
  • 网络postural drainage;posturing;position drainage
  1. 雾化吸入与体位引流结合提高排痰效果的护理观察

    Observation of combination aerosol inhalation with postural drainage for increasing sputum expectoration

  2. 教育的内容主要有饮水、运动和体位引流三方面。

    Educational content include drinking water , physical adjustment and postural drainage .

  3. 阻塞性呼吸道疾病体位引流的护理研究

    Nursing research on positional drainage of obstructive respiratory tract diseases patients

  4. 在做体位引流时要敲击和振动胸部帮助分泌物松动排出。

    Chest percussion and vibration are used with postural drainage to help dislodge secretions .

  5. 震颤结合体位引流用于密闭式吸痰的效果探讨

    Discussion on the Effect of Tremor Combined with Postural Drainage Used in the Closed Endotracheal Suction

  6. 目的探讨雾化吸入与体位引流结合对支气管扩张症的临床治疗价值。

    Objective To investigate the clinical value of the combination therapy of jet nebulizer inhalation and postural drainage .

  7. 结论:雾化吸入与体位引流结合提高了排痰效果,加快了患者康复。

    Conclusion : Combination aeroeal inhalation with postural drainage can increase sputum expectoration and make a quick recovery .

  8. 碘水剂超声雾化吸入支气管造影方法研究及临床应用雾化吸入提高支气管扩张症患者体位引流疗效的护理观察

    Inhaling Iodine Solution Bronchography with Ultrasonic Nebulization Study on the effect of combination therapy of jet nebulization with postural drainage treatment on bronchiectasis patients

  9. 方法对11例肺移植手术患者实施胸部物理治疗,内容包括:深呼吸、有效咳嗽、胸部扣击、体位引流、机械吸引等。

    Methods Chest physiotherapy including deep breath , effective cough , chest percussion , postural drainage and mechanical absorb was performed and system condition of each patient was evaluated before operation and after operation .

  10. 方法采用物理性预防措施,进行腹式呼吸和呵欠运动训练,变换体位与体位引流,运用叩击震动法和有效咳嗽及超声雾化吸入、口腔护理并及时吸痰。

    METHODS The methods were using physical prevention procedures , training patients with abdominal respiratory and yawn , changing position and providing position drainage , by way of knocking shaking and effective cough , ultrasonically inhaled insufflation and oral cavity nursing and aspirating sputum .