
tǐ zhì gǎi gé
  • structural reform
体制改革[tǐ zhì gǎi gé]
  1. 体制改革使企业有了柳暗花明的转机。

    Structural reform has made the enterprise take a turn for the better .

  2. RF设计研究院体制改革案例

    Structural Reform Case of RF Design & Research Institute

  3. 既然他已当上了总统,很多人又再次看到了进行真正的体制改革的希望。

    Now that he has become President , many people once again have hope for genuine changes in the system

  4. 他们又提起经济体制改革问题。

    They recurred to the reform of the economic structure .

  5. 加入WTO后对我国林业投资体制改革的思考

    Thinking About China 's Reform of Forestry Investment System After Its Access to WTO

  6. 我国加入WTO以后,建筑设计市场与国际进一步接轨,建筑设计机构的体制改革势在必行。

    After China entered WTO , the architecture design market meets international standards , and our conventional system needs to be transformed .

  7. MBO在公有体制改革中的可操作性分析

    Operability - Study of MBO in Public Ownership Restructuring

  8. 企业医院体制改革初期医务人员SCL-90调查分析

    SCL-90 Investigation of Medical Works in Enterprise Hospital Early on Structural Reform

  9. 随着上市公司的发展,我国经济体制改革中逐渐出现了MBO的新形式。

    With the development of listed company , as a new form , management buyouts gradually occured in our country 's reform of economic system .

  10. 关于加入WTO后我国的金融业面对着巨大的挑战问题,我们应从加快我国银行体制改革,提高管理水平、发展金融工具、提高人员素质等方面来应对。

    We can cope with the challenges facing China 's financial affairs after entering WTO in terms of speeding up the reform of banking system , raising management proficiency , developing financial tools and improving personnel qualities .

  11. 随着我国加入WTO和医药卫生体制改革的深化,合资医院和私营医疗在反应性方面很有可能优于公立医疗机构。

    After our country join in the WTO , and with the reform of the medicine hygiene system , the joint venture hospital and the privately owned medical treatment will better than the public medical treatment organization in responsiveness .

  12. 分析并指出了我国1980-2000年国内生产总值(GDP)增长率走高的主要原因是得益于扩大内需,调整经济结构,深化经济体制改革及加入WTO等;

    The primary reasons why China gross domestic product ( GDP ) has been growing in 1980-2003 were analyzed , including enhancing domestic demand , adjusting economic structure , deepening the reformation of economic system and WTO admittance .

  13. 随着中国加入WTO和外贸体制改革的不断深化,对外贸易保持了稳定增长的势头,为商业银行发展贸易融资业务提供了更为广阔的空间。

    Since taking party in W T O and the unceasing deepening of foreign trade organizational reform , the foreign trade preserved the stable growth momentum and developed a trade financing provision of service broader space for the commercial bank .

  14. 加入WTO后,随着国际贸易的频繁往来、国际资金流动的迅速增加,进一步开放资本项目,实现人民币资本项目下的可自由兑换成为我国外汇体制改革的必然趋势。

    As the increase of international transactions and capital flows across the border , it is necessary to reduce the number of reservations and relax the regulations on capital flows for our foreign exchange system reform after the entry into WTO .

  15. 公路建设管理体制改革是建立社会主义市场经济体制的需要,是适应加入WTO的要求,是满足国民经济和社会发展的需要,也是中国公路建设事业持续快速健康发展的需要。

    The reform of highway construction management system is the requirements of establish the socialist market system and entering the WTO . Besides , it is essential to the development of highway construction and promoting the national economy and social development .

  16. 随着电力企业维修体制改革和相关技术的进步,RCM(Reliability-centeredMaintenance)在大型电力设备维修工作的应用中显现出巨大的效益。

    With the progress of technology and the innovation of maintenance in power plants , Reliability-Centered Maintenance ( RCM ) is an important and effective way of equipment maintenance .

  17. 随着我国现有的公用事业供给机制特别是投融资体制改革的不断深化,作为国际通行并最具代表性的BOT、TOT、PPP等项目融资模式已开始逐步引入国内。

    With the continuous progress made in the supply mechanism of public utility in China especially the system of investing and financing , the prevalent project financing models such as BOT , TOT and PPP have been introduced to China .

  18. 深化实践教学体制改革,提高实践教学质量

    Deepen the Practical Education System Reform Improve the Practical Education Quality

  19. 美国市政体制改革:背景、过程与发展趋势

    American Municipal Systems Reform : Background , Process and Developing Tendency

  20. 体制改革是为了追求效率。

    The purpose of the structural reforms is to seek efficiency .

  21. 推进铁路运输财务体制改革的若干问题

    Issues Concerning the Promotion of Financial System Reform of Railway Transportation

  22. 国有资产管理体制改革对国民经济动员的影响

    Effect of reforms of fixed assets management on national economic mobilization

  23. 体制改革的实质是利益调整和重新分配。

    The purpose of reform is to mediate and redistribute interests .

  24. 第三部分介绍了国外商业银行体制改革的案例。

    The third part introduces some cases from foreign commercial banks .

  25. 我国行政区划体制改革的生态分析

    A Ecological Analysis of Reform of Administrative Division System in China

  26. 我国电信企业入世后的人力资源体制改革

    Human Resource System Reform of Telecom Enterprises of China in WTO

  27. 建立新机制推进供热体制改革

    Building New System to Advance Organization Reform of Urban Heating System

  28. 加快水利管理体制改革促进水利事业发展

    Quickening WR management system reform , promote WR cause developing

  29. 精简机构,深化行政管理体制改革;

    Streamline organizations , deepen the administrative management system reform ;

  30. 深化文化体制改革,解放和发展文化生产力;

    Deepen cultural mechanism reform , emancipate and develop cultural productive force ;