
  • 网络Sports park;Durham Bulls Athletic Park
  1. 与DT652一起陈列于台南市体育公园的CT259。

    CT259 has been displayed with DT652 at Tainan Sports Park , Tainan .

  2. 关于中国体育公园的现代认识

    On the Contemporary Cognition of Sports Park in China

  3. 论城市生态体育公园的开发与建设

    Discussion on Exploitation and Construction of Ecological Sport Parks in Cities

  4. 以休闲旅游景点为基地建造体育公园的研究

    A Study on the Construction of Sports Parks Based on Leisure Scenic Spots

  5. 21世纪公园现代化建设新理念&关注健康,以人为本,构建四化体育公园

    The New Notion of Constructing 21st Modernistic Parks

  6. 每栋建筑均有体育公园的景观面和小区环境的景观面。

    Each building shares the view of sports park and environment of the residential area .

  7. 闵行区环城体育公园

    Minhang District Round Sports Park

  8. 省运会后龙岩体育公园开发利用现状研究

    Research on the Status of the Longyan Sports Park Development and Utilization after the Province Sports Meeting

  9. 体育公园作为锻炼身体的主要场所,愈加受到重视。

    Sports park as the main place which people can take exercises , getting more and more important .

  10. 月中旬,杭州市气象局在杭州城北体育公园和黄龙体育中心各建成一个自动气象站。

    In mid-September the Hangzhou Meteorological Bureau will at the Tiyu Park in northern Hangzhou and at the Yellow Dragon Stadium construct an automatic metrological station .

  11. 城市体育公园&秦皇岛体育中心总体规划及一期综合体育馆方案全民健身之视角:广州体育公园建设及运行保障机制的研究

    Plannig Design and the Gymnasium of 1st Phase for Qinhuangdao Sports View of national keep-fit program : research on construction and security for mechanism of Guangzhou physical training park

  12. 结果表明:我国城市生态体育公园的开发建设速度非常缓慢,规划欠合理,主题不明确,景点内容、形式缺乏个性和特色。

    The results indicate that the ecological sport parks in Chinese cities have the following problems , such as slow development rate , vague topic , lack of characteristic and so on .

  13. 体育公园将绿地和运动有机的结合起来,不仅能为居民提供一个自然环境优良的运动空间,还能提高城市绿地面积,增强其生态效益。

    Sports park organically combined with " green " and " sport ", not only provide a good natural sports space for residents , but also to improve green area for urban and enhance its ecological benefits .

  14. 引言中简述了研究的背景、意义、目的以及研究方法和框架等,阐述了体育公园的相关概念,同时介绍了体育公园的发展历史和体育公园景观设计的研究状况。

    Briefly introduced the background , meaning , purpose , and research methods and framework , to discuss the concept of the sports park , and also describes the research condition of sports park history and sports park landscape design .

  15. 本文的研究的目的是,确定目前教学单位运动和游戏场地的水平、专业体校的运转状况以及城市环境中露天游戏场地和体育公园的设备情况。

    The purpose of my research is to determine the current level of sports equipment in Moscow schools and playgrounds , the condition of specialized sports schools , as well as equipment the urban environment in public playgrounds and sports parks .

  16. 第二部分主要对体育公园景观设计理论进行了探讨,包括体育公园的特征、分类、功能和作用,以及体育公园设计的原则方法和设计要点,以此来指导娄底市体育公园景观设计。

    The second part discussed the theory of sports park landscape architecture , including the sports park features , classification , function and effects , and sports park design methods and features , in order to guide LouDi city sports park landscape design .

  17. 国家也逐渐重视体育公园的建设,体育公园的建设对保护城市生态安全、提供生态服务,维护城市环境卫生发挥着巨大的作用。

    Our country is also paying increasing emphasis on the construction of the sports park , The construction of the Sports Park has played a huge role in the protection of the urban ecological security , and provide ecological services and maintenance of urban environmental sanitation .

  18. 大兴体育休闲公园水世界工程施工

    Construction of Daxing Sports Leisure Park Water World Project

  19. 广州琶洲岛体育健身公园方案设计

    The Planning and Design of Pazhou Island Sports and Gymnastic Park in Guangzhou

  20. 阐述了体育主题公园的概念、分类、特点,其特点主要包括:选址及可行性分析的严密性;

    This paper expatiates on the definition , classification and features of the sports theme parks .

  21. 介绍了广州琶洲岛体育健身公园设计的中标方案。

    The bid-winning plan of the Pazhou Island Sprots and Gymnastic Park in Guangzhou is introduced in this paper .

  22. 北京大兴体育休闲公园水世界工程为结构复杂的斜拉索-张弦梁钢结构,介绍了工程钢结构、膜结构、索结构、幕墙结构等分项工程的特点和施工。

    Beijing Daxing Sports Leisure Park Water World structure system is cable-stayed and beam string structure . Authors introduce the item projects characteristics and construction , such as steel structure , membrane structure , chord structure and curtain structure .

  23. 以秦皇岛市区公园内休闲健身人群为研究对象,并将秦皇岛市区的公园分为体育主题公园、街心公园和高校校园公园三大类,抽取十二个公园开展了深入的调查研究。

    In Qinhuangdao city parks and fitness groups as the research object , and park in Qinhuangdao city is divided into sports theme parks , parks and college campuses parks middle of the street three categories , collected 12 Park on an in-depth study and investigation .

  24. 体育锻炼:社区公园的重要功能

    Physical Exercise : the Important Function of Community Park

  25. 舟山市开发海洋体育旅游类主题公园的可行性研究

    Feasible Study on Developing Theme Park of Marine Sports Tourism in Zhoushan City

  26. 就桂林民族体育旅游类主题公园的旅游产品特点、开发原则进行阐述,并在此基础上提出其旅游产品的开发策略及营销策略。

    The paper mainly analysed the characteristics and development principles of theme park for tourism of minority sport in Guilin and put forward product its strategies for product development and marketing .

  27. 体育运动与散布在城市中的公园绿地等绿色空间结合起来,出现了具有鲜明运动主题的公园类型&体育公园。

    Characterized with a distinctive sports theme , Sports Park appeared with the combination of sports with the green spaces scattered in urban parks .

  28. 总体上看,秦皇岛市城市社区居民体育锻炼场所的选择,前四位依次是公共体育场所、公园和广场、社区内的空地、单位体育场所。

    Overall , the place of community residents participating in exercise of Qinhuangdao is the public spaces , parks and plazas , open space within the community , the unit sports venues .

  29. 随着城市化的进程和大众体育的发展,20世纪90年代,国际上就提出了体育公园的概念。

    In the development of urbanization and the sports for all , a new concept of Sports Park was proposed in 1990 's.

  30. 第五、我国农民工对体育公共场地设施的利用率不高,收费性场体育场所几乎见不到农民工的身影,而开放性的体育公园和体育广场比较受欢迎。

    Fifthly , domestic migrant workers have low utilization rate of public sports facilities . It is difficult to find them in the charged sports facilities while the open sports park and square are favored by them .