
  • 网络Ruth;Book of Ruth;The Story Of Ruth
  1. 对《路得记》的叙事技巧的这种研究能为国内圣经叙事研究提供一种新的思路。

    Such a study of the narrative techniques in Ruth might provide a new way for biblical narrative researches at home .

  2. 《圣经》是父权制文化的产物,在其66卷书中仅有两卷书以女性的名字命名,《路得记》便是其中的一卷。

    The Bible is a product of the patriarchal culture and among the 66 books in it , only two of them are named after females ' names , one of which is Ruth .

  3. 《路得记》也属于这样的故事——这是一个多么具有东方情调的故事啊!

    The story of Ruth , too - how Oriental it is !

  4. 第二章论述《路得记》所采用的一些叙事视角。

    The second chapter expounds the narrative perspectives in Ruth .

  5. 《路得记》也属于这样的故事&这是一个多么具有东方情调的故事啊!

    The story of Ruth , too & how Oriental it is !

  6. 从《路得记》看西方文化传统的非亲缘原则&兼与儒家文化相比较

    The Non-consanguinity Policy of Western Traditional Culture in Ruth & In Contrast with Confucianism

  7. 第三章研究《路得记》中的三个阅读位置,即读者占上风、人物占上风及两者持平。

    Chapter three studies the three reading positions in Ruth , reader-elevating , character-elevating and evenhanded .

  8. 就在《列王记》的两本书之前,《路得记》之后。

    It 's right before the two books called Kings and right after the book called Ruth .

  9. 除以上三种叙事技巧外,《路得记》还运用了大量的修辞手法,其中以重复最为突出。

    There is rhetoric in Ruth besides the three narrative techniques mentioned above , and the most obvious one is repetition .

  10. 除探讨《路得记》中的这四种叙事技巧外,本文还浅析这些技巧所体现的深层意识形态。

    Besides studying the four narrative perspectives in Ruth , this thesis also discusses the hidden ideology embodied in these narrative perspectives .

  11. 所以本文第四章主要探析《路得记》所运用的重复技巧,认为该书中的重复主要表现为逐字重复和重复中的变化这两种形式。

    So chapter four mainly examines repetition in Ruth , holding that there are verbatim repetition and repetition with variation in this book .

  12. 所以路得记的背景是以色列人忘记了神的糟糕的景象。伯利恒也是这个国家典型的城市。

    So the background of the book of Ruth is a horrible picture of a nation that has forgotten their God , and Bethlehem is a town that is typical of the state of the nation .

  13. 周末,我们9岁的孩子和我一起读《路得记》,故事令人动容,结局出人意料。这位贫困绝望、流离失所的移民,竟是大卫的祖母,而大卫又是犹太人的大王,可以算是最早的君王。

    At the weekend our nine year old and I read the thrilling Book of Ruth , ending with the bombshell that this poor displaced and desperate immigrant , became grandmother to David , the great King of the Jews . Almost , the greatest .