process of mine resource for several years in Benxi Iron and Steel Mining . And table a proposal about proper utilization of mine resource .

  22. 本文提出了建立矿产资源开采专项环境基金,以确保矿产资源生产过程中对环境的恢复和治理的资金来源。

    So this thesis discusses to be sure that we can resume and govern environment in the process of producing mineral resources through establishing the special fund of mining mineral resources from the view of stabilizing of environment protection fund .

  23. 但是,由于我国矿产资源开采业的技术水平和设备有限,再加上利益的驱使,使得在矿产资源的开采过程中造成了许多资源上的浪费和环境的污染。

    However , due to mining of mineral resources , the skills and equipment are limited , together with interest driven , making the exploitation of mineral resources in the process created a number of resource waste and environmental pollution .

  24. 随着我国西部交通网的逐步完善、水电资源大开发及深部矿产资源开采,大批交通隧道、水工隧洞及矿山井巷工程投入建设。

    With the improvement of the transportation network in the western of China , the development of hydropower resources and deep exploitation of mineral resources , a large number of traffic tunnels , hydraulic tunnel and mining well projects are under building .

  25. 在农村矿区,企业把矿产资源开采走了,地表遭到了严重的破坏,环境被破坏了,给当地农民留下的只是消费产品价格的上涨和生产要素价格的上涨。

    In the rural mining area , the business of mineral resources exploitation gone , but the surface was severe damage to the environment was damaged , local farmers left to the only consumer product price increases and increases in the prices of production factors .

  26. 因此,在我国矿产资源开采问题日益严峻的现实情况下,应尽快构建采矿保证金制度。而国家环境管理权的职责要求和公权属性使得采矿保证金的实现成为可能。

    Therefore , the mining recognizance system should be established as soon as possible to handle the increasingly serious problems in mineral resources mining in China . the national authority over environment and public rights of a country ensure to realize the mining recognizance system .

  27. 煤炭、金属矿产资源开采程度逐年加剧,在推动国家社会经济发展的同时,不可避免地损毁或占用了大量包括耕地资源在内的土地资源,引发一系列社会、经济与生态环境问题。

    The yearly increasing percent of mining is a double-edged sword , which has not only promoted national socio-economic development , but also damaged or taken up vast land resources , including arable land resources , then inevitably triggering a series of social , economic and ecological environment .

  28. 铅锌矿产资源的开采导致铅锌矿区镉(Cd)严重污染,是云南省重大环境问题之一。

    Cadmium ( Cd ) pollution caused by mining of Lead ( Pb ) and Zinc ( Zn ) in Pb-Zn mine area is one of the most serious environmental problems in Yunnan .

  29. 矿产资源与开采条件风险评价模型及其应用研究

    Evaluation Model for Mineral Resources and Exploitation Risks and Its Application

  30. 矿产资源及其开采条件风险层次模糊综合评判模型

    AHP-Based Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Model of Mineral Resource and Its Exploitation Conditions Risk